5225 Canyon Crest Drive #30A, Riverside, CA 92507 | 951.787.7807 | cellardoorbookstore.com
Store Hours: Mon-Sat 10 am-6 pm | CLOSED Sundays
News & Events
March 2021
We are currently open for:
  • online orders
  • phone orders
  • curbside pickup
  • limited in-store browsing (15 minutes only)
To browse in-store, customers must agree to:
  • Wear a mask appropriately with both nose and mouth covered
  • Use hand sanitizer provided at the door
  • Carry children who are unable to wear a mask in a stroller or in adult arms
Thanks for your understanding and patience while we navigate these difficult times!
Customer service: info@cellardoorbookstore.com
Save the Date: Upcoming Events
March Staff Picks
Fatima's Great Outdoors by Ambreen Tariq, ill. by Stevie Lewis (on sale 3/30): A testimony to the healing powers of outdoor adventure, family time, and fun! Fatima has not been enjoying her days at school — kids have been teasing her because of her accent and the food she brings for lunch, her grades have not been what she hoped for, and her parents are tired from working two jobs to make ends meet. But the weekend her parents introduce the girls to camping becomes a healing balm. Fatima learns to light a fire, build a tent, gather firewood, overcome her fears, and just play. Tariq is the founder of Brown People Camping and this is a beautifully illustrated love letter to the power of the outdoors to keep us empowered and grounded.
- Linda
Red Island House by Andrea Lee (on sale 3/23): Madagascar's beauty and exoticism seduces the reader, as it does Shay, an African-American professor married to a brash Italian businessman. The lavish Red House he builds, supposedly for her but more as a testament to his success, affords Shay a dream vacation home. While navigating her role as mistress, she must also come to terms with colonialism's effects on the people of this impoverished island nation, a people with whom she shares skin color and a legacy. A land plundered demands payment. Spanning twenty years, Lee weaves the stories of those who arrogantly deem a paradise for their taking with those left grasping for what's rightfully theirs into a provocative tale. - Linda
The Five Wounds by Kirstin Valdez Quade (on sale 3/30): Amadeo Padilla thinks he understands what he needs to sacrifice to get his life together. He's made mistakes, but he thinks that if he can just be strong — carry the cross in the Good Friday procession in his small town of Pas Penas, New Mexico, make himself take the nails, feel a little of what Christ felt — then redemption will be his. His pregnant fifteen-year-old daughter Angel shows up and, in a brilliant twist of the old hero's journey, becomes his mentor, the one who ultimately leads him to a true understanding of redemption. Best of all, you're in the hands of a masterful writer who understands that there's magic in us. Achingly painful and transcendent, you will not leave Las Penas unchanged.  - Linda
Book Club Schedule
Book clubs will continue online; you should be receiving information about them the week before your scheduled book club. As there are no fees to join any of our book clubs, we ask that you please order book club selections from us! We've included links in all of our event listings so that you can easily order online.
Book Clubs for Adults
Cellar Door Book Club
Meets the second Sun at 2 pm
March 14: Parable of the Sower
April 11: Things in Jars

Mystery Book Club
Meets the third Thurs at 6 pm
March 18: The Turn of the Key
April 15: Conviction

Sci-Fi & Fantasy Book Club
Meets the third Sat at 5 pm
March 20: Queen of the Conquered
April 17: The Rosewater Insurrection

Historical Fiction Book Club
Meets the fourth Sat at 5 pm
March 27: When We Were Young and Brave
April 24: Little

Agatha Christie Book Club
Meets the third Tues at 6:30 pm
March 16: Dead Man's Folly
April 20: The Mystery of Mrs. Christie

Philosophical Horror
Meets the third Mon at 6 pm
March 15: Fever Dream
April 19: The Children of Red Peak

Black Lit Book Club
Meets the fourth Fri at 6 pm
March 26: Wings of Ebony
April 23: Travelers
History Book Club
Meets the first Wed at 6 pm
March 3: Secondhand Time
April 7: Author in Chief

Speculative Fiction Book Club
Meets the second Sat at 4 pm
March 13: The Old Drift (pg 1-294)
April 10: The Old Drift (pg 295-end)

LGBTQ Book Club
Meets the fourth Thurs at 6 pm
March 25: Carved in Bone
April 22: The Confessions of Frannie Langton

Bucket List Book Club 
Meets the third Sun at 3 pm
March 21: Women, Race, and Class
April 18: The Constant Gardener

Phy-Sci Book Club
Meets the fourth Wed at 6 pm
March 24: The Second Kind of Impossible
April 28: A Crack in Creation

Feminist Book Club
Meets the first Tues at 6 pm
March 2: Becoming a Man
April 6: Glitter Up the Dark

Outdoor Lit 
Meets every other month, first Sun at 2 pm
March 7: The Soul of an Octopus
May 2: The Animal Dialogues
Book Clubs for Kids & Youth

Early Readers Book Club Meets the second Sat at 1 pm
March 13: The Very, Very Far North
April 10: Hand-Me-Down Magic: Stoop Sale Treasure

Kids' Book Club Meets the second Thurs at 6 pm
March 11: The Charmed Children of Rookskill Castle
April 8: Race To the Sun

Young Adult Book Club Meets the first Friday at 7 pm
Friday, March 5: The Black Sun
Friday, April 2: The Brief History of the Dead
*Starred meetings are not held at their usual date and/or time
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