Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Upton Bass NewsletterVolume 64 - April 7, 2012
Upton Bass
In This Issue
Karr Model 2
Top Carver!

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Hope this email finds you enjoying this holiday weekend!  


Sun's been out, windows and doors open, and we've been JAMMIN in the shop.   There's a buzz around here as we're building some truly remarkable basses.  


The first "production" Brescian is in Chris's hands with a stunning varnish job, and the next one will be totally over the top...


To keep up with all the latest progress, follow Gary on Facebook!  He posts updates all the time - and if your bass is in our hands, you can see it there.


The forum is closed at this point - thank you for your participation, but we had a security problem this week and have suspended it for now... We'll stick with Facebook. 


Dave's uploaded two new videos - he can fill you in below! 


And as always, the best is yet to come...so stay tuned!!! 

And remember, if you have a favorite video clip, performance, or multimedia piece that is double related you want to share with me (and several thousand of my closest friends), please eMail me at eroy@uptonbass.com.  Thanks!

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Eric Roy
Upton Bass String Instrument Co
Gary Karr Model Version 2 Unveiled
Karr Model V2
A new round of ergonomic developments led the design on our new Karr bass -  click right to see a video walk-through from (our) Gary! 

...and more info and pics at the new webpage...

Carving an Upton Bass Deluxe Top
The sequel to the 30-second blockbuster "Wood Hitting the Floor," Gary talks through the process of graduating a deluxe top on the distinctly "over the top" Brescian Eric mentioned... (wait til you see the back)

A slice of life from Taugwonk Spur World Headquarters this week!  (Thanks for putting up with my jive camera skills - Dave)   
Missed A Copy of The Upton Report?