#EAD2018 Promotional Video 
#EAD2018 Pre-Gathering Theology Event
Sponsored by the National Council of Churches
U.S. Flag through barbed wire

The #EAD2018 National Gathering from April 20-23, 2018 in our nation's capital will focus on the theme of A World Uprooted: Responding to Migrants, Refugees and Displaced People.

For participants arriving early, there will be an opportunity to attend a special pre-gathering event. Sponsored by the National Council of the Churches of Christ and entitled, "Our Call to Speak Up for Displaced People,"  the event on Friday afternoon, April 20 will include theologians presenting on this year's #EAD2018 theme.

As millions of people cross borders fleeing violence and seeking better lives, and Christians gather at the 2018 Ecumenical Advocacy Days, it is important to consider the foundations for Christian advocacy on behalf of migrants and refugees. This workshop will explore theological and biblical resources for analyzing the global forces - war, climate change, famine and more - which uproot people from their homelands, and how we can sustain and deepen our solidarity with the uprooted.

Speakers for this event and more specifics will be posted soon.
#EAD2018 Workshops Preview
EAD Workshop

Again this year, #EAD2018 will feature multiple sessions of breakout workshops on Saturday and Sunday, offering educational and skills training opportunities for attendees.

One workshop we are happy to highlight early is entitled "The Refugee Next Door." It will be led by the Rev. Lee Schott, pastor of Women at the Well United Methodist Church in Iowa, which is housed within the walls of the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women.

Read more and view the video about Rev. Schott's work in the Des Moines Register.

Some additional workshop topics being planned for our 2018 National Gathering include:
  • Faith Leaders Respond to White Supremacy
  • Climate Change Refugees and Latin America: Grassroots Voices & Community Identities
  • Justice Threats to Unaccompanied Minors
  • Rebuilding Puerto Rico & the U.S. Virgin Islands
  • Environmental Racism: When Climate, Cultural Biases & Race Collide
  • Climate Refugees/Climate Change & Forced Migration
  • Uprooted Communities Displaced By Extractive Industries
  • Gender-based Violence/Violence Against Women
  • The Intersection of Migrants, Refugees and Displaced People with Human Trafficking
  • Immigration & Alternatives to Detention
We will be posting more information about workshops, including scheduled times, as that information becomes finalized.
#EAD2018 Lenten Reflection Series
A World Uprooted

During the season of Lent, representatives from some of our sponsor organizations are offering reflections on the Scriptures chosen for #EAD2018. The first one reflects on Deuteronomy 10:17-20.

Lenten Reflection by Rev. Ebony Grisom, Ecumenical Poverty Initiative

Deuteronomy 10:17-20
For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who is not partial and takes no bribe, who executes justice for the orphan and the widow, and who loves the strangers, providing them food and clothing. You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.

Lent is the time when the Church joins Jesus in His forty-day preparation to enter His public ministry. Unlike Jesus, we prepare every year, walking the Lenten road fasting, praying, and consecrating ourselves for just a closer walk with Thee. Lent is a season to respond intentionally to Jesus' Call: to become displaced from the world as we know it, to enter the wilderness willingly, and seek refuge with our Savior.

As we prepare for Ecumenical Advocacy Days 2018, we consider our Old Testament Scripture. Deuteronomy 10:17-19 calls us into the wilderness with the Israelites as they learn to live in right relationship with God, and each other.

#EAD2018 Event App Now Available 
Download the EAD 2018 Event App

We are pleased to announce that the #EAD2018 National Gathering event app is now available for download for iOS and Android, accessible in the iTunes and Google Play stores. Visit AdvocacyDays.org/app for easy download links.

The EAD 2018 app provides important information for those preparing to come and participate in our National Gathering. It will also provide an array of communications and resources on-site to keep participants informed throughout the event:
  • Schedule information always up-to-date;
  • Interaction with your fellow advocates, speakers, workshop presenters and exhibitors both privately, and via social media; 
  • Resources for state breakouts, evaluations, handouts from keynote speakers and workshops provided to EAD, all at your fingertips;
  • Push notifications for important announcements and sample social media posts at the ready with a touch and a swipe; 
  • Monday Lobby Day features including an interactive map of Capitol Hill, Ask materials and other resources to help make your meetings with Members and Senators go well.
Visit AdvocacyDays.org/app and download the EAD 2018 event app today. (Last year's app has expired, so it will no longer work.)

Early adopters are invited to give feedback on their experience to help us improve the app in advance of April's gathering. Use the app to contact us with suggestions and feedback, even before the conference. (Don't worry, you won't break anything!)

Speaker Summary;
Registration and Hotel Bookings Reminder

Rev. Julian DeShaizer

Recently we announced the initial slate of keynote speakers and preachers for #EAD2018, including:
We look forward to sharing more details with you in the coming weeks about additional speakers, workshops, a Sunday evening event to honor the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and more. In the meantime, we encourage you to read more about this year's theme and to download and share  the full theme backgrounder

There is less than a month to take advantage of discounted early bird registration for EAD and to book you hotel room at the reduced rate. Make sure to register soon and book your hotel room at the Doubletree Hotel. We expect our discounted room block at the Doubletree to fill up as in past years.

Register for EAD
Book Hotel

Help Bring Young Adults to #EAD2018:
Support our Young Scholars Fund
Support Young EAD Scholars_

EAD is working together with our sponsor organizations, denominational leaders and others to financially support the attendance of young adults interested in Christian advocacy and global transformation to participate in our National Gathering. 

When you register for EAD you are given an option to support our "Young Scholars Fund," which provides direct assistance to defray the registration costs for these inspired young adults, ages 18-35.

We also invite your donations through our Young Scholars Fundly page. You may make a donation to cover a part or all of one or more EAD registrations for these young witnesses in our churches.

Any funds that do not get used this year will remain available in the Scholars Fund for future years for the express purpose of supporting young adult participation in the future.
Organizations: Register to Exhibit at #EAD2018
EAD Exhibitors

We cordially invite your organization to present a display table at the EAD National Gathering. The exhibit provides you a valuable opportunity to make your work known to faith communities across the nation. Click below to register and read information about pricing and guidelines.
Ecumenical Advocacy Days | webmaster @advocacydays.org | (571) 882-9730