Paid for by your OCWM Contributions| June 30, 2021
Message to the Conference
Members and friends of Penn Central Conference -

…many who heard him were astounded. They said, “Where did this man get all of this? What is the wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done by his hands!” (Mark 6:2b NRSV)

Chapter 5 of Mark’s gospel is a chapter packed with healing. Jesus, after calming the storm on the see of Galilee, comes ashore in the land of the Gerasenes (which is Gentile territory) and is accosted by a man possessed with demons. The man lives in the tombs and no matter what anyone does, he breaks all chains and raves wildly. Jesus sends the legion of demons out of him into a herd of swine, who rush into the sea. The man, now “clothed and in his right mind” wants to join Jesus but is sent instead to tell his friends of the mercies of God.

Jesus crosses back to the other side of the sea, back into Jewish territory. In the crowds that swell up around him, Jairus comes and pleads for Jesus to come and see his daughter who is dying. As Jesus moves in this direction, a woman with a flow of blood seeks healing by touching his cloak. Immediately sensing that “power had gone out from him” Jesus turns and seeks her out. She comes forward and confesses to touching him. He proclaims that her faith has made her well.

In the meantime, Jairus’ daughter has died. Jairus’ friends claim that he shouldn’t bother Jesus any longer, but Jesus goes to his home and in one of the most moving vignettes in the gospel, he takes the girl by the hand and lifts her up to life.

The healings in chapter 5 tell us something about power. Early in chapter 5 the demons have power over the Gerasene man. The woman with the flow of blood is powerless against her own body. The little girl has succumbed to the power of death. Moving forward by just one chapter we learn of the death of John the Baptist, victim of the power of Herod.

All the situations in Chapter 5 appear permanent: madness, terminal illness, destitution, death. They also represent all people: Gentiles, Jews, man, woman, a child. They demonstrate how suffering is shared and experienced within a community (the man and his village), within an individual (the woman), and within a family (the child). All also demonstrate something being awry. Each illustration shows us something that is somehow wrong. The man is out of his mind, the woman is deeply ill, and a child’s death is never ‘normal.’ Despite the apparent hopelessness of all three, Jesus heals them. He restores them. His power is used for restoration, for setting things aright, for bringing people back into a state of harmony. Jesus’ use of power is a stark – and beautiful – contrast to the power of demons, sickly bodies, a child’s death or a king’s whim.

The chapter is deeply humbling. I find I must ask myself, how am I using the power I have been given? We call upon the Holy Spirit to empower us. For what will we use that power? I confess I have not always used my power to lift someone by the hand or turn toward someone in need. Yet Mark reminds me that those who follow Jesus are called to use their power to set things right. To engage the darkness and the suffering and seek restoration. We may only have small reserves of power, but our tiniest acts of restoration can bring Jesus’ healing, wholeness, harmony and balance to a world in pain.


Rev. Dr. Carrie Call
Conference Minister
Penn Central Conference
Printable eNews are available. Pastors and secretaries, please feel free to share with your congregation members that don't get this weekly email. Download and print this PDF with the weekly message to the conference, prayers for Penn Central and brief list of events.
Scheduling notes:

June 25 - July 4 - Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola on vacation
July 4 - Starview UCC, Mt. Wolf - Rev. Nora Foust preaching
July 11 - First UCC, Middleburg - Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola preaching
July 18 - St. John's, Boalsburg - Rev. Dr. Carrie Call preaching
July 18 - Heidelberg UCC, York - Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola preaching
General Synod 33
"Rooted In Love"
July 11 – 18, 2021
Important links below

Prayers for Penn Central Conference
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)

This week, we pray for each other as we continue to live into God's calling...

Salem UCC, Pillow
Trinity UCC, Dalmatia
Quentin UCC, Quentin
St. Peter's UCC, Rebersburg
COVID-19 Resources

Penn Central Conference has added a special section on our website for COVID-19 resources, including the times and links for Zoom meetings. Find them here:
Penn Central Conference is once again accepting applications for the PCC Innovation Grants which is for PCC churches who are looking for funding for a bold & innovative approach to ministry. Application can be found here, please email completed forms to Paul.
Annual Meeting Highlights

If you missed PCC's 59th Annual Meeting, or wanted to share the highlights with your congregation - the PCC YouTube channel has highlight videos in one playlist. We had many requests for these particular clips - from Conference Minister Carrie Call's State of the Conference address to the worship services, it's all here and ready to share during meetings and worship services.
Virtual Pastoral Colloquy: "BEYOND WHITE PRIVILEGE" 

Penn Central’s PCC-UEK Partnership Ministry Team & Evangelical Church in Berlin-Brandenburg-Silesian Upper Lusatia
“BEYOND WHITE PRIVILEGE: How Churches Can Engage in Building Peace in Our Societies”
Featuring the Rev. Traci D. Blackmon, Associate General Minister
Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 1:00 to 4:00PM
Register here.
Morsels of Excellence

Check out the newest video from ACM Nora Foust's Morsels of Excellence series. This month's morsel is on Copyright & the Church, check out the full playlist here and watch this new video here:
Outdoor Ministries

If you've not registered yet, or are still thinking about which camp to go to, it’s not too late. All the summer camp and registration info can be found online at:
Calling all medical professionals!
There is still a need for some nursing help at Nawakwa. If you are interested and able to help out this summer for part of a week or for an entire week, please either contact PCC’s own Dr. Jan Taylor who is serving as Medical Director for Lutheran Camping Corporation this summer (717-880-2565 or You can also contact the Lutheran Camping office (717-677-8211) or simply reply to this email. 
In addition, the brochure and registration form for the Penn Central Conference Hartman Center Spirit Week at Camp Mount Luther in August can be downloaded at: - Check out the video from the volunteers and campers here.
(Registration deadline is July 25.)

Check out the all new Outdoor Ministries page on the PCC website here!
And a history of Hartman Center is hosted on the PCC website here.
Penn Central Conference Lectionary Discussion Group - This group is open to all clergy, meets weekly on Tuesdays at 1:00PM to discuss upcoming lectionary passages. Us this Zoom link here.
Chapel Hill UCC, Lemoyne

Chapel Hill will be hosting an open house on SUNDAY, JULY 18!
Join us for our 10 AM worship service. Afterwards plan on staying and enjoying a Farm Show milk shake from the Dairymen’s Assoc. vendor truck and a delicious sandwich from the Bucky’s Festival Food truck. We will have games available and will be giving tours of our new facility. This is a community event! Everyone is welcome.

Chapel Hill Church
1019 Mumma Road
Lemoyne, PA 17043
"Dr. Joe" Utterback live in concert!
Friday, August 20, 7PM - Free Admission
Colonial Park UCC, Harrisburg
Go Green Sunday
August 8, 2021
Mt. Zion UCC, York
St. Thomas UCC, Harrisburg
15th Annual Blueberry Sale
Order deadline June 30, 2021
Book Reviews
This month's reviews by Carole Hoover
The Hope by Herman Wouk
If you like historical fiction, as many of Herman Wouk's book are, you will enjoy this book. It spans the 1948 Israeli War of Independence to the Six-Day War in 1967. It centers around four Israeli officers and the difficulties of war plus the stories of their personal lives. Included in the story are actual leaders of the time. The Hope shows the durability of the human spirit, surviving and triumphing against crushing odds and shows hope amidst the prevailing pessimism of the years by including humor amongst the drama and seriousness. If you enjoy this book, you may want to read the follow-up book, The Glory.
Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese
This novel starts in 1954 at the birth of twin boys whose mother, a nurse, dies in childbirth and whose father, a surgeon, abandons them. The MissionHospital in Addis Ababa, called the Missing Hospital by the natives, is their birthplace and they are taken in by the matron of the hospital. Ethiopia is on the brink of revolution when they are born and it is an integral part of the story as the boys grow. Since the author is Ethiopian, he shares many of the native superstitions, customs and food preferences which makes the story all the more interesting. The love between the brothers and their lifelong connection to each other, even in the midst of betrayal and separation later in life, is central to the story.
UCC Webinars

These webinars are designed to help you enhance your local church ministries. Most are free to attend. Check out the calendar here.

Meet our Racial Equity Auditors July 8, 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
UCC Musicians Association Conference 2021
July 8-10, 2021

Join us online for workshops, worship services, a wonderful concert, vendors and networking. We will be virtually hosted by the First Church of Christ, Congregational, UCC in the historic town of Glastonbury, Connecticut. From Thursday evening through the Saturday 4 pm closing worship service, we provide a plethora of activities that will enhance your music skills and give you resources and ideas for new ways of expressing God's Spirit in these pandemic times. We also provide glimpses of the historic scenery around the church in Glastonbury, which you would have enjoyed if you had come in person as originally planned. Join us instead online for a mental reset and spiritual refreshment with a taste of Connecticut. Learn more here.
From our Partners & Friends:
The Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry at Lancaster Seminary announces:

The Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry at Lancaster Seminary is proud to offer "The Minister’s Job-Hunting Field Guide: Bivocational and Beyond," Tuesdays, 6:30–8pm EDT, July 6–August 10, 2021, via Zoom. Generous grant funding allows us to offer this 2.5 CEU class for $100 per participant registered by July 1.
Lancaster Theological Seminary

How has the Church made it this far? What are the current realities we church people need to know? Want some ideas for how to move forward? Looking for foundational, biblical hope for the future?
You're invited to join us for a special, free webinar
A New Day Dawning: Leading the Church Toward the Light.
Featuring presentations by Lancaster Seminary faculty including: Melvin Baber, Lee Barrett, Nathan Baxter, Greg Carey, Kathy Harvey-Nelson, Vanessa Lovelace, Julia O'Brien, Larry Peers, David Rowe, Myka Kennedy Stephens, Anne Thayer, Catherine Williams, and me. We'll also have time to begin important conversations!
Join us online
7-10 p.m. ET
Register here
Employment Opportunities

The Lebanon Valley Home, a continuing care retirement community affiliated with United Church of Christ Homes, is seeking a compassionate and resident focused team member for the position of Chaplain. This position is Part Time (15 hours per week).
The primary duty of the Chaplain is to provide spiritual support and comfort for the residents of the facility in coordination with the resident’s home congregation.

The chaplain will communicate a caring friendship with a tolerant attitude for multiple cultural traditions and a wide range of spiritual beliefs. The chaplain will offer encouragement and support to clergy and churches as they continue to minister to the needs of their members.
The chaplain will be available to offer comfort to the individual as well as the family. During difficult times, sensitivity and compassion are requisite for the spiritual support needed by all involved; the resident, family, and staff.
Providing comfort for the dying is a key part of the Chaplain's job as well as coordinating and conducting regularly scheduled religious services for residents.
Requirements – Must be an ordained minister of the United Church of Christ with a minimum of one year experience in a pastoral ministry as well as one unit Clinical Pastoral Education.
A resume and letter of interest should be submitted to:
Meredith Schell Fields
Executive Director
The Lebanon Valley Home
550 East Main Street
Annville PA, 17003
Fax (717) 867-7060
PT Church Office Administrator - Christ UCC, Elizabethtown, an ONA congregation, looking for PT Church Office Administrator—28 hrs/wk. The Office Administrator should have skills, education, and experience in church office administration which includes web site construction, word processing, office management, and inter-personal relationships. Send application letter, résumé, and two references to or mail to: Christ Church UCC, 247 So. Market Street, Elizabethtown, PA 17022 by May 13, 2021
Trinity United Church of Christ in Waynesboro, Pa. is looking for a Director of Faith Formation and Programming. The position is part-time (20-25 hours per week) and is open beginning August 1st, 2021. The Director position will be responsible for developing programs for youth, adults and children from pre-school age through fifth grade. The Director will engage children with exciting and relevant opportunities for learning, serving, and growing towards a meaningful relationship with God. Director will be responsible for providing leadership and effective communication for youth and adult Sunday School classes and other Christian Formation offerings (such as Vacation Bible School, book studies, outdoor education, etc.). The Director will engage all ages with exciting and relevant opportunities for learning, serving, and growing towards a meaningful relationship with God. Full description here.

St. Paul’s United Church of
Christ in Selinsgrove is looking for a part-time Youth Leader who will build up
our children and youth programs. The candidate is to closely connect with and
relate well with children, youths and their families, should be tech savvy, work well in a team, and have all necessary clearances. Compensation is based on 20 hrs/week at $15-18/hr based on education and experience. St. Paul’s UCC is an Open and Affirming Congregation that extends an extravagant welcome to all of God’s children reflecting God’s unconditional love by celebrating diversity and inclusion. The individual best fit to fill this position will be dedicated to collaborating closely with church leadership to revitalize the
youth programming at St. Paul’s following the disruption caused by the pandemic
over the last 15 months. Please send your resume to by July 15.
PT Director of Music - Christ Church UCC, an ONA congregation in Elizabethtown, PA seeks a candidate to lead worship through music and oversee the church’s music program. The candidate will possess strong skills in music, leadership, cooperation, organization, and recruitment. A music degree or equivalent experience, broad knowledge of church music, and a willingness to grow the music program are required. Salary up to $19,975 depending on background and experience.
The responsibilities include:
  • Director of Music (Approx. 3-5 hours required/week)
Oversee and coordinate the overall music ministry of six choirs
Meet regularly with pastors to plan worship
Coordinate special music for worship services
  • Chancel Choir Director (Approx. 10 hours required/week)
Direct the adult choir (not during summer)
A letter of application, resumé and two references can be sent to by May 27, 2021.
PT Musician Position - We're looking for someone to assist with the casual service at St. Thomas UCC in Linglestown. This person would help to plan worship, coordinate musicians, and lead the music for Sunday services by playing (keyboard or guitar) and singing. This is a paid, part-time position; for more information, contact Dan Schmidt (
 The Administrative Assistant is an employee of St. Paul's United Church of Christ, hired by Consistory, working under the supervision of the Pastor and Consistory.
· The Administrative Assistant is responsible for assuring the timely and accurate completion of all assignments to effectively meet the needs of the church.
· This on-site hourly position is responsible for providing administrative support services to St. Paul's for 35 hours per week.
· The Administrative Assistant provides support for a variety of people such as the Director of Music, Director of Christian Education / Youth Pastor, various committees and members of St. Paul's, prioritizing the work of the Pastor. Read more here...
Rev. Dr. Carrie Call, Ph.D.
Conference Minister
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 12

Rev. Nora Driver Foust
Associate Conference Minister 
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex.13

Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola, Ph.D.
Associate Conference Minister
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 15

Rev. Dr. Ronnette Comfort-Butler
Facilitator of Care to Clergy & Clergy Families
phone: 717-719-1895
Anne Rankin
Outdoor Ministries Liaison
phone: 717-945-4585
C. Paul Keller
Office Manager
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 14
If you have future eNews stories, please send them to C. Paul Keller
Contact information: C. Paul Keller | email: | phone: 717-652-1560