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The feedback from our customers is that BluWave CRM is definitely making a huge difference to their sales figures. If you don't find that to be the case for you personally then please let me know. 

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Byron Cooke-Tonnesen
More on MOJO - Our Third Product  Coming Soon...

MOJO Dashboards and KPIs

Personalized and interactive dashboards allow your business to enhance organizational visibility and effectively align actions with strategy. Track the status of your business via tailored, scheduled KPI reports, assign goals, collaborate and share knowledge. Save your organization time and money. Empower people from all business backgrounds with the specific insights they need to make faster, more accurate decisions.

Lead Generation Strategies 

If you work in a sales team, you probably already know what the term lead generation means. Simply put, it's the process of generating consumer interest or inquiry into the products or services of a business. As part of the sales team, you should focus on creating a relationship with the leads that you've generated, so that when they are ready to purchase, your company is the one they think about first. 
There are many different types of digital lead generation strategies and you need to pick a combination of which will suit your business best:
Cold Calling

This is a flexible lead generation method and is universally available, however it is also expensive and the recipient's details you have might not answer the phone. Here are a few tips for cold calling:

* Do research: You should do extensive research on your prospects to find out how what you're selling could help them personally or in their work life.  People respond to very specific benefits, not vague general product descriptions.

* Write a script: This will help guide you through your sales call in an eloquent way. Remember to include a professional greeting and ensure that you introduce yourself and your company. Set out reminders such as the features and benefits of your product/service, pricing and other information such as offering them a free trial.

* Focus on goals: Make small talk if it is necessary but remember that your goal is to generate leads and turn these leads in to customers. 

Online Advertising

This can consist of various elements, such as graphical banners on sites with content related to what you're offering, or even sponsored listings on a related website. A major player in the online advertising space is Google's Adwords platform, where you bid on certain keyword phrases in order for your ad to appear on Google's search results pages. The big difference between Google Adwords and banner advertising in terms of lead generation cost is that you only pay when someone clicks on your paid advert. 

Social Media Engagement 

A social media strategy may cost less than traditional advertising in terms of generating leads, but it can be difficult to predict and control. Different elements of a social media strategy may include:
* Facebook is better suited to B2C companies. It helps you to increase brand awareness through a company Facebook page, and generate more leads by targeting people through Facebook advertising. Through Facebook's ad platform, you can target by location, demographics, interests, behaviours and connections. 

* Twitter is a microblogging network of real-time posts that are limited to 140 characters or less. Twitter can help you generate leads by creating a business profile and then testing out the advertising function.

* LinkedIn is a lead generation strategy better suited for B2B companies as it is a career/work related social network. You can also do sponsored updates in order to raise brand awareness, build relationships and drive quality reach. 

Email Marketing

Every email sent to a potential or current lead could be considered email marketing. This form of marketing is very inexpensive and has a fast turn around and results, however you have limited creative options and limited address availability. In addition, you need explicit permission from your database in order to communicate with them. Before you can do email marketing, you need to grow your leads list. You can do this by:

* Create a compelling sign up form on your website, blog or social media pages
* Promoting an online contest
* Encouraging your current email subscribers to share and forward your emails
* Offering an awesome free gift to subscribers

With BluWave's CRM Management software, we help you manage your leads once they've been generated. The software enables you to see all new leads from your website in your BluWave dashboard as they arrive, at which point they can be automatically transferred to the CRM database for further processing. 
BluWave Tip: Dictate and transcribe- Reduce Typing Stress.
You can now dictate notes into BluWave. Imagine being able to update your call report by talking to your iPad or Android tablet. Improve speed and efficiency of your data input.  Most people can talk faster than they can type, so why not use your voice to quickly dictate and edit input fields? 

Typically, you will be able to dictate data 3x faster than typing. Give your wrists a rest and reduce repetitive stress injuries. Easy to use, give it a try now.

On an iOS (Apple) Device:

You will tap the little microphone icon on your keyboard as seen below then you will just dictate your text; speak directly at the phone.  

On an android Device 

  • You will require to do a few setting changes to Activate voice input
 To ensure that this feature is active, obey these steps:

1)At the Home screen, touch the Apps icon.

2)Open the Settings app.

3)Choose Language & Input.

This command may be titled Input & Language on some phones.

4)Ensure that the item Google Voice Typing has a check mark.

  If not, touch that item to activate Google Voice Typing.

There will now be a Microphone icon found on the keyboard. 

Now that your dictate feature is activated all you have to do is  touch the Microphone key, you will then  see a special window at the bottom of the screen, similar to what's shown below. When the text Tap to Speak or Speak Now appears, dictate your text; speak directly at the phone.



Book Review -   
Sprint: How to solve big problems and test new ideas in just five days

by  Jake Knapp

If you like placing big bets on untested guesses then this book might not be for you - save your money and buy a Lotto ticket. However, if you'd prefer to launch something new into the world with a bit more knowledge about how customers might respond, then I highly recommend Sprint.

There's a lot to like about the book, but I'll start with the tone. It suits the methodology perfectly - it's energetic, it doesn't seem to take itself too seriously, and it is direct. It's a refreshing read and has the effect of making you want to try the process right away.

From a format perspective, the book is primarily laid out according to the five days of a sprint which further helps with its applicability. The five main sections of the book cover each of the five days of a sprint with practical tips, lessons, and real world examples embedded throughout.

The content will feel familiar to those versed in design thinking...but entirely accessible to those who are not. Much of what is contained in the book will strike you as a very sensible approach; however, in practice you often see the exact opposite applied and groupthink and inaction typically reign. And that's where the book shines. It really gives you a roadmap for applying this process, that once underway and properly facilitated, will feel like it's the method you should use to navigate those really tricky business challenges. Sprint reveals a simple but profoundly powerful approach to making progress and determining next steps without guessing.
There a quite a few diagrams in the book so I bought the paperback version as opposed to the kindle version. Bought it at the Nicolway Exclusive Books for R327. Only for those who like to be on the bleeding edge. 



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