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MARCH 2022



Spring Awakening

By Dr. Mao Shing Ni

The teaching of the Tao advises us to observe the natural laws and conduct our lives accordingly to stay in harmony with our environment. Harmony means to flow with the rhythm of the universe, disease, displacement and premature death are the result of disharmony and violation against nature. The practice of wu wei is the key to harmony. 

As the quietude of the winter gives way to spring awakening, all living creatures emerge from their hibernation for a new beginning and rebirth. Similarly, this is the season when the spirits within us awakens from the deep slumber and returns once again, like each spring before, in her ritualistic renewal and revitalization. 

To have a fruitful spring, the preparations must have been adequate during winter which is symbolized by the black turtle and corresponds to the direction of North where sunlight is the most minimal throughout the four seasons and is connected to the organ network of kidney and reproductive system. 

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This is what you will see in this Month's Issue

Articles & Events

Dr. Mao's Awakening Message

International Taoist Meditation

Level 1 Courses start March 23rd

Reproductive Medicine Symposium

March 26-27

 College of Tao Retreat April 26/27-May 1st

Weight Wellness Qigong Classes

March 26-May 1st

5 Element Seasonal TCM Cooking Class-Spring

March 20

Monthly Features & Groups

Sunday Renewal 

Taoist Horoscope

Sunday Reflection email group

Tao-of-Life Study Group 

High Energy Days 

Stems & Branches

Sisters Group 

Brother's Group 

Lao Tzu Study Group 

ITMI Meditation

International Taoist Meditation Institute is happy to announce the beginning of another 8 month meditation experience. Evidence based meditation rooted in ancient human wisdom, discover for yourself the amazing benefits of Taoist meditation 

March 23rd, 2022 & continue for 8 months,

Level 1 meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 1 PM PST for guided meditation LIVE via Zoom.

Meditate daily on your own with the recording, then meet again the last Saturday of each month for Q&A. 2:30 PM PST via Zoom 

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Join Drs. Mao Shing Ni and Olivia Rosewood as they guide you through the 8 pillars of Ni lineage Taoist meditation. This is a rare opportunity to learn directly from the 74th generation of the Taoist Ni lineage, Dr. Mao Shing Ni. He generously shares his spiritual inheritance with his down to earth wisdom & vast medical expertise.

Meditate with nature,

not just in nature,

revealing your truest nature & most authentic self.

Optional Teacher Training Seminar offered at the end of the 8 month experience,

for those who wish tto teach or take their practice to a deeper level. 

Click Here for more information about International Taoist Meditation

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The YSU Symposium is for practicing acupuncturists and students of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Learn from the world’s leading fertility experts at the 2022 YSU Integrative Reproductive Medicine Symposium.

Acupuncturists will gain practical clinical knowledge of how TCM can be integrated into the following areas:

  • Implications of COVID-19 and mRNA vaccines on Reproductive Health
  • Men’s Reproductive Health: Current Research and Clinical Guidelines
  • Primary Ovarian Insufficiency: Diagnosis and Treatment in TCM
  • Fertility and Nutrition: the Top Five Foods to Boost Reproductive Health
  • Classic Herbal Formulations to Enhance Fertility: Ba Zhen Tang, Liu Wei, Wu Zi Yin Zang
  • The Psychology of Infertility and Reproductive Health
  • Genetic Carrier Screening before Pregnancy

Video recordings will be available for 90 days at no extra cost to the registered participants.

Earn 16 units NCCAOM, California, and ABORM Approval Pending.

Sign up now!

38 Generations of

Ancient Wisdom

Ni Family Tradition



Regrow, Revitalize, and Regenerate 

Embrace Tiger, Return to Mountain“ 


April 27, 2022 through May 1st, 2022 

with optional class day on April 26th 

The Royal Way Spiritual Center 

The Ranch

8088 High Road

  Lucerne Valley, CA 92356 

Retreat & classes, comfortable lodging, and organic meals all included in one low price.

see details at 


Please Register Here

Tributes to the College of Tao Retreats

Ranan Rauch: "The Retreats are fantastic for always keeping up with my spiritual friends from all over the world. They are always educational, good for your physical body, mind, and is refreshing for your soul. And the food is delicious! My life feels blessed after attending the College of Tao Retreats."

Jono Howard: " Where is heaven on earth? Can you find it in the town or city where you live? Humanity is not there yet. But at a gathering of Integral Way practitioners, you may have the opportunity to experience it.

Amira Kusala: "I look forward to our retreats where I can renew my my connections with friends & meet new ones... refine Qi practices with sincere & skilled instructors...share & be of service, which enlivens my spirit and rejuvenates my commitment to this integral way life at the College of Tao Retreats"

Sue Sullivan: "I enjoy group meditation and participating in the

Qi Health movements, connecting with nature, finding that stillness inside. There are wonderful talks on Taoism and life by Dr.Mao Shing Ni and Dr. Daoshing Ni, and others. Attending in person allows us to take this wonderful inspiration and our refreshed spirit back home to our lives and our loved ones"

We can't think of a safer place, more nurturing place to be than the Royal Way Retreat Site. It's absolutely beautiful. A secluded, peaceful Oasis in the middle of the high dessert. Natural Spring wells provide all the water needed for the gardens, ponds, and streams. Walking paths take you to many areas of beauty and opportunities for reflection. April is a time when everything is in bloom.


  2 Classes in March 

    offered by Amira Kusala

         through Chi Health 

    & TCM Nutrition Certification

Weight Wellness Qigong 

 Ni family Tradition

10 Thursday classes 9 to 10 - $100

March 17 – May 26, 2022

🍀Register & Pay at

  Swimming dragon, acupressure massage & more.

🐉Chinese dragons are beneficial omens of prosperity & longevity. 🐲


5 Element TCM Cooking – 

Spring Session 


1 class - 3 hrs - $90

       March 20th 🌱 9AM – Noon. 

     🍀Register & Pay at


with Dr. Mao and James Tuggle

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Every Sunday at 7 am PST, Dr. Mao Shing Ni invites you to join in a spiritual renewal ceremony followed by a talk on how to apply the wisdom of the Integral Way to the Five Healths—healthy body, mind/spirit, relationship, work and finance. On alternate Sundays James Tuggle and other Senior Mentors shall lead the Sunday Renewal sessions free for the College of Tao community.

Friends and family are welcome.

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The Power of Natural Healing

by Hua-Ching Ni

Master Ni, Hua-Ching, the 37th-generation practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as well as Taoist Healing Arts, has written many well-known books on spirituality. Led by Dr. Dao, our monthly tele-study group is open to everyone. There is a wide range of experience in this group from newcomers to long-term participants. Together, we will explore Master Ni’s writings. Participants take turns to select a passage from his books so that as a group, we can delve into the meanings of his writings and how we can apply this knowledge into our daily lives.



This month's selection comes from Ginny Eisenhans

"In this chapter, the natural healing power of life itself is remembered. General self fortification and well-being comes from nourishing emotional peace. It is possible to cultivate one's own health and emotions in a positive way. The Invocation for Health and Longevity supports this."

This book may be purchased on the Wellness Living Store website at: you have any questions, please contact Peter Stege at:

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DR. DAOSHING NI, Dr. Dao, is a 38th generation doctor of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, holds two doctorates in Oriental Medicine and was awarded the American Fertility Association’s Dr. Joyce Vargyas Visionary Award. Dr. Dao has appeared on the Today Show, provided numerous news/magazine interviews, and is a best-selling author,

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Meeting ID: 839 6061 8837

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Gui Chou Day, Ren Yin Month

Ren Yin ( TIGER ) Year

New Moon

Awake from hibernation        

Thunder begins and hibernating insects wake up

Geng Shen Day      

Yang metal/yang metal

Hsin Yin Day      

Yin metal/yin metal

Full Moon

Spring Equinox (With equal day & night)

2nd New Moon

March 2

March 5,6

March 8

March 9

March 18

March 20,21

March 31


We invite you all to join us:

Every other Sunday Morning @ 8:15 AM Pacific Standard time, continuing, March 13th following the Sunday Renewal to carry on our lively discussion of the 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches. James Tuggle guides our exploration of this helpful resource that connects us with the universal cycles and living in harmony and balance with the flow of nature.

Please join Zoom Meeting Here 

If any questions, please contact Courtney  

Dr. Mao's 2022 Horoscopes

In March, the influence of Wood Element energy will continue to kick off plenty of exciting new possibilities. Look for interesting paths to explore and opportunities to expand upon in this new lunar Year of the Water Tiger, but note that soon Wood’s powerful forward-moving energy will cycle to stable, non-moving Earth. In May and June, we will move into the active Fire phase of early summer when a whole new proverbial ballgame will be revealed to us.

March is the month when the full moon of the vernal equinox occurs; it marks the delightful transition from winter into spring. Early settlers called it the Lenten Moon because it usually fell during Lent. Persian families will gather on the equinox to feast and ring in their New Year, and this year the date happens to correspond to the two-day festival of Purim, the most fun-filled, action-packed celebration in the Jewish calendar.

So here’s to you and here’s to spring. Here’s to daylight saving time, St. Patrick’s Day, new opportunities, flourishing creativity, budding leaves, and fresh new growth. We welcome you to check out your horoscope, to see what sorts of transitions you might expect in this, the first month of spring and as the Irish blessing goes: “May the wind always be at your back; may the sun shine warm upon your face.” Summer is on the way!

Horoscope by Element

Quiz Link:to determine your Element click below 

Find your Element 

Taoist Horoscope Link for March

Your Horoscope



“It takes many years to purify the mind. Have courage and trust the positive nature of the universe and the positive nature of one’s own being.”

Hua-Ching Ni Ageless Counsel For Modern Life p 26

Living far away from your Integral friends and wanting to stay connected to the Tradition?

Join the "Integral Way Friends Group emailing list" Weekly inspirational quotes to your inbox and warm conversation.

Email: Jono Howard at: to get signed up.


Cultivating Ourselves From the Inside Out


If women are to effectively repair and lead a world that has been split apart by excessive masculine competition, and set a new direction based on motherly or unconditional love, we must first govern and love ourselves well. At our recent gathering, Sisters read from Chapters 16 and 21 of the Power of the Feminine, and affirmed how Kwan Yin encourages this direction.

The all loving, calm, integrated and liberated qualities sensed from artistic representations of Kwan Yin are the natural effects of a system of subtle self education that Kwan Yin deeply refers to.Many people miss this reference and remain at the shallow level of directing their attention outward in external worship and for external favors. Kwan Yin’s subtle education system actually directs our attention deeply inward to develop an embodied inner vision of our life and spiritual nature.

In Chinese, Kwan means the power of deep perception and insight and Yin means sound, tone, vibration and a wavelike movement of energy.


Our Next Sister's Meeting: Saturday 

March 20th 3:30 PM PST USA 

March 19th 7:30 AM Perth Australia

Click Here to Join Sisters 




Brother's Meeting 2022

February’s Brothers Meeting began with a discussion of the Retreat center, with Curt telling everyone what a wonderful place it is and how pleasantly mild the weather is. We also discussed how important it is for those who teach the public our traditional arts to acknowledge the source of those arts: the Ni family tradition. The Ni’s sacrificed to bring this treasure to everyone. Please acknowledge this to all students.

Next we dove once again into the Hua Hu Ching, reading Chapter 20, a discussion of those who achieve psychic and spiritual powers. The phrase that struck everyone was: “you cannot move the intangible”. What did this mean? And what was the chapter trying to tell us? We realized that the chapter was saying: Don’t stop your cultivation just because you achieve some powers. Keep going. Spiritual powers are still in the realm of duality. We are reaching higher than this............

Read More 

To Join our next Tao Men's Group Please click link below

Time: March 27, 2022 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Meeting ID: 821 8918 0145

Passcode: 771725


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    +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)

    +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)

Meeting ID: 821 8918 0145

Passcode: 771725

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Free virtual study group on zoom!


It's not too late to Join


Free virtual study group on zoom!

Please Join Us


Amira invites you to join our 

Ongoing Free monthly

Integral Way Study Group

The Complete Works of Lao Tzu 

as elucidated by Hua-Ching Ni

Tao Teh Ching and the Hua Hu Ching

This book is the specific translation we will use and can be purchased at

5:00 PM-6:00 PM PST

On Zoom every 1st Wednesday of the month

Click Here for Zoom Link Study Group


College of Tao

13315 Washington Blvd.

Los Angeles, Ca 90066

Do you have something to share with the COT Community? We welcome all suggestions so that we may continue to bring you information that is revenant and inspirational


Sue and Amira


Contact Us 