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Sharing Unique Perspectives on Leadership 
The Vision Coaches
January 31, 2017   

Dave Veale
How to Foster a Coaching Culture at Your Workplace.


Are you an effective coach? Would you like some great tips to get you started towards facilitating a coaching culture with your employees? 

My colleague    Dr. Bill Howatt , just  penned a timely and useful article for his column in the Globe & Mail that answers these questions. 

Dr. Bill Howatt
Bill's columns are part of a series looking at microskills - changes that employees and employers can make to improve the workplace.
In this particular column, Bill clarifies how coaching can be effective in the workplace...

"Coaching is much more than just trying to reduce risk by correcting behaviour. It's about getting employees to learn to think as well as helping them see things differently. It's impossible to coach others effectively if you haven't experienced coaching yourself or have completed some coaching training for managers. 

There's no substitute for training and personal coaching experience. Like any skill, coaching requires practice to be effective.

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Dave Veale, PCC
Professional Certified Coach
Founder of  Vision Coaching
(506) 642.2189

PS: Are you a non-profit leader? Looking to enhance and develop your effectiveness and resiliency? We have a Non-profit Leaders' Coaching Program that many non-profit leaders have already experienced. Read about their experiences.
Bob Manning, Owens MacFadyen Group
Photo: Chris Donovan/Telegraph-Journal
I'd never do anything else.

From my interview with Bob Manning p ublished 
July 2016 in the  Telegraph-Journal.

'We're very fortunate that we get to work with a clientele that are generally very engaged in the process and are looking to have a significant impact, either with themselves and their families, maybe with a business that they operate or, potentially, in the community if they're planning on being philanthropic at any point in time.' 
Bob Manning

Bob Manning has an impressive track record of business experience that he has carried forward into his wealth adviser role at Owens MacFadyen Group; executive-level business planning, operations and marketing experience in the information technology sector, consulting and management for startup companies in Atlantic Canada.

The knowledge he gained while working in multi-national, national and regional organizations - helping them deal with the challenges of growth through disciplined planning and effective management - has served him well in his wealth advisory role at OMG Wealth.

3 Ways to Stay Fresh...

1.  It has been said that nothing worth doing is easy. Resiliency is an important component of an entrepreneur's toolkit but it also one of the hardest to maintain. Shawn Smith and Gene Fowler have been able to show resilience in the face of adversity and show us how their patience and hard work have paid offListen in to their recent Boiling Point Podcast. 

2. Join us for a 1/2 day Building Coaching Capacity Workshop. This workshop is designed specifically for HR professionals who are interested in learning more about Coaching. It's also a great introduction to coaching for people who may be interested in participating in the Royal Roads University Coach Training program being held this Spring at Dalhousie University. Our own Bruce McLeod is presenting the workshop on Feb 14th in Halifax. 
Read more & Register.

3. 5 Steps for Effective Delegating. As a leader, how often do you feel you are getting buried in details?  One proven way leaders can increase their capacity is through the delegation of tasks they don't need to be doing.  Read Bill Howatt's recent Globe & Mail column, Learn how to be a leader who delegates.

Ready to take a closer look at how you and your company can reach your full business potential?  

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