Fresh Ideas for Leaders  Vision Coaching Logo
Sharing Unique Perspectives on Leadership 
The Vision Coaches
July 18, 2017   

Dave Veale
Creating a Strong Organizational Culture in Business...

"People don't quit their company, they leave their boss." That's according to my colleague Bruce McLeod, GM of Coaching Services - and a professional certified coach - here at Vision Coaching.

We managed to get Bruce as a guest on the Boiling Point Podcast recently, where we had a lively discussion about creating strong  organizational cultures, retaining employees for the long term and gaining a competitive advantage.

Bruce  talks about the biggest systemic challenges organizations face and what can assist in bringing about cultural change in order for a business to thrive.

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Dave Veale, PCC
Professional Certified Coach
Founder of  Vision Coaching
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Toll-Free (844) 847-4199
Bruce Sweeney started Simply For Life in a personal quest for optimal health based on a family history of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
500,000+ people eating & living better, thanks to Simply for Life

From my interview with Bruce Sweeney p ublished 
January 2017 in the  Telegraph-Journal.

Bruce Sweeney's personal heart condition motivated him to seek options other than surgery and medications. He began researching alternative ways to stay healthy and became inspired by using exercise and the power of food and nutrition. He also knew there was no magic pill.

Bruce felt obligated to help people gain their health back. After years of research, Bruce developed an effective program and a very high standard of service. At his first Simply For Life location (after starting in his basement) he had 1,781 names on his waitlist. He was seeing 328 clients each week, and working seven days a week to keep up with the demand.

3 Ways to Stay Fresh...

1.  Heather Moyse, Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist, wants to know if you have truly challenged yourself lately. Listen in to this inspiring Boiling Point Podcast. 

2. Three of New Brunswick's most prominent business leaders have been named to the Junior Achievement New Brunswick Business Hall of Fame. Andrea Feunekes, Brian Flood and Roméo Goguen will be inducted in Moncton on November 2nd.  Reserve your tickets.
3.  When most of us think about stress we think of the bad kind, called distress. However, there's also good stress, called eustress, that motivates us to achieve. Read Bill Howatt's recent Globe & Mail column,  How to manage your stress load.

Ready to take a closer look at how you and your company can reach your full business potential?  

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