Happenings - September 4, 2024

Only a few days remaining to get your 'poop' tickets - or invite your neighbors to join the herd and get theirs!

Stop by the Farmers Market on Friday, or the Cow Plop table at the Sheffield Fair beginning at 11 this Saturday.

If you'd be willing to help on Saturday, that too would be 'dairy' appreciated!

Three days and counting before the big Cow Plop Drop

This Saturday at the

Sheffield Fair!

Tickets are $20 each or two for $30. Only 200 tickets being sold. Grand prize is $1000!

Support the mission of the church and have fun at the same time!

See or contact Julie Hannum


for more information

This Week is

Regathering Sunday

September 8th, 10am

We have so much to celebrate!

Our joyful choir, our beautiful children, our shared communion.

Bring a friend!

Together we'll bless our children and their backpacks, the teachers and parents and all who will guide them over the coming months.

Welcome the fall together!

Fun, Food, Fellowship

and a great view awaits!

September 22nd

at noon

It's almost time for

our annual

Fall Church Picnic

Bennett Farm,

Rt. 7A, Ashley Falls

Come! You, your family and friends. Bring a salad or other side dish, a dessert or beverage to share. Hot dogs will be provided. We'll travel by hay wagon to the top of the knoll, play lawn games, eat and have a grand 'ol time.

What if it rains, you say? No problem! A covered pavilion is attached to their house to accommodate all the above activities! Mark your calendars. Reply to this email to RSVP and please include what you'll bring.

What a great way to enjoy the season and each other's company!

Bloomin' for Good Returns!

For the month of September, the Canaan, CT Stop & Shop will donate $1 from every specially marked $10.99 'Bloomin' 4 Good' bouquet sold throughout September to the Sheffield Food Assistance Program. Brighten someone's day with a gift of flowers and support your Sheffield neighbors!

Lighting the Steeple

The Steeple is lighted for

the month of September by Peter and Linda Chidsey in loving memory of Dorothy and Frances Childsey.

Thank you for who you are and all you do to support the ministries of this church!

Sunday morning giving is a fine time to contribute,

as is the donate button

on our website!

Or, mail to

First Congregational   

Church of Sheffield    

PO Box 387    

Sheffield, MA 01257 

God's love shines in you!

Or Donate via our website:

Visit our website

Upcoming dates

Sept 5 – 4:30, Deacons Meeting

Sept. 7 – Sheffield Fair, Cow Plop Game climax!

Sept. 11 - 4:30 - 6:30pm - Berkshire Children's Chorus rehearsal resumes

Sept. 12 – 10:30am, Village Family Food weekly distribution resumes

Sept. 13 - 3-6pm, Sheffield Farmers Market Celebrates the Harvest - Pizza!

Sept. 17 – 10:30am, Council Meeting

                   2:00pm Called to Care

Sept. 22 – noon, All church Fall Picnic at the Bennett Farm

Sept. 29 - 9:00am - Breakfast Church


  • Sunday evenings - AA meditation in parish hall 7:00pm
  • Mondays - Sheffield Food Assistance Program - 9:00am
  • Wednesdays - Weekly Zoom Social Hour - 5pm
  • Fridays - ACA Twelve Step meeting in Parish Hall - 7:00pm

125 Main Street

PO Box 387

Sheffield MA 01257




You are invited to worship with us.

10:00 Sunday mornings in person and via Zoom.

visit our website for more info.

We are an Open and Affirming Congregation

of The United Church of Christ