Justice Respect Compassion Diversity
September 13, 2020
Notes from the Chair:

So you are "So Gonna Vote" - Here’s How!

 “In a dark season of pestilence, COVID has reduced to tatters the illusion of American exceptionalism. At the height of the crisis, with more than 2,000 dying each day, Americans found themselves members of a failed state, ruled by a dysfunctional and incompetent government largely responsible for death rates that added a tragic coda to America’s claim to supremacy in the world.” Rolling Stone
With each new day we hear more horrific stories about the current occupant of the White House. We have our motivation, now we all must vote and we must get our friends to vote. I challenge you to find 15 fellow citizens and be sure they vote blue. Here’s how to vote:
The best way to vote is to Early vote which begins on October 13 and runs until October 30
There will be early voting in two locations; The Election office at 221 Fawn Valley Dr. and Boerne City Hall. You can go to the KCDP website kcdems.us or the Election Office site for details; https://www.co.kendall.tx.us/page/Elections.Current.November

Folks early voting or doing mail in voting will reduce the load on election day and help us reduce lines and improve social distancing. Staci Decker our Election Administrator has developed a great plan to safely conduct voting operations in light of the pandemic. If you are nervous about going into a polling place you can vote by mail if you are eligible or curbside vote during early voting and on election day. Dr. Fauci has pointed out, voting will be as safe as going to the grocery store if you follow the Guidelines.
Mail in voting is an option for those over 65, folks who will be out of town, are ill or disabled or are in jail but not convicted of a crime. This is how I am going to vote. When I receive my ballot in early October, I will first carefully read the instructions. I will then complete it, voting for all the Democratic candidates, seal and sign the outside of the mailing envelope. I plan to mail my ballot on the same day I get it.

 Be sure and sign, some folks do forget, then put a 55-cent stamp on it and mail it. I am assured by Staci Decker it will only take one stamp. I will then wait a week and call the election office to be sure they got my ballot. There are ways to check on-line but just call, it is easier. 

Remember, if you are in doubt about whether you have a ballot coming to you or after you mail in vote whether your ballot has been received just call 830 331 8701. The Election Office will be happy to help you. You can also drop your ballot off at the election office, 221 Fawn Valley Dr.when it is open normally 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. It will of course also be open during all the early voting times and on election day. You will need to show a picture ID and sign a register to drop off your ballot.
If you can’t early vote or vote by mail, Election day Nov 3 will be your last chance. The polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. and you can vote at any of the eleven voting centers around the county. Please have an election plan so you know where to go vote and who or what to vote for. The plan should include voting for all the Democrats which includes 13 women and 2 men in Kendall County In 2019, the Republican controlled Texas Legislature outlawed straight party voting to try to hurt the Democratic vote so you must vote up and down the ballot. If you are in the City limits of Boerne you will have 13 City Charter Amendments to vote on and if you are in Boerne City Council District 3 you will have to choose a City council person. There will be information on these elections in the local papers and you can always got to Vote441.org for information from the League of Women Voters.

 If you have a question checkout the websites mentioned above or call the Election Office 830-331-8701 or the KCDP at 830- 331- 0672. Also, we have folks available to drive you to the polls if you need help getting there.
So if you’re looking for a break from our national tragicomedy, from anti-intellectualism, the rejection of science, and a callous disregard for human suffering and hardship, look no further than the Kendall County Democratic Party, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and all the other great Democratic candidates.

 Remember your mission is to get at least 15 other folks to Vote Blue,


Stay Safe and Stay Engaged

Kevin Henning
Kendall County Democratic Chair
Are You Ready To Turn Texas Blue?
Now is the time to SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER.

We’ve had lots of training and Zoom sessions and meetings…..but the time for training is past.  Whether it’s calling local Democrats to encourage them to vote, or writing and mailing postcards to remind people of important voting dates, or working in the office, or writing Letters to the Editor, the time to act is NOW. Our “Help Build the 2020 Blue Wave” page on our website has a complete list of volunteer opportunities and who to contact to sign up. We’ll also have some “virtual” events you can sign up for on the Events section of our web site (URL: https://www.mobilize.us/kendalltxdems/?zip=78006) this coming week, so be sure to check out the latest events.
If you’re unsure about what to sign up for, please call or email me (deputychair@kendalltxdemocrats.org, 210-884-6843) and I’ll be happy to chat with you to find the right job for your interests.
This is going to be a tough election, and it will require ALL our efforts to prevail against the toxicity coming from the White House and Republicans. Please sign up today!
Thanks for your support,
Laura Bray
Deputy Chair, Kendall County Democratic Party

  • Join us on Wednesday September 16 at 11am, either at the office or via Zoom, to learn how to call local Democrats and remind them to vote. We'll offer a short training to show you how to use our Virtual Phone Bank tool. (Two laptops are available at the office, or you can bring your own laptop/tablet). Help us make calls to encourage ALL our local supporters to head to the polls this fall. Sign up here: https://www.mobilize.us/kendalltxdems/event/320372/

  • Join us on Saturday September 19 at 2:30 pm at the office for a final voter registration push. We've identified local homes that may have unregistered voters, and we have door-hangers that include detachable voter registration forms that new residents can complete and mail in. We'll gather at our office to distribute forms, maps, and instructions. Then we'll disperse into "walkable" neighborhoods and leave the voter registration forms on their doorknobs....no contact needed! Sign up here: https://www.mobilize.us/kendalltxdems/event/320382/

The election draws ever closer, so NOW is the time to sign up to take action! For a complete list of events, visit: https://www.mobilize.us/kendalltxdems/?zip=78006
Thank you to all who participated in Saturday's Peace Train.
Wonderful Turn Out! Vote Blue!
Over the next 3 weeks leading up to early voting, we’ll run a Candidate Profile in each newsletter. These profiles will introduce you to our amazing slate of Democratic candidates, what they’re running for, why that office is important, and a short candidate profile. Please share with your friends and family!
MJ Hegar
Running for: US Senate
Donate here: https://mjfortexas.com/

MJ Hegar is passionate about breaking the gridlock that’s blocking any constructive progress in Washington. She will work to permanently end child separation at the border; for investments in clean, renewable energy; for a strong public education system; and for stronger civil rights protections for LGBTQ citizens.

MJ is a decorated combat veteran, having served three tours in Afghanistan as a combat search and rescue and medevac pilot with the US Air Force. She led an effort to open up ground combat positions to women in the military. She graduated from the University of Texas and is a working mom with two young sons.
MJ says, “We deserve a leader who represents Texas values: strength, courage, independence, putting our families first — because we sure as heck don’t value the weakness, partisanship, and gridlock that’s representing us now.”

Why is this office important?
The US Senate deliberates and passes legislation that touches the lives of all Americans. Under its current leadership, the Senate has refused to take up important legislation related to COVID relief, responsible gun control, immigration reform, and more. MJ will fight for the interests of veterans, for adequate healthcare for all, for reproductive rights, and for the interests of all Texans, not just the privileged few.

Click on the link to view MJ Hegar on Rachel Maddow Show (9/3/2020), in response to the president’s reported disparaging comments about servicemen killed in battle.

Previous Candidate Issues

Did you miss a spotlight in a previous issue? Find them all on our website here: https://kendalltxdemocrats.org/2020-candidates/
Wendy Davis, Chrysta Casteneda , Stephanie Phillips, Rebecca Bell-Martinez,
Rebeca Martinez.


We’re fired up and proud of our great Democratic candidates

We want all of Kendall County to know it! It’s very important for us to be visible and open about the great candidates on our ticket, to remind neighbors and passersby: “There are more of us than you think!”

So if you’d like to plant a “Democracy Garden” like the one pictured here, we’ve got the “seeds” you need. At the Democratic HQ in Boerne, we’ve got the following campaign signs, with more on their way:

  • Biden for President
  • Biden/Harris- Large banners &Yard signs
  • Wendy Davis for Congress (official campaign logo, light blue)
  • Texans for Wendy Davis (Texas flag graphic)
  • Stephanie Phillips for Texas House District 73
  • Justice Rebeca Martinez for Chief Justice, 4th Court of Appeals
  • Vote Blue 2020 / Votar Azul 2020
  • Bracelets for Joe Biden
  • Rebecca Bell-Metereau (SBOE District 5):

We also have signs and “car magnets” with the “Vote Blue 2020 – Unite the Country” message featured on our new billboard on I-10 (eastbound between Comfort and Boerne).

You can either stop by our Democratic HQ in Boerne to pick up your campaign signs.

Or contact Christina Huckaba @ 210-274-3448 or email to christinahuckaba@gmail.com
and we will deliver them to your door or plant them in your yard for you!

A donation of $10 per sign is optional, but very helpful to keep our campaigns and “gardens” growing.

Democratic HQ's
518 East Blanco, Boerne

Wed-Sun 1:30-4:30.

Masks are required. We have masks available if needed.

We’ve seen a lot of energy lately, with people wanting to pick up yard signs and sign up to help. We want to expand our office hours, but we need MORE VOLUNTEERS to do so.
Please contact Sherry Thurman to sign up.
Donations made via Act Blue go directly to Kendall County Democratic Party, except for a 3.95% credit card processing fee. The money we raise supports the Democratic Operations for Kendall County. We need funds to operate an Office, Train volunteers, “Get out the vote” efforts; Mailings, Posters, Advertising, etc. 
Donate Online!
We encourage you to donate to the Party online with the secure online donation site ActBlue accessible from our home page.
We understand that some folks just don’t like online donations: “Prefer to donate via check or money order? Send it to PO Box 2321, Boerne TX 78006-6321.”

Check out KCDP Facebook page!
Feel free to forward to a friend!
Click here to be added to our mailing list!
Office 518 East Blanco, Boerne
( same building as Mary’s Tacos, enter through rear entrance) 
830-388-0109 bstrain947@aol.com