A Message From Our Executive Director
As we enter what appears – and what we hope – to be the post-pandemic era, Metro Housing staff continue to engage with participants, property owners, and partners across our region. This outreach is critical to our mission, and we welcome all opportunities to better understand the needs in our communities. 

One thing we have witnessed is continued demand for our services across the spectrum from homelessness prevention to economic self-sufficiency. Our dedicated team of Housing Specialists, Case Managers, Inspectors, and administrative staff work hard every day to meet the needs of our participants and property owners. Examples of this include monthly housing clinics and property owner trainings, outlined below, which have returned to Metro Housing’s regular schedule. 

Due to this high demand, some program participants have experienced longer than normal wait times. We understand that this is extremely frustrating for those who rely upon us for critical services. Please be assured that Metro Housing is taking steps that we hope will lead to an improved customer service model, including changes in the way our participants make appointments.
Meanwhile, we are working hard to advocate for and raise the dollars needed to provide exemplary customer service. As you will read below, the FY24 state budget process is showing relatively good news for critical housing programs that our families depend upon. This year’s Champions of Housing event planning is well underway, an evening where we celebrate housing leaders for their contributions to the field. Also, our Boston Marathon team raised a record $71,000 last month. We extend our appreciation to all of them for their dedication and hard work! Thank you for helping us with our work in the community. We would not be able to do this on our own. 
On behalf of the entire Metro Housing staff, I wish you and your family an enjoyable and safe summer. 

Chris Norris
Executive Director
Click here to join this year’s Champions of Housing
Leadership Committee!
Metro Housing Introduces Housing Clinics
Metro Housing's Housing Hub has introduced monthly Housing Clinics to the public. Future clinic dates, times, and registration information will be publicized on our Facebook page.

These clinics will be staffed by the Housing Consumer Education Center and will assist in:

*Housing Search (process, research, etc.)
*Affordable Housing Application Assistance
*Tenant and Landlord Rights and Responsibilities

Housing Hub is Metro Housing's primary resource that is FREE and open to the public. Housing Hub staff help families address crises, educate and assist tenants and property owners.
Senate, House Release FY24 Budgets
RAFT, MRVP in Line for Increases Over Last Year
The Massachusetts Senate Ways and Means committee recently released its FY2024 state budget proposal. The $55.8 billion budget included increased funding over both the Governor and House's budget for three of our major programs –RAFT, MRVP and HCEC.

The budget will now be voted on by the full Senate later this month, after which the Senate and House versions will be reconciled before June 30.

Click HERE for a summary of Metro Housing Budget priorities.