Well here we are...San Fransisco, California just before the 2011 International Society of the Double Bass convention! As I type, Gary is playing the competition instrument which we have been going over all morning! Polishing, cleaning, adjusting and playing. It cannot get any better at this point, and I am proud to say I have put my best foot forward and am excited to be representing Upton Bass in this effort.
Two years ago Gary and I drove to State College, Pennsylvania with a last minute bass made out of standard wood but utilizing all the customizations that made up the Gary Karr model. After scrutinizing our work, we thought the best we could do would be a certificate for tone, and were humbled with an UNCONDITIONAL SILVER MEDAL for tone!
This years effort finds us selecting wood most luthiers dream about, and creating a new concept bass building off of some of the Gary Karr features. We hope to at least repeat our 2009 results, and are hopeful to get a workmanship nod this year. The ultimate will be Friday night though when the bass is played on stage in Gary Karr's performance by Jonathan Camps!
Wish us luck! And if you are attending this years convention please stop by and say "Hi" to Gary and I!
We will be in room 135. Or, if you're in the area call us and maybe we can meet up for drinks! 1-860-334-6458. And be sure to "friend" Gary on Face Book to get real time updates and pictures from the show as it happens!