January 21, 2021 | Inside Higher Ed

President Biden on his first day in office Wednesday proposed an immigration bill that features a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and makes Dreamers -- young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children -- immediately eligible for green cards. He also signed a memorandum directing the Secretary of Homeland Security to take actions aimed at "preserving and fortifying" the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

January 21, 2021 | NPR

Wednesday's inauguration ushered in new occupants of the White House, as well as a revamped White House website.

Shortly after President Biden and Vice President Harris took office, sharp-eyed Internet users noticed several major changes relating to the inclusivity and accessibility of the executive branch's official site. Among them are a new feature allowing users to include their pronouns when submitting contact forms and a relaunch of the Spanish-language website.

"This commitment to accessibility for all begins with this site and our efforts to ensure all functionality and all content is accessible to all Americans," it reads.

January 16, 2021 | The New York Times

Last month, President-elect Biden announced his intention to make Mr. Cardona the Secretary of Education, replacing Betsy DeVos. If confirmed, he could play a role in puncturing the conventional wisdom that has cast English learners as weighed down by shortcomings — as a problem that must be solved quickly.

As the nation’s first education secretary who was an English learner, he will have the opportunity to apply his considerable experience and expertise in language learning nationwide, as research and experience are pushing more states and districts to teach English learners in both English and their home languages.

With Virtual Language Advocacy Days right around the corner and over 100 first-time attendees, we want to take this opportunity to introduce JNCL-NCLIS and share what language advocacy day is all about. All are welcome and first-time attendees are strongly encouraged to register for this free webinar!
Haven't gotten your ticket for Virtual LAD yet? Click here to register-- extended registration ends TODAY!

Deadline to apply: January 31st, 2021

Apply today for a SWCOLT Scholarship or nominate a deserving colleague for a SWCOLT award! SWCOLT Scholarships offer professional learning opportunities to study abroad for foreign language educators in the elementary, secondary and post-secondary levels. SWCOLT will award a $300.00 travel reimbursement to scholarship winners of summer language study programs and can also help with letters that you could use with state foreign language association, your administrators, PTAs, Booster Clubs, or other organizations that might help you with your travel funds.


Deadline to Register: Jan 28th, 2021

Next month the NFLRC is hosting a workshop titled Envisioning Project-Based Language Learning! PBLL is designed as a 5-week open-enrollment course for language educators beginning to learn about Project-Based Language Learning (PBLL). Successful learners will be able to describe essential features of high quality PBLL and to generate high-quality ideas for projects using the Product Square. Registration and the content for this MOOC (massive open online course) is free!

Submission period: Jan 15 - Jun 30th, 2021

The ACTFL invites language advocates to participate in their Mentoring Program for the 2021-2022 season! This program is designed to help early career language educators succeed in their current assignments and learn the skills to be successful long-term in their careers. Mentors and mentees will be matched by language, level, interest, and location as best as possible. Three mentor programs are available: the traditional program for in-person educators, the distance language educator program for those who teach online, and a hybrid program for those currently teaching in-person and remotely.

Notice ID: R0012-20210120
Location: Frederick , MD 21702
Response Date: Jan 27, 2021
Notice ID:70RSAT20R00000021
Location: N/A
Response Date: February 21st, 2021
Disclaimer: The articles and news sources included in NewsBrief are not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, maintained, authorized, or sponsored by JNCL-NCLIS. The views and opinions expressed in the articles in this NewsBrief are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organization, employer or company.