Fresh Ideas for Leaders  Vision Coaching Logo
Sharing Unique Perspectives on Leadership 
The Vision Coaches
March 2018 
Dave Veale
Develop your Leaders, Raise their Effectiveness...


Vision Coaching's chief learning officer, Dr. Bill Howatt, is diving back into the question many of us have grappled with - developing leaders and increasing their effectiveness. It's critical for your leaders to learn and grow, yes, but it's even more critical for the overall success of your organization to have effective leadership.

How do you prepare your leaders to be successful?
Dr. Bill Howatt

Some will answer this question by providing an overview of their leadership development

Others may start out by describing their leadership core competency profiles, and then explain how these are used to determine the kinds of programming leaders will be provided.

The above answers can be helpful; however, they're based on what "successful" means to the leader. In the context of this question, successful implies some defined standard where core competencies and training programs are used. 

To answer this question fully it would be of value to understand what successful means to leaders in your organization. 

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Dave Veale, PCC
Professional Certified Coach
Founder of  Vision Coaching
Toll-Free  (844) 847-4199
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Martin Chiasson - Loosen Up Consulting
A collaborative agency bringing key players together

From my interview with Martin Chiasson,
 2017 in the Saint John  Telegraph-Journal.
Martin Chiasson, president of  Loosen Up Consulting Inc., assists and empowers his clients to develop creative employee and customer engagement strategies. 

Martin is well qualified after a highly successful 31-year career with  Xerox Canada in senior leadership roles in sales, finance, customer service and sales management training.

With a personal philosophy of helping people accomplish more than they ever thought possible in both their personal and business lives, Martin believes that a nurturing environment does not mean lower standards or lower ambitions - it's about setting up conditions to allow everyone to be their best self. His company, "Loosen Up Consulting"embodies this principle.

3 Ways to Stay Fresh...

1.  Sustainable Cities: Introducing Jimmy Stice on the Boiling Point Podcast - Jimmy built a new town called Kalu Yala in PanamaThe goal of his town Kalu Yala is to answer the question "What would a sustainable world look like?"  Listen in! 

2.  Are you an extrovert or introvert, and how does this impact you in the workplace? Extroverts thrive on stimuli, as this is how they stay charged, where introverts gain energy through solitude and quiet. Read more in Bill Howatt's Globe & Mail column, How to engage the introverts and extroverts at your workplace.

3.  Only a few days left to nominate a high growth Greater Atlantic Area (GAA) Entrepreneur for the WMI Entrepreneurial Leaders Program. Watch this video to see the description of the profile of the CEOs we are looking for  Email the name and email address of any nominees directly to by March 31st.

Ready to take a closer look at how you and your company can reach your full business potential?  

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