Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Upton Bass String Instrument Co NewsletterVolume 39 - April 23rd, 2011
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In This Issue
Jodie's Professor
Opus 77
Upton Bass
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I'm back!  Did you miss me?

Welcome to the Upton Report version 2.0!  I can't guarantee a new issue every week...between Gary and I building basses and talking to y'all on the phone, and balancing "work" with family, squeezing out a report every week can sometimes be daunting!  If you like the report...if it brings you a little enjoyment on a weekend as you delete all the SPAM that hit your in box during the week...then share a link with me to something double bass that inspires you!  Your help is KEY to to making a regular, diverse and interesting report!

Speaking of SPAM, I've really tried to keep this report from reading like a sales pitch for Upton stuff every week...but Gary is going to start doing some video reports on some of the interesting basses we have had the great opportunity to build for you!  This weeks bass is a very cool, highly customized and nicely upgraded Professor Deluxe!  You just have to be in the room with this bass to "get it"!  The look, the feel, THE TONE!!!  You just cant beat this bass, especially when you consider the PRICE TAG!!!  With some luhtiers getting $30K, $40K and I even hear of $50K for new bass comissions...and waiting lists a year or two long...Upton Bass is delivering some unbelievable basses in a fraction of the time (and money!) that I am sure can compete with the best of them!

And speaking of custom basses, t's been a VERY busy workshop at Upton Bass.  The ISB is getting very close...and wood chips are still hitting the floor on the basses we are bringing!  Call the shop and talk to Gary if you are on the west coast and have been interested in just WHAT and Upton Bass is!  This is a great opportunity to see not only some GREAT Upton basses...but to see some great concerts, lectures and meet bassists from all over t he world!  ISB 2011 in San Fransisco...I CAN'T WAIT!!!

So, without further ado, I bring you some Friday night double bass goodness!

And remember...if you have ANY links, news, videos, etc. you want to share (really...please...share!), eMail it to me at eroy@uptonbass.com and I'll be sure to share it.  Oh...and if you just want to say "Hi" you can do that too!

Have a nice weekend!

Eric Roy
Upton Bass String Instrument Co

Gary Gives a Tour of New Features On A UB Professor Deluxe


We just finished up this Professor Deluxe double bass that incorporates a number of NEW Upton Bass features as well as some very cool customizations and upgrades!  We've been saying for awhile that "if you can dream it, we can build it", and I think you all have been listening as the basses we have been building lately are some of the most unique and interesting double basses yet!!!

Click the image below to see more of Jodie's new Professor Deluxe!

Adam Ben Ezra

Hi Eric.

Thought I'd say "hi" up here from Toronto and share this video by Adam Ben Ezra. I thought it was a great Upright cover of guitarist Andy McKee's "Drifting". Maybe a little video for the Upton Newsletter.

Anyway the Pro Poplar Deluxe that you made is still great and is really coming into its own.

Hope all is well with you and the folks at Upton.

Professor Deluxe - Opus 77



Hi,here are some sound clips of the latest studio project I was working on. All were done with # 77, the bass was mixed a little low, but I thought you would like to hear some samples of one of your great basses,  not yet six months old! Go to Jazz Octets on the sight...thanks again...LOU