Volume XIII, Issue XXXI August 12, 2024


Your Weekly Catechetical News from the

Office of Christian Formation

 Dear Erin,            

The Catechetical Leader Day of Reflection scheduled for Tuesday August 6th has been re-rescheduled to Tuesday, December 10.

It will now be an Advent Day of Reflection.

Fr. Ben will still be the presenter.

Refresher, Reminder #7

A question that comes up frequently is "what is the mandated curriculum for OCIA?" Simple answer, "There is not one." As mentioned a couple of weeks ago, paragraph 75 guides the formation for the OCIA process. While there are certainly topics that need to be in the conversation during the process, each person and each group has different need, and they are all on different faith journeys.

With all of this in mind, here is just a sample of how an OCIA Team might approach each of the 4 distinctive stages of the process, with attention given to what should be happening at each of the stages of the process.

Sample Syllabus for an OCIA Process

Sacramental Preparation for School Aged Children

The full policy is below. Here are some highlights based on questions that are coming into the office with the beginning of the academic year:

There are two types of preparation that go on simultaneously when children and youth are discerning or being prepared for sacraments: Remote and Immediate

Remote preparation is simply the curriculum for that their current grade level. this is taught whether they are in a Catholic School, a parish Faith Formation Program or if they are being homeschooled. Here is the link to that current Pre 3 - 8 Curriculum

Immediate Preparation is that preparation that is specific to the reception of that partic7ualr sacrament. This preparation is done at the parish with all three of the groups listed above being formed together for the particular sacrament.

The National Directory for Catechesis outlines what needs to be covered for each of the 3 sacraments:

Immediate preparation outlines These outlines assume that the parish is using a textbook from the USCCB Conformity list. A Confirmation retreat is mandated for those preparing for Confirmation. A certain number of hours, as a minimum, are also listed in the policy for each sacrament.

Children over the age of reason (7-8) who are lacking sacraments are placed in the parish's OCIA process where their parents accompany them.

Sacramental Preparation Policies for School Aged Children

Opening Gathering for Parish Catechetical Leaders (DREs, CREs, and AREs) will be on Tuesday, September 10 beginning with Mass in the Marywood Chapel celebrated by Bishop Pohlmeier at 9:30 am. Every parish should send their leader or delegate to this gathering. To register:

Jotform to register

Liturgical Year (C) Book Sales

We are pleased to offer yet another option for ordering the annual liturgical year materials, a webpage. Try will see a picture of the item, receive a confirmation of your order as well as the amount due when you receive the materials in early September. Please note, the OCIA materials will not be available until after November 1.

Deadline for orders is August 20.

Webpage to order We will still be billing the parish. Please note, if you have an outstanding balance, we will not process your order.

Paper order from for 2024-2025 Fax, scan, email to office with information on the form.

It is extremely helpful that only one person per parish place orders. Talk amongst yourselves!

If you pre-ordered a copy (ies) of Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside the Mass...these are in and being distributed. If you did not order, I will be placing another order with the liturgical year orders August 20, as all copies in the office are spoken for.

Circle of Grace Safe Environment Programming

Over 2 years ago, the Diocese of St. Augustine adopted the Circle of Grace Program as the vehicle it will use for helping children and youth understand the sacredness of their body and to be more aware of things that might be harmful to them. These lessons were designed by the archdiocese of Omaha and are mandated to be a part of every religion class, faith formation class, and youth program.

To assist these groups in having leaders prepared to lead their teams in how to use these lessons, the OCF has again scheduled two trainings for leaders, which will be hosted by the Archdiocese of Omaha via Zoom:

Friday, September 20 at 10:00 am

Friday, September 27 at 3:00 pm

Zoom links will be provided closer to the dates.

Administering Confirmation to Youth in DOSA 2025 edition (please read)



40th Annual Faith Formation Day

Saturday, October 5, 2024 at Bishop John J. Snyder High School.

Registration is now open for this special formation event. There is truly something for everyone in the workshops that will be presented:

Keynote: Dr. Kevin Dowd (sponsored by Pflaum) Our identity as Members of the Body of Christ

Clergy Session: Fr. Tom Willis, V.F. will present on the new ritual, Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharistic Mystery Outside of Mass.

Dr. Alex Groppe will present: The Wedding of Heaven and Earth" A Journey Through the Mass.

Fr. Jhon Guarnizo will present: Do You Know Who I am? (in both Spanish and English)

Denise Pressley, M.P.S. will present: Parents and Families sharing of Insights and Suggestions in working with Families.

Dennis Johnson (sponsored by Loyola Press) will present: Bring Joy to Catechesis: Catholic Identity Begins with You. (in both Spanish and English)

Paul Truckenbord (sponsored by the Augustine Institute) will present: The Crucial Path to Fruitful Evangelization

Dr. Kevin Dowd (sponsored by Pflaum) will present: Teaching Kids to Respect Others

We will also have two units of Basic Certification:

Role of the Catechist (Sam Matthews)

Scripture (Pat Cook)

Flyer with full workshop Descriptions

Jotform for Individual Registration

Jotform for Groups of 4 from same location (bargain hunters click here)

Catechetical Sunday, September 15, 2024

Catechetical Sunday is celebrated in the United States on the third Sunday of September as a way for parishes to acknowledge and commission those who serve the parish and school community as catechists.

 In his Apostolic letter, Antiquum ministerum, Pope Francis describes the role of the catechist as:  “Catechists are called first to be expert in the pastoral service of transmitting the faith as it develops through its different stages from the initial proclamation of the kerygma to the instruction that presents our new life in Christ and prepares for the sacraments of Christian initiation, and then to the ongoing formation that can allow each person to give an accounting of the hope within them. At the same time, every catechist must be a witness to the faith, a teacher and mystagogue, a companion and pedagogue, who teaches for the Church. Only through prayer, study, and direct participation in the life of the community can they grow in this identity and the integrity and responsibility that it entails.”

Annual Theme

Lord, when did we see you hungry"

Matthew 25:37

"Señor, ¿cuándo te vimos hambriento? "

Mateo 25;37

Commissioning of Catechists

We encourage using Catechetical Sunday to publicly commission and pray for those who will serve as catechists and teachers in the parish community. A commissioning rite is available to use at the Sunday Masses or in a special prayer service:

Commissioning Service (English) 

Servico de Comisión (Spanish)

Catechetical Sunday also offers an opportunity to recall that all of the baptized have roles in handing on the faith in their daily life, families, work, and church involvement. 


The USCCB provides resources (prayer cards, certificates, mostly available as free downloads) for parishes to use for the celebration of Catechetical Sunday: 

Resources from USCCB

Other resources:

Sadlier (2024 not posted yet)

6th Annual Blessing of Homeschool Families Mass and Reception

Monday, September 23 at 5:30 pm at San Jose Parish Registration is open:

Link to register a family

US Bishops National Catholic Mental Health Campaign - October 2024

The US Bishops' National Catholic Mental Health Campaign will once again call for awareness and prayer this October around World Mental Health Day. In response to the bishops' campaign, Catholic Charities USA and the Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers (CMHM) are collaboratively inviting interested parishes to offer Whole Hearted, the free trauma awareness seminar for all, on a single Sunday of their choosing this October.


An informational one-hour meeting offering full details will be led virtually by Dr. Mike Carotta on Monday, August 19th at 3:00pm ET/12:00pm PT for parishes interested in responding to the US Bishops' Mental Health Campaign in this way.


·    To attend and learn more, click here to register.


·    For more information about the Whole Hearted resource and to download it, go to the Catholic Charities website.


·    For resources from the US Bishops' Campaign go the USCCB Mental Health webpage.

Maryknoll is partnering with NCCL to bring a deeper global perspective to catechesis and missionary discipleship.


The Maryknoll Mission Formation Team is a community of missionary disciples with expertise and experience to accompany, educate and animate you to experience the JOY of engaging in God’s mission of love. Drawing upon the charism and worldwide mission experience of the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, we strive to create a culture of mission in the U.S. by fostering a holistic approach to missionary discipleship that begins within the heart and expands outward in ever broadening circles of global solidarity as envisioned by Joy of the Gospel. Attend our programs, join us on a trip, and use our free resources.


Catechetical Resources

Check our FREE Maryknoll resources that could help you during the upcoming school year in your parish faith formation programs and schools for children in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade:


·    Care for Creation

·    Global Solidarity

·    Servant Leadership

·    Migration


Find these resources here: Discover Your Neighbor


Sunday Gospel Resources

Subscribe here to receive our weekly resource to break open the Sunday Gospel. Our resource is available for adults and children in both English and Spanish. Here is a sample

Basic Certification (Level I)

Upcoming locations and dates:

Holy Faith, Gainesville

August 17 and 18

Jotform to register (closes on Wednesday, August 14 morning)

St. John the Baptist, Atlantic Beach

September 7 and 8

September 21 and 22

Jotform to register

St. Luke, Middleburg

November 9 and 10

November 23 and 24

Jotform to register

St. Matthew, Jacksonville

January 11 and 12

January 25 and 26

Jotform to register

Standard Certification (Level II) and Beyond

The Office of Christian Formation maintains agreements with the University of Dayton and the University of Notre Dame so that anyone in the Diocese of St. Augustine can take classes at a 50% off rate (STEP and VLCFF classes). Both classes in Spanish and English.


Courses Begin August 26

STEP classes at McGrath Institute

Cycle 6: September 2, - October 6, 2024

(Registration: Opens July 17, 2024; Closes August 28, 2024)

VLCFF link to page

Continuing Formation (Level III) Opportunities

From our Publishing Partners:

Pflaum is pleased to offer a variety of webinars to support parish and diocesan faith formation leaders, parish catechists, Catholic school teachers, and parents.

Pflaum Webinars

Sadlier is excited to announce their new professional development courses tailored for dioceses, Catholic schools, catechists, and parish communities.

Catholic Identity

Theology of the Body

Did you know that most of our religion publishers will provide training on their materials for FREE for your catechists? Reach out to our reps today to get on their schedules.

Email the office if you need rep contact info.

St. John Vianney Seminary, Lay Division presents: "Reading the Classics, Living Like Saints

Online and in person offering beginning in September with informational sessions being held prior.

Video recordings will also be available.

Visit SJV Lay Division for more information and to register.

Faith Meets AI

Fr. Ricky Manalo, CSP, Ph.D will be providing a 2 hour workshop on three occasions. This workshop will discuss the benefits as well as the challenges in he use of AI i a faith based environment.

Individual costs are $35 or groups can register for $30.

Here are the dates of times of the three opportunities (each offering is the same)

Monday, August 19 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Saturday, September 21 Noon - 2:00 pm

Wednesday, October 9 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Faith Meets AI Registration

I am in Chicago this week for the Catholic Family Summit in support of the Lilly Foundation Grant and the NCCL.

Visit our office website