Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Upton Bass NewsletterVolume 56 - January 31, 2012
Upton Bass
In This Issue

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It's been a REALLY mild winter this year but things are cooking here at the shop! As always the basses keep getting better and we are packing some new techniques and ideas into every model.  Call Gary at the shop and he can tell you all about what makes our basses some of the best buys out there.  Or...why don't you ask us about them on our NEW forum!  
Who's going to be first?
And as always, the best is yet to come...so stay tuned!!!

And remember, if you have a favorite video clip, performance, or multimedia piece that is double related you want to share with me (and several thousand of my closest friends), please eMail me at eroy@uptonbass.com.  Thanks!

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Eric Roy
Upton Bass String Instrument Co
90' Kontrabass orchestra
Bass OrchestraOur good friend Harvie S passed this on to us recently...and new I pass it on to you!  Enjoy!


A great bass section uses the advanced Stanley Clarke fingering in the Verdi Requiem without cracking a smile! The use of technique occurs at 1:46. This is only the front of the bass section.


Gary Upton Bass
From sneak peaks of new basses and varnishes to pictures and videos of our basses being made, Gary puts a TON of content up on his FaceBook Wall every week.  If your not following Gary you're really missing out on some entertaining and informative Double Bass goodness!
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