March 2022
President's message
"Give": Scholarships & IJBNPA Member Discount
"Go": #ISBNPA202 &, Webinars,
Latest @IJBNPA

Stay tuned
The president's message is available by clicking on the image below.
#ISBNPA2022 Scholarships

  • The ISBNPA Executive Committee engaged in several meetings and discussions about the strategic planning for the upcoming years.
  • Clear energy towards research equality and inclusiveness has emerged. Stay tuned for more shortly.
  • For now, one clear action point was made and in need of your participation:
  • ISBNPA will provide up to 1000 USD scholarships each to attend the conference.
  • Click HERE to submit your scholarship proposal.
  • To increase the number of scholarships available, you will have the opportunity to donate for scholarships to attend the #ISBNPA2022 conference during the registration process.

Discounts while publishing in IJBNPA

  • While the final details are still being decided, the ISBNPA Executive Committee negotiated a substantial increase in the discount available for members publishing in IJBNPA (more than double the current discount 🤞).
  • We hope this discount sway you to consider submitting your best research to IJBNPA.
& GO
(yes, I know this is a “hard to follow” reference to basketball. But it is "March Madness", and I love to talk about the things I love; António writing here 😊🏀)


Register for the first-ever ISBNPA Hybrid Annual Meeting.

  • You can attend in-person in Phoenix to over 500 oral or poster presentations, keynotes, symposia, #dare2share, and workshops - oh... and, of course, the gala dinner.
  • Or you can attend virtually, to the streaming of the keynote sessions and over 150 virtual presentations and symposia, with virtual Q&A.

Don’t forget to donate to the scholarships while registering. Please email the meeting secretariat if you have already registered and want to contribute.

The early bird registration deadline is April 2, 2022.

Please note that the hotels in Phoenix are pretty busy at the time of the conference.

Book your accommodation until mid-March during your registration to secure the best deals we have negotiated for you.

Early Care and Education SIG @ISBNPA & WHO Joint Webinar

The WHO Early Childhood Education and Care Standards and Toolkit: A global view

March 23, 2022; 2000-2130 GMT



SIG Implementation, Translation, Scale-up and Sustainability

Why are some interventions successfully scaled over others? Combining a realist perspective and systems analysis to identify key mechanisms of scaling up

Abril 6, 2022, 20:30 GMT

Dr Harriet Koorts, IPAN Deakin University
Dr Sam Cassar, Australian Government Department of Health

Bookmark the new NESI website, a source for all NESI initiatives.

Student & ECR spotlights
Meet Christine Emmer, a PhD student investigating physical activity as a resilience factor in the face of migration-related stress.

NESI member feature article
Assessing movement behaviors in young children? Jelle Arts just published a systematic review of the measurement properties of proxy-report questionnaires assessing physical activity, sedentary behavior and/or sleep in children aged 0–5 years. It is available here!

The ISBNPA mentoring program brings together experienced and successful professional members with other ISBNPA members who are looking to develop their skills and career. Connect with an experienced mentor here today!

NESI blog
Read our new blog by Prof. Catherine M. Sabiston: Academic Networking – The art of schmoozing, showcasing, and supporting.

Reach u!s
Follow @ISBNPA on twitter and #NESI_ISBNPA for NESI-related messages on twitter, linkedIn, instagram or facebook. Any questions or comments? A publication to highlight? 

Email us anytime!
Take care!
Latest articles @IJBNPA
Wilcox, S., Day, K.R., Saunders, R.P. et al. The Faith, Activity, and Nutrition (FAN) dissemination and implementation study: changes in and maintenance of organizational practices over 24 months in a statewide initiative. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 19, 23 (2022).

Loth, K.A., Ji, Z., Wolfson, J. et al. A descriptive assessment of a broad range of food-related parenting practices in a diverse cohort of parents of preschoolers using the novel Real-Time Parent Feeding Practices Survey. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 19, 22 (2022).

Hollman, H., Updegraff, J.A., Lipkus, I.M. et al. Perceptions of physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines among end-users and stakeholders: a systematic review. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 19, 21 (2022).

Jarman, M., Edwards, K. & Blissett, J. Influences on the dietary intakes of preschool children: a systematic scoping review. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 19, 20 (2022).