Paid for by your OCWM Contributions| September 22, 2021
Message to the Conference
Dear Members and Friends of Penn Central Conference,
This past Saturday my family participated in a mission day at Wittle Farm with a group from our church, Christ UCC in Elizabethtown. We harvested hundreds of pounds of bell peppers, jalapenos, and potatoes. One group rebuilt a 90 year old wagon while others took down some trees that will be chipped in to mulch on our next service day. We also cleaned a large corner of the barn in order to prepare for the new walk-in refrigerator installation.

Wittle Farm is part of the Lutheran Camping Corporation with whom Penn Central Conference has a partnership to provide outdoor ministry opportunities throughout the conference. Christ Church designated Wittel Farm for their Vacation Thank Offering this summer and in addition to financial gifts (some of which bought a cultivator tractor), members harvested hundreds of pounds of produce that was donated to local food banks, planted spring and fall crops, tended the pollinator garden, completed a number of farm projects and collected almost 800 pounds of compost.

Steve Stouffer, Consistory President and member of the Mission Team said, "When the idea (of partnering with Wittle Farm) was raised back in the early spring it seemed like a 'no brainer'. It was local. It was needed. It was something we are equipped to do with many members who can build (just about anything) and are hard workers who don't mind getting their hands and shoes dirty!"
Associate Pastor Fa Lane noted, "We are grateful that Wittel Farm has opened up this ministry opportunity for Christ Church who has a three-year mission structure: local, national, international. Because of this alliance, Christ Church was able to do local mission this year! It started from a contact with our Green Team to encourage local gardening and fresh produce to address food insecurity. Then the mission team decided to sign on too!"

We all know what it's like to put a plan together and have it go astray when new Covid guidelines come along. "Because it's been outside, we have been able to plan and execute and follow-through without continual changes in response to Covid", added Steve.

Our Conference Minister mentioned church gardens at the annual meeting and reading about some of the growing projects, food donations and church gardens has been a real treat as some of you share stories with us about your local work. Is food insecurity or creation care a passion for your congregation? Think about ways that your church might look at land use policies to meet local needs or partner with other groups in doing so.

We are building a “how-to” session for starting church gardens, please let us know if you are interested in exploring this type of ministry at your church.


Rev. Nora Foust
Associate Conference Minister
Penn Central Conference

(photos courtesy of Rev. Fa Lane)
Members of Christ Church UCC in Elizabethtown will continue to work to repair, update, and create new items for the Wittel Farm. Penn Central Conference of the UCC is in partnership with the Lutheran Camping Corporation which includes Wittel Farm. The Growing Project, at Wittel Farm, is a ministry to the community providing fresh produce to local food distribution centers for needy families.

Despite Covid restrictions, Christ Church is able to accomplish their local mission trip this year through this local outlet. Many fund-raising events and donations produced funds that will pay for the materials for the projects. Volunteers are welcome to help accomplish the work and projects which the Project Director, Pastor Matt Lenahan, provided.

Volunteers are needed on Saturday, October 2. Work will begin at 8:00 am and conclude at 3:00 pm. Lunch will be provided. Volunteers who are able to work less that the 7 hours are welcome. Give what time you are able.

Your help will enable Wittel Farm to continue to produce fresh vegetables for distribution to the food pantries in Lancaster County. Thank you.
Summaries of General Synod Resolutions:

Becoming a Church of Contemplatives in Action – Resolution Summary
By Sterling Fritz & Charlotte Pinette Read here...

Declare and Respond to Racism as a Public Health Crisis – Resolution Summary
By Shirley Keith Knox Read here...

A Resolution to recognize the United Nation’s International Decade for People of African Descent (2015-2024) - Resolution Summary
by Terry McGarry Read here...

The Alliance of Associate Conference Ministers of the United Church of Christ Request to be Recognized as a Formal Group - Resolution Summary
by Shirley Keith Knox Read here...

Resolution to Ban the Practice of Conversion Therapy - Resolution Summary
by Alice Rauch Read here...

Declaration For a Just Peace Between Israel and Palestine - Resolution Summary
by Kathy Brown Read here...

Rights of Nature - “Who will speak for the trees?”
by Gail Landers
Although not assigned to a specific committee, I followed the Rights of Nature Resolution, subtitled, “Who Will Speak for the Trees?” As a member of the Green Team/Environmental/Creation Justice Group for the past decade, representing the Central Association and serving as a proponent for the PCC presented Alternatives for Plastic Foam at Synod 32, I felt “called”, delegate wise. Read more here.
Scheduling notes:

September 26 - Hill UCC, Lebanon - Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola preaching
September 26 - Church of the Redeemer UCC, Hershey - Rev. Nora Foust preaching
October 3 - Richfield UCC, Richfield - Rev. Nora Foust preaching
October 3 - Hayshire UCC, York - Rev. Dr. Carrie Call preaching
October 10 - Starview UCC, Mt. Wolf - Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola preaching
Printable eNews are available. Pastors and secretaries, please feel free to share with your congregation members that don't get this weekly email. Download and print this PDF with the weekly message to the conference, prayers for Penn Central and brief list of events.
Prayers for Penn Central Conference
Pray in the Spirit at all times and on every occasion. Stay alert and be persistent in your prayers for all believers everywhere. Ephesians 6:18 (NLT)

This week, we pray for each other as we continue to live into God's calling...

Faith UCC, York
Hayshire UCC, York
Heidelberg UCC, York
Locust Grove UCC, York
COVID-19 Resources

Penn Central Conference has added a special section on our website for COVID-19 resources, including the times and links for Zoom meetings. Find them here:
Penn Central Conference is once again accepting applications for the PCC Innovation Grants which is for PCC churches who are looking for funding for a bold & innovative approach to ministry. Application can be found here, please email completed forms to Paul.
Local Church:

A church in PCC is looking for additional copies of The Hymnal for Worship & Celebration. They would like 30 to 50. If your church has some they were looking to sell or donate, please reach out to Paul and he will connect you!
Church World Services Bucket Project

Grace UCC, Lebanon has begun to collect the items to fill CWS buckets for those affected by disasters like Hurricane Ida. They will be collecting through the end of October. If you church would like to contribute, learn more here.
Outdoor Ministries Fall Events

Volunteer for The Growing Project through October at The Wittel Farm! This project reclaims a portion of the acreage for farming. The crops harvested are donated to assist those in need in Lancaster County. To volunteer as an individual, or a multi-generational group, youth group or family, contact Pastor Matt Lenahan at
For more information about this project, visit:
October 3; 3-5:30 p.m. @ Kirchenwald [Free]
Review your camp map, paint your face, and practice your cone zone celebration dance! Invite your friends and family – of all ages! - to join you in this Capture the Flag event. Campfire worship to follow.
October 5-7 @ Nawakwa [$150/person]
All meals (7) are included in the price and served at the Dining Hall. This mid-week retreat begins Tuesday morning and ends with lunch on Thursday. Lodging in Zinn-Tozer Lodge.

More events can be found here!
Clergy Events
Boundary Training – All Zooms unless otherwise noted, 2 credit hours
(read full descriptions here.)

September 29 10am-1pm LIVE at Lancaster Theological Seminary and Pepper Theo Café – Retired and Supply Boundaries and Departures (with LUNCH at Pepper Theo) $10 (register and pay)
October 13 6pm (Register) – A Boundary Refresher for All Stages of Ministry with Rev. Nora Foust
October 25 10am (Register) – A Boundary Refresher for All Stages of Ministry with Rev. Nora Foust
October 28 10am-1pm LIVE St. John’s in Lewisburg Retired and Supply Boundaries and Departures (with LUNCH) $10 (register and pay)
Fall 2021 Education Forums
Third Tuesdays at 10am LIVE ONLY at St. Thomas, Linglestown and 6pm ZOOM ONLY

October 19 with Rev. India Garnett – Rev. India has been doing webinars with Healing From Racism Programs out of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and will bring her expertise and life experience to share with Penn Central clergy. We each come to these sessions with our own stories which are part of the whole of humanity. We are called to love each other as Jesus loves us. In so doing — in following His imperative, there is no room for guilt and shame. Guilt and shame serve no useful purposes and are diametrically opposed to Universal Love — Agape. So, let us gather in the heart attitude of learning more about each other and our perspectives. In Psalm 139:1-18 (NRSV), we are assured that we “are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Let us, therefore, embark upon this journey with God, learning of the awe and wonder of each other… (2 hours Anti-Racism Credit)
10am LIVE at St. Thomas UCC, Linglestown (Register); 6pm Zoom (Register)
More Education Forums: (read full descriptions here.)

November 16 with Rev. Nora FoustChallenges of Living in Covenant
10am LIVE at St. Thomas UCC, Linglestown (Register); 6pm Zoom (Register)
Penn Central Conference Lectionary Discussion Group - This group is open to all clergy, meets weekly on Tuesdays at 1:00PM to discuss upcoming lectionary passages. Us this Zoom link here.
UCC Webinars

These webinars are designed to help you enhance your local church ministries. Most are free to attend. Check out the calendar here.

World Communion Sunday Worship - Sept. 29, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Copyright Concerns For Ministries:
During these challenging times, ministries rely heavily on the virtual environment and various electronic mediums to share the printed forms of inspiring poetry, quotes from prayer books and daily affirmations, as well as words from songs during worship and through other forms of ministry.
As a result, some ministries have been shocked to discover they are actually in violation of copyright infringement; join us as Heather Kimmel General Counsel, United Church of Christ, offers valuable information on how to help your ministry avoid this situation.
Join us on September 29th at 2:00 p.m. EST
The Valarie Russell Lecture during General Synod featured a keynote address from international scholar, lecturers, and author Dr. Joy DeGruy on the socio-political impact of racism in our society. The lecture was so well received we are offering a 2 day BE THE HEALING course with Dr. DeGruy featuring her Post-traumatic Slave Syndrome Work as well as her healing work to an anti-racist world on Frontline Faith. October 8 & 9, 2021.The registration link is below:
If your local congregation wants to send contributions to the national offices, the best way to do so is via the conference. However, if you are sending any directly, please send to the updated address:

United Church of Christ
PO BOX 71957
Cleveland, Ohio 44194
Global H.O.P.E. Kit Matching Grant Application (20-22)
- Grant Application will be awarded to churches that have submitted a completed Global H.O.P.E. Kit Matching Grant Application.
- Grant Applications for 2021 will be received through January 28, 2022. 
- Congregations that raise $250 or more (monetary or in-kind supplies) for Church World Service Kits are eligible to apply for a $250 matching grant from UCC Global H.O.P.E.
- Grant Applications must be accompanied by a completed W-9 form at
- 100% of Matching Grant funds must be used for purchasing supplies for the assembly of the CWS Kits or for processing costs ($3/Clean Up Bucket, $2/School or Hygiene Kit).
Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry

Money and Ministry: A Theology for Congregational Leaders, Thursday, October 14, 7–8:30pm and Tuesdays, 7–8:30pm, Oct 19–Nov 16, 2021, via Zoom. Instructor: Mike Little, Director of Faith and Money Network. 2.5 CEUs. $325. Register by October 5.
From Our Partners and Friends
The Pennsylvania Council of Churches is planning an event to recognize and honor our Fruitbelt Farmworker Christian Ministry. On Saturday, October 16, 10 am-2:00 pm on the grounds of the United Church Center we will join congregations, farm workers and orchard owners to celebrate this important ministry. This is a first of its kind event. More info to come!
Employment Opportunities
Phoebe Berks (Wernersville, PA)
Part time and full time
Resident Care Assistants (no exp. necessary)
Dining Services positions

Zion UCC, Arendtsville job openings

The Choir Director directs a 15-member choir to prepare music for regular Sunday morning services. The choir director also works with the minister and the organist to plan special services. Duties include preparing music, scheduling choir practices, identifying soloists, and developing special music presentations. Salary compensation is negotiable.
The organist/pianist accompanies a 15-member choir at regularly scheduled Sunday morning services. Applicants must have the ability to play both the piano and the organ, and be prepared for weekly choir rehearsals. Duties include following the direction of the choir director and minister in planning musical services. This includes Sunday worship and special services. He/she must attend regularly scheduled and special choir rehearsals. Salary compensation negotiable.
POSITION OPENINGS: The Quentin UCC (Quentin, PA) is seeking a person to fill the position of choir director (approximately 15-20 persons). We are also looking to hire a church organist. If you’d like a copy of the job descriptions, please email the church office at Or you can send your resume directly to QUCC, P.O. Box 1138, Quentin, PA 17083
Rev. Dr. Carrie Call, Ph.D.
Conference Minister
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 12

Rev. Nora Driver Foust
Associate Conference Minister 
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex.13

Rev. Dr. Marisa Laviola, Ph.D.
Associate Conference Minister
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 15
Anne Rankin
Outdoor Ministries Liaison
phone: 717-945-4585
C. Paul Keller
Office Manager
Phone: 717-652-1560 ex. 14
If you have future eNews stories, please send them to C. Paul Keller
Contact information: C. Paul Keller | email: | phone: 717-652-1560