A Messianic Jewish resource ministry about Messiah Jesus-Yeshua, helping others

to know Him, the Bible, Biblical Jewish roots of Christianity, Israel and God's plan

of eternal redemption and salvation.

July 2024 Menorah Light Mission Report

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- In the world but not of this world -

How can believers be in the world,

but not of the world?

xxxWhen we read of the "world" in the New Testament, we are reading the Greek word cosmos. Cosmos most often refers to the inhabited earth and the people who live on the earth, which functions apart from God. Satan is the ruler of this "cosmos" (John 12:31; 16:11; 1 John 5:19). By the simple definition that the word world refers to a world system ruled by Satan, we can more readily appreciate Christ’s claims that believers are no longer of the world—we are no longer ruled by sin, nor are we bound by the principles of the world. In addition, we are being changed into the image of Christ, causing our interest in the things of the world to become less and less as we mature in Christ.

xxxBelievers in Jesus Christ are simply in the world—physically present—but not of it, not part of its values (John 17:14-15). As believers, we should be set apart from the world. This is the meaning of being holy and living a holy, righteous life—to be set apart. We are not to engage in the sinful activities the world promotes, nor are we to retain the insipid, corrupt mind that the world creates. Rather, we are to conform ourselves, and our minds, to that of Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1-2). This is a daily activity and commitment.

xxxWe must also understand that being in the world, but not of it, is necessary if we are to be a light to those who are in spiritual darkness. We are to live in such a way that those outside the faith see our good deeds and our manner and know that there is something “different” about us. Christians who make every effort to live, think and act like those who do not know Christ do Him a great disservice. Even the heathen knows that “by their fruits you shall know them,” and as Christians, we should exhibit the fruit of the Spirit within us.

xxxBeing “in” the world also means we can enjoy the things of the world, such as the beautiful creation God has given us, but we are not to immerse ourselves in what the world values, nor are we to chase after worldly pleasures. Pleasure is no longer our calling in life, as it once was, but rather the worship of God. Got Questions.org

xxxWe agree and stand with this Biblical world view!

Pastor Re’uben and Donna Drebenstedt, directors

If you have been financially supporting Menorah Ministries, please let us offer to you a hearty THANK YOU. We couldn't do what we do without you.

xxxBut if you have not, would you consider a gift today? Your gift, however small it might be, will be an encouragement to us and will allow us to continue our work for the Gospel.

xxxYou can make a tax-deductible donation to Menorah Ministries by clicking on Donate Now To Menorah Ministries Shalom!

Shalom friends,

xxxJesus’s Kingdom is the homeland for all believers—it’s where we belong. In Him and with Him. Yes, we may physically reside on planet earth, “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ” Philippians 3:20. A Christian worldview is not built on two types of truth (religious and philosophical or scientific), but on a universal principle and an all-embracing system that shapes religion, natural and social sciences, law, history, healthcare, the arts, the humanities, and all disciplines of study with application for all of life.

For I am not ashamed of the Good News, since it is God’s powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone who keeps on trusting, to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile. For in it is revealed how God makes people righteous in His sight…. Romans 1:16-17a

xxxOUR VISION is to reach the Jewish and all nations with the Gospel message of Jesus the Messiah. To freely distribute Bibles and Gospel materials in many languages. To train Believers in evangelism. To promote the richness of the Biblical Hebraic roots of Christianity and Israel. To edify the Church and Believers, providing avenues for others in ministry. To facilitate starting and edifying of congregations and mission groups. To minister in the USA and Israel.

xxxOUR OUTREACHES are primarily Evangelistic helping others to know Him, Jesus (Yeshua), and God's plan of eternal redemption/salvation. John 3:16 One-By-One.....One-On-One, we are a front-line personal witness. As an independent mission we present the Gospel primarily in face-to-face situations. Within our Mission House and outside to the Jewish Community and via our web page!

xxxWe lead Bible Studies and worship services regularly plus witness openly our faith.

xxxRecently in a conversation with a local Jewish man that knows my faith in Jesus, he said we have different understandings, but we could agree to disagree. My response was not on the Messiah because my worldview was Torah/Bible literally as God gave/as written! I do not adhere to Rabbinicism. He quickly changed the topic. Pray for Norman. True Torah means God's revealing of Himself, His plan, His coming Messiah to provide eternal life with Him and His way to live with purpose. True Torah is both all the Old and New Testaments. xx

xxxGod bless and keep you,

xxxI greatly appreciate your prayers and support!

Messianic Pastor Reuben Drebenstedt reuben@menorah.org

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: "May they prosper who love you." Psalm 122:6

- Jesus is that Peace! -

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xxxReuben and I both enjoy doing prayer walks around our Jewish neighborhood! He chooses one path and I go the opposite where there are lots of large green shade trees and pretty landscapes. These 'nature walks' early in the morning refresh my Spirit. I usually exchange only good mornings and a smile with an occasional short conversation in my hour-long walk, praying for our community to desire to talk about Yeshua/Jesus and come to know Him as their Messiah!

xxxMy longer conversations tend to come to me as I putter around our corner lot where I nurture our own flower/veggie garden and shade trees! This is where God directed us to live 28 years ago to be a Light on this Corner. I always find it encouraging when neighbors start their conversation with me by saying, " your home is such a Light on this Corner!" Hmmm... Thank You Jesus! The most orthodox, Hassidic Jewish synagogue is caddie corner from us, so they are always coming and going, walking, driving and parking by our garden/home/Menorah House. God also keeps them in our view from almost every window!

xxxI have many kind conversations that I pray give Glory to God for His handiwork and pray He guides my heart to talk about my Savior and His care for us in the large and small ways of life and sometimes this also leads me to giving them seeds or tips for their own garden, keeping open the doors for conversation! Many come by specifically to talk with Reuben or try to talk him into coming back to Judaism... as many knew him when he had attended their synagogue.

xxxMost know about our work with Menorah Ministries and our small Congregation, Or Ha'Brith, that meets in our home/Menorah House to specifically pray for this community of Jewish Souls to be redeemed by their Messiah Yesua/Jesus! We meet at least twice a week for prayer, services and Bible Study. Pray with us that God continues to send us people with hearts for The Land of Israel, this neighborhood and for His People to know their Messiah! Pray for the 'Peace' of Jerusalem, Psalm 122:6. Yeshua/Jesus is That Peace They Need!

xxxIn His service, unashamed, from the Menorah House, Romans 1: 16-17

xxxxxxDonna, director donna@menorah.org

  Great to daily witness our Lords message to a needy dark world!

Our Videos

Meeting at the Menorah Mission House

 OrHabrith Brochure

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Exploring Babylon and the Prophecies Against Her Video

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Is Islam Biblical?

TO Life- L'Chaim! Find Eternal Life

Yeshua Jesus in Torah-Talmud-Midrash-Biblical Discussion About Messiah Yeshua Jesus

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