Fresh Ideas for Leaders  Vision Coaching Logo
Sharing Unique Perspectives on Leadership 
The Vision Coaches
November 30, 2016   

Dave Veale
Are you an Authentic Leader?


You may have been reading Fresh Ideas (this e-newsletter) for all ten years of it's existence or you may have joined us somewhere along the way. Regardless of how long you've been reading, you'll have noticed that we've covered the topic of authentic leadership a number of times.
Yes, you guessed it, we value authenticity highly and work with our clients on a daily basis not only to help them understand the importance of authenticity, but often to help them cultivate their ability to lead more authentically. 
Why do we put a premium on leaders tapping into their authenticity? I think my colleague Dr. Bill Howatt summarizes it nicely. "Authentic leadership is an approach that focuses on building strong relationships by being open and honest and truly yourself. Authentic leaders are positive, for the most part; however, when their ethics are being compromised they push back quickly and passionately." 
Do you think you are an authentic leader? How do you know? Do you want to be more authentic? Dr. Bill just published an insightful article in The Globe & Mail entitled Are you an authentic leader? Do you want to be one? It's a good read that clearly outlines 4 attributes of authentic leaders and provides some helpful tips and actions items to support you in becoming more authentic. Enjoy! 

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Dave Veale, PCC
Professional Certified Coach
Founder of  Vision Coaching
(506) 642.2189

PS: Are you a non-profit leader? Looking to enhance and develop your effectiveness and resiliency? We have a Non-profit Leaders' Coaching Program that many non-profit leaders have already experienced. Read about their experiences.
Wendy Papadopoulos, Brew Master at Big Tide Brewing Company
Brew master raises glass to competition

From my interview with Wendy Papadopoulos p ublished 
July 2016 in the  Telegraph-Journal.

Wendy Papadopoulos doesn't get hung up on titles - she's had a few over the years, but people call her brew master at the Big Tide Brewing Company.

She is the co-founder of Saint John's only brew pub and restaurant. Since 2009, she's been brewing handcrafted, all-natural ales and lagers at Big Tide Brewing Company's Princess Street location.

In addition to great beer, they also have a menu that reflects the flavours of their brews.  Wendy has an interesting resumĂ©. 

I started my conversation with Wendy by asking her if the craft beer movement was just waking up in the mid-90s...  

3 Ways to Stay Fresh...

1.  Dylan Berry of Smash Haus discusses the ups and downs of the music biz Listen in to a recent  Boiling Point Podcast.

2.  Fierce Conversations® is a 2-day leadership training workshop that drives results by improving your workplace communication. This workshop enables leaders to better prepare individual developmental plans and equip them with improved tools to address behaviours or attitudes that require change. Register here. Takes place November 24th and 25th in Fredericton.
3. It's not uncommon for a person to wake up and mindlessly jump on the treadmill of life. They put more emphasis on getting through the day versus enjoying it. Read Bill Howatt's recent Globe & Mail column, How to add happiness to the treadmill of life.

Ready to take a closer look at how you and your company can reach your full business potential?  

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