Who is Invited: Professionals, Students, friends and family members.
(You do not need to be AIAA member to attend the event)
(Volunteers are needed for all AIAA activities)
Electric and Hybrid Aircraft
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Dr. Marty K. Bradley
AIAA Fellow
Technical Fellow for The Boeing Company
Boeing Commercial Airplanes Advanced Concepts Group
Dr. Susan X. Ying
AIAA Fellow
Royal Aeronautical Society Fellow
SVP Global Partnerships, Ampaire
Joseph Oldham
President – New Vision Aviation
Sustainable Aviation Project – Flight Training with Pipistrel Alpha Electro Trainers
Who? (Dr. Marty K. Bradley)
Dr. Bradley currently advises and executes projects to investigate advanced electric aircraft concepts for Boeing Commercial Airplanes and NASA. Over his 35 year aerospace career, he has been a team leader for projects related to advanced concepts and technologies, electric and hybrid electric aircraft, green aircraft design, alternative fuels, environmental life cycle assessment (LCA), and propulsion. 

He has a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering, all from the University of Southern California and currently teaches their capstone senior aircraft design course.

He is an AIAA Fellow and the Leader of the AIAA Aircraft Electrified Propulsion and Power (AEPP) Working Group. He helped create and was the General Chair of the Electric Aircraft Technologies Symposium (EATS). He previously was Chair of the AIAA Green Engineering Program Committee and the High Speed Airbreathing Propulsion Technical Committee. He is an instructor for the AIAA short course on the “Design for Electric and Hybrid Electric Aircraft”. He is the Technical Chair for P&E 2020.

He has authored 2 book chapters, 50 publications, 2 patents, and conducted 15 addresses or speeches at technical conferences related to green aviation and advanced propulsion. He has lectured in courses and seminars at USC, Auburn, MIT, and Cal State Los Angeles and Long Beach on electric aircraft, alternative fuels and green aviation technologies.
Who? (Dr. Susan X. Ying)
Dr. Ying has devoted over three decades to the aerospace industry, with experience at NASA, Boeing, and most recently the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) as the Chief Integration Officer. She is now Senior Vice President of an electric aircraft start-up company “Ampaire”, responsible for the global partnerships. She is also a board member of the Lindbergh Foundation.

Demonstrating success both at individual and team levels, Dr. Ying has been the recipient of many honors, including the People’s Republic of China Friendship Award , Asian American Engineer of the Year Award, Boeing Professional Excellence Award from the CTO, NASA Group Achievement Award, AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Best Paper Award, and the Professional Achievement Award for Women of Color in Technology. Dr. Ying is the immediate past President of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) , serving on the Executive Committee which leads in shaping the agenda of this multinational professional aerospace organization. Dr. Ying is recognized as a Fellow of the AIAA and Fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) .

With a deep passion for flight, Dr. Ying holds a Commercial Pilot License and is a FAA-Certified Flight Instructor (CFI). She received her PhD and MS degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics from Stanford University and BS in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from Cornell University.
Who? (Joseph Oldham)
Joseph is the President of the New Vision Aviation, leading the Sustainable Aviation Project – Flight Training with Pipistrel Alpha Electro Trainers. (More details to be updated)
The Proud Bird
(The Mission Room, 1st Floor)
11022 Aviation Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90045

(Southeast of LAX, South of 10 Hwy, North of 105 / Imperial Hwy, and West of 405 Hwy.)


(Free event parking in the Proud Bird Parking Lot)
Saturday, February 22, 2020, 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM (Check-in starts 9:30AM)
Presentation starts at 10:00 AM.
(Ticket sales will end after  Thursday, February 20, 2020, or whenever tickets are sold out.)

Dress Code
Business or Business Casual

events.aiaalalv@gmail.com  or (949)426-8175 (phone/text ok) (AIAA LA-LV Events/Program Chair)
Coordinating Organization: 
AIAA Los Angeles - Las Vegas Section
*Volunteers are needed, please contact:
AIAA LA-LV Section Chair ( cgsonwane@gmail.com )