How many white paper clips are there?
How many red paper clips?
I don't know about you, but I didn't even have to think twice about how many paperclips are on the yellow side. There are eight. My mind calculated that in a millisecond compared to the 3 seconds it took me to count the 12 red paper clips.
I offer you the power of organization. This simple demonstration reiterates the fact that keeping things tidy and in order can save time. I genuinely wish that my life reflected the 8 paper clips, but I fall closer to the middle. Let's call that controlled chaos! Ha!
After three glorious months of summer, I will admit I feel a little discombobulated and out of sorts with the tidal wave of back-to-school everything. Maneuvering four kids through the annual onboarding process and making sure there are plenty of matching socks and snacks in backpacks along with the other 99 to-do's, well it all can get a little disorganized.
But as the tidal wave recedes, goals and planning ensue. Schedules are forming and expectations are being communicated. It will never be perfect, but the intention remains the same. A little planning and prep will hopefully save time...which we all say we never have enough of!
“Organization isn’t about perfection. It’s about efficiency. Reducing stress and clutter, saving time and money, and improving your overall quality of life.”
— Christina Scalise
Kate Abbe
The Elkhorn Chamber