The Chapter President sets the direction and pace of the Chapter’s activities based on the vision that has been determined by the Chapter membership, Chapter Board of Directors, and other Chapter Officers. The Chapter President serves as a leader, planner, mentor, mediator, and facilitator.
In addition to being a Professional member in good standing and signing the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct, she/he must meet one or more of the following requirements:
Completed one term year as a Chapter Board member within the last three years.
Completed one term year as a Chapter committee chair within the last two years.
Completed one term year as a National Standing Committee Chair or National Board member within the last two years.
The Chapter Secretary is the official keeper of the Chapter records and is responsible for maintaining and updating Chapter records during her/his term of office.
In addition to being a Professional member in good standing and signing the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct, she/he must meet the following requirement:
• Completed one year of AMTA membership.
Board Member #2 (Membership)
Chapter Board Member will assist the Chapter President in achieving Chapter goals and implementing
decisions made by the Chapter Board.
In addition to being a Professional member in good standing and signing the Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct, she/he must meet the following requirement:
Completed one year of AMTA membership.
Delegate represents her/his Chapter members in the HOD and related activities, informs the Chapter of timelines, and facilitates the Chapter s influence in the HOD.
Must be a professional member in good standing of the Chapter to which they are assigned
Must sign the AMTA Chapter Volunteer Code of Conduct
Agrees to uphold and abide by National AMTA Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Policy, Code of Conduct, Rules of Engagement, and Job Description.
Shall not be an AMTA National Board member.