MVUU Newsletter

July 5, 2024

Become a Member

Our newsletter is growing! Make sure to fully scroll down or click on "Read Entire Message" in your email so you see all that is happening at MVUU!

MVUU's Current Airborne Communicable Disease status is

LOW Risk in Arizona

Our building is open. Sunday services are in-person and/or online.

Masking is now optional.

Weekly Calendar

Sunday, July 7th

Sunday Book Group Online

8:15 am Email John Clark

Sunday, July 7th Service & Fellowship Hour

"In Search of PLAY"

10:30am  Join Zoom

Tuesday, July 9th

Men's Night Out (Virtual)

7 pm Join Zoom

MVUU Board of Trustees Monthly Meeting 

Thurs. July 18, 2024

6:00-7:30 pm 

MVUU: Peace room or via Zoom link

The Board meetings are open to members to attend and observe the meeting. If you wish to have something considered for the meeting please submit the topic and any supporting documents to Erin Eichelberger, President by Wednesday July 10th by 10:00 pm. This allows the information to be shared with Board members in a timely manner to review and be prepared for any discussions. 

Sunday Services

In Search of...

This July we begin a journey into "cryptoaxiology" the search for hidden values. Borrowing from the pseudo-science of cryptozoology, which seeks out the hidden creatures of the world like jackalopes, the Loch Ness Monster, etc., we will be seeking our hidden or lost values important to our faith. 

While this is a lighthearted approach, our search is vital right now. Our Unitarian Universalist Association has adopted changes to its purpose and the covenant among our congregations (CLICK HERE to read them) and here at MVUU we need to understand what this means for us. As we search for understanding, values important to our faith community, play, kinship, reciprocation, and belonging, will be guiding us.

July 7 "In Search of PLAY"

The Jackalope bounds into our service to introduce us to July's theme and invite us to return to play as a means to engage, love, and transform the mayhem of our world.

July 14 "In Search of KINSHIP"

We just might catch a glimpse of the Loch Ness Monster, Nessie, as we search for the meaning of relationship within our faith tradition.

July 21 "In Search of RECIPROCATION"

Ritual of Joys & Sorrows

The all too often appropriated "Big Foot" strides out of hiding to teach us about reciprocation in our relationships.

July 28 "In Search of BELONGING

Aliens will be landing in Unidentified Flying Objects, UFOs, to bring us a message of universal peace and deep belonging. 

Please join us for any or all of our Sundays as we search together for meaning. All our services are hybrid with in-person and on Zoom means to participate. 

Happy New Year!


This New Year

By Addae Ama Kraba


Let this year be a clean slate for new beginnings.

I Pray for stamina.

To finish things left uncompleted.

To call on people I neglected last year.

I Pray for courage.

To rally in the cause for peace and justice.

To speak out in support when others remain silent.

I Pray for empathy.

To better understand the pain and suffering of others.

To continue engaging heart to heart.

I Pray for patience.

When seeking resolutions to problems.

When seeking a new beginning after an ending.

I Pray for creativity.

In seeking new meaning in service.

Engaging others in service to the beloved community.

I Pray for peace.

Between friends and families.

Between communities and countries.

All these things I pray for in this time of beginning,

in this new year.


I am grateful for the time volunteered and energy that Tom Sawyer, Sally Wistrand, Lee McMeley and Bob Seyfried have given to MVUU in their roles on the Board the last 2-3 years. I’m honored to have begun my presidency with each of you.


Melody Luepke, Pat Moyer and Mary Dupuis, thank you for accepting the nomination to join the Board. I am looking forward to getting to know each of you better and working together for MVUU.


Theda Ellis, Robin Bousell, Jess Collins and Rev Matthew- I greatly appreciate the work you’ve done this last year. I have seen your dedication and passion for MVUU. I look forward to continuing this work with you this next year.


Erin Eichelberger

Board President

Where Olive Trees Weep

Documentary & Discussion at MVUU

Saturday, July 20, 2024

1pm in the Mesquite Room

Where Olive Trees Weep offers a searing window into the struggles and resilience of the Palestinian people under Israeli occupation. It explores themes of loss, trauma, and the quest for justice.” - from documentary synopsis 

Join Rev. Matthew and Samar Adi in a presentation and facilitated discussion of the award winning documentary, Where the Olive Trees Weep. This is an opportunity to engage the ongoing Israeli/Palestinian conflict and violence with our UU values, to love and care for people at MVUU and globally, and to transform our understanding and action in the face of ongoing violence. Samar will introduce the documentary and Rev. Matthew will facilitate a trauma informed discussion afterwards. 

Unfortunately, we do not have the permission for this to be a hybrid event, so it will only be in person. RSVP to Rev. Matthew,, so we can plan in-person seating and child care for parents who wish to attend. 

If you would like to view the documentary on your own or would like more details about the film, please go to the Where Olive Trees Weep website:

Art Group


from 10am – noon. We will learn all about and make our own cartoons. No artistic talent or background needed! Any questions. please contact Ginny Stack at ph/text (630) 841-8705 or

Bookaholics Unanimous

We are a group of enthusiastic readers who meet the last Tuesday of the month at 2 pm. Our next meeting will be on July 30.  The book will be: The Boys, by Katie Hafner.  We currently meet by ZOOM. If you are interested and would be new to the group contact Anne Leonard at or call 520-307-8045.  

Baja 4 Calendar of Events

It's the Baja 4 tool that will allow you to predict the future. You'll know what events are happening before anyone else!

You can also sign up for the LFD newsletter! Simply send an email to Sonora atBaja4Sonora@gmail.comor resister HERE.

Check out our calendar of events at HERE.

Friday Fun Night: Game Night!

July 26 | 6:00-8:00pm | UUCT in the Servetus room

Join us for a family-friendly game night; those with or without children are welcome, and if you have a friend who isn’t a member but loves games, they can certainly come along!

We’ll have plenty of games on hand, but if you have a favorite board game, card game or party game, please bring it. If you would like to bring food and eat before playing, or pitch in to order pizza with others, join us at 5:15pm.

If you need child care, please contact Jamili Omar; if you have any other questions, contact Brad Weeks

Humane Society Collections:

July 5th through August 11th

Our UU kids are flexing their muscles at making a difference in the lives of shelter animals! We are collecting supplies and money to take to the shelter to make the animals’s stay there easier.

We hope you’ll help! Bring any items from the list below to UUCT or MVUU. Want to see your dollars really stretch far? Contribute financially! You can bring in cash or a check made out to the Humane Society of Southern Arizona to UUCT 4831 E. 22nd St, Tucson AZ 85711 or MVUU 3235 W Orange Grove Rd Tucson AZ 85741. Or donate online directly at

HSSAZ is seeking supplies like those linked below. Some of these items can be found laying around our house (toilet or paper towel rolls, old towels, and newspapers), and some of these items can be found at our grocery stores (hot dogs, baby wipes, paper towels, disinfectant wipes) Please consider donating and help those animals in need.

For a full list click here:

UUs at the Splash Pad

July 13, 2024 | 10am-1pm | Brandi Fenton Park at 3482 E River Road

Located at 3482 East River Road, Tucson, AZ 85718, this park has a super fun splash pad! We have a pop up tent set up a short walk from the water. The splash pad is not reserved just for us, so grown-ups please plan to supervise your kids while they are playing. Adults are welcome to enjoy the splash pad!

We'll have pizza (vegetarian, but no gluten free) available. Bring snacks to share, beverages, and a blanket or chair to sit on.

To see the park and accessibility options, check out the website here. We are a short distance from public restrooms.

Spirited Conversations

July 18 | 5:00-7:00pm | Panera Bread at 6129 E Broadway Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85711 (east side)

Wonder. Values. Wisdom.

Join Jamili at Panera Bread for deep discussions over your favorite beverage or dinner. I’ll come prepared with a few opening questions and you bring yours! Let’s talk about the meaning of life or just the things that make life meaningful.

Raising Adolescents

July 13 and 27 | 10-11am | Meetings held on Zoom

Connection. Inspiration. Acceptance.

If you’re an adult raising children who are ages 10-ish to 18-ish, join us for a supportive environment to discuss all the joys and frustrations of “kids these days.” Everyone is welcome, though we will focus primarily on the experiences of tweens and teens, particularly around issues of sexuality, Gender Identity, Relationships, Social Media, Safety and Consent, and more.

Topics to be determined by the group. Bring your wisdom and questions to share.

Join us on zoom

Meeting ID: 975 7892 4511

Passcode: 973902

Baja 4 Public Witness Event Planning

July 29, 2024 | 5-6pm AZ Time | Zoom

Connection. Collaboration. Organization.

Are you someone who loves to know how decisions are made and to help shape a community? Do you want to represent UUs and the Baja 4 at events like Bisbee Pride, Tucson Pride, and Tucson Comic-Con?

The Baja 4 Coordinating Committee is a place where you can do just that! We meet monthly in order to share ideas and wisdom across the Baja 4, and to help set the direction for the Baja 4 Collaborative. If you’re interested in learning more, contact Jamili at

Meeting ID: 924 9453 2534

Passcode: 973902

“Taking joy in living is a woman's best cosmetic"


WE MEET Every Third Saturday at MVUU 10:00-Noon to join together in friendship and laughter. Please join us! 

Please mark your calendars in advance for the third Saturday of each month. 

NOTE: We have set up a GOOGLE GROUPS email system. Through this group, we send important notices and updates. If you have asked to be in our group, but have not received an Email Invitation to join the Google Group “Women and Connections,” please check your spam folder. If you don’t see it in your spam folder, please email and we will send another invite. 


Cathy Becskehazy (

Pamela Gilbert (

Claudia Silverman (

June Woven Basket Partner:

UU the Vote

UU the Vote is a bold initiative created by the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Side With Love team, providing UUs a thoughtfully crafted “plug-and-play” opportunity to bring our democratic values to life in the crucial struggle to build a genuine multiracial democracy. UU the Vote engages people in voter registration, issue education, get-out-the-vote drives, voter protection, state leadership development, and more. 

Now, in 2024, we have progressed to shift from just election-year organizing to year-round movement-building work toward building a truly inclusive democracy.


Peer Grief Group

Sunday, July 14. 

Grief group meeting in Loft room at MVUU 12:30 pm

Questions? Email Ann Bowling 


Good news: the coffee project is once again a team! Elizabeth Van Horn is joining in, so we have diverse representation now: one caffeinated, one decaffeinated. Mugs up to Elizabeth!

Due to shipping struggles, we are changing our coffee vendor to other Fair Trade coffee providers. Once our Café Justo coffee is depleted, we will start on our next coffee shipment. June 2 will be our only sales date in June due to various vacations currently planned.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Melody and Elizabeth

The Sunday Book Group on Zoom

On Sunday May 26 we will begin discussing our new book: How Emotions Are Made: The secret life of the brain (3rd edn.) by Lisa Feldman Barrett. We will be reading and discussing this book into July 2024.  For more information contact John Clark at

Bookaholics Unanimous

We are a group of enthusiastic readers who meet the last Tuesday of the month at 2 pm. Our next meeting will be on July 30.  The book will be: The Boys, by Katie Hafner.  We currently meet by ZOOM. If you are interested and would be new to the group contact Anne Leonard at or call 520-307-8045.  

Men's Night Out (Virtual)

Tuesdays at 7 pm

Join us for Men's Night Out, every Tuesday evening via Zoom. Click to Join Zoom For more information Email Tom Sawyer

Calling all Women

MVUU women enthusiastically supported the idea of a women's group. Joining together in friendship and laughter on the third Saturday in May, a group of MVUU women can gather in a comfortable setting. Contact


Recycling for D,C,AA,AAA and Button batteries ONLY is now available. Place them the labeled bucket next to the Library. 

Caring Circles

Join a Caring Circle to connect, strengthen, and expand ties within our congregation. Circles meet weekly or bi-weekly via Zoom and/or in person. Got Questions? Email Pi Irwin


We are a Welcoming Congregation, inviting all LGBTQs in all areas of our community. If you want to speak to someone from the church about LGBTQ+ issues, email or text MVUU's affiliated minister, Rev. Christiane Heyde (520) 393-9960.

Volunteer with MVUU!

Sharing a few minutes of your Sunday morning will create an atmosphere of care and community as you welcome people coming to MVUU.

Sign Up Here to work with Welcomers :

Fellowship Hour Goodies & Treats Sign Up

We now are ready to welcome the congregation's participation via the Fellowship Hour Goodies Sign Up for each week. We cater to those with special food preferences and request only one to two items per category. Thank you!

MVUU Membership Invitation

If you are interested in joining our community and would like to become a member at MVUU, please email


Woven Basket Partner

Give your pledge or
Donate to MVUU online
Send your check to MVUU, P.O. Box 91080, Tucson, AZ 85752, indicating which fund you'd like it to go to (i.e. Pledge, Operating Fund, Capital Campaign, Woven Basket, etc.).

Find your Friends in MVUU's Photo Directory

For login directions Email

Newsletter Deadlines: The next newsletter will be published Friday, July 12th. Submit articles to by 12 pm, Monday July 8th. No Exceptions. Articles may not exceed 250 words. Thank you.