Where coming to shul is like coming home

80th Anniversary Celebration

September 15, 2024

Mandell Jewish Community Center of Greater Hartford

Join members and friends of the Beth David Synagogue community as we celebrate our past and envision our future!

Honoring the Cohen, Eckstein & Hoffman Families

More Information to Follow

Thank You and Good Luck!

Beth David Synagogue would like to thank our office administrator, Karen Youel, for the amazing work that she has done on behalf of the congregation. Karen has accepted a position with the State of Connecticut and will no longer be working in our office as of Friday, July 26. We wish her hatzlacha, good luck, on the next stage of her professional career! We will miss you, Karen!

Schedule of Services

Friday, July 26 (Erev Shabbat)

7:00am - Shacharit

6:30pm - Minchah/Kabbalat Shabbat/ Maariv

7:57pm - (latest) Candle Lighting

Shabbat, July 27 (Parshat Pinchas)

9:30am - Chevra Mishnayot

10:00am - Shabbat Tefilot

  • Shacharit -
  • Torah Reading -
  • Haftorah -
  • Musaf -

Kiddush Contributors

Shari and Ed Freeman

in memory of Philip Rosoff and Samuel Rosoff’s yahrzeits

Bella and Mikhail Klebanov

in memory of Yitzchok Kelbanov's yahrzeit

7:50pm - Minchah / Seudah Shelishit / Maariv

7:56pm - Havdallah

Sunday, July 28

8:30am - Shacharit

7:55pm - Minchah/Maariv


Monday - Thursday

7:00am - Shacharit

7:55pm - Minchah Maari

Friday, August 2 (Erev Shabbat)

7:00am - Shacharit

6:30pm - Minchah/Kabbalat Shabbat/ Maariv

7:49 - (latest) Candle Lighting

"The Three Weeks"

Every summer is marked by a period of three weeks wherein Jews around the world mark two major calamities that befell our people in ancient times. These three weeks are inaugurated by the Seventeenth of Tammuz, and they conclude on the Ninth of Av. Historically, the first date was when the city of Jerusalem went under siege. The city of Jerusalem fell three weeks later, on Tisha B'Av. The schedule this summer is -


Tisha B'Av Eve (Monday, August 12) -

Minchah - 7:45pm

Fast begins - 7:54pm

Maariv - 8:00pm, followed by reading of Eichah


Tisha B'Av (Tuessday, August 13)

Shacharit & Kinot - 7:00am

Minchah and Maariv 7:30pm

Fast ends - 8:28pm

Traditions and Observances

The intensity of the mourning mounts as the days pass. For the duration of the three weeks, we abstain from haircuts, live music concerts, and elective occasions when it might be appropriate to recite the blessing of "Shehechiyanu". Weddings are not performed during these three weeks; and when possible, we postpone major purchases and major projects. Shaving should be avoided by men whose employment performance would not be detrimentally impacted by a scruffy face. Beginning with the first day of the month of Av (Monday, August 5), we eliminate meat and wine from our daily diets (except for Shabbat); and we also eliminate recreational bathing. Some men abstain from shaving during these final nine days. We try to avoid wearing freshly laundered clothing during these nine days, and washing clothes is kept to a minimum. The Temple of Jerusalem fell on Tisha B'Av and it was set on fire near the end of the day, and the fires burned into the next day. Therefore, meat and wine are avoided at the dinner that breaks the day's fast; meat and wine are not consumed until after noon of the following day.

 “Get updates on the weekly marches as well as other posts on local support for Israel on WhatsApp: https://tinyurl.com/WeHaforIsrael”.

West Hartford Eruv Campaign

Every summer, the West Hartford Eruv reaches out to the community for support to fund the eruv. These funds are used to maintain and repair the eruv as needed as well as to provide a stipend to the individuals who inspect the eruv on a weekly basis. This year, Beth David and Beth Israel launched a project with the leadership of the eruv to expand the boundaries to include more neighborhoods on the southside of West Hartford. This anticipated expansion could have direct impact on selected streets between Beth David and Beth Israel, and as far south as Park Road. We call upon Beth David members and friends to support this campaign to fund and maintain the eruv. Checks can be made payable to the Eruv Committee and sent to 107 Hilldale Road, W. Hartford, CT 06117 

The War

As Israel navigates the war against Hamas, and we celebrate the release of hostages, let us not forget those Israelis who paid the ultimate price. Please CLICK HERE for brief biographies of brothers and sister that have been lost.

From the Beth David Inbox -

From Elisha and Anat Rosenzweig

"As you can imagine, things here in Israel are challenging, but B"H we are doing fine, and Gd willing we will get out of this soon, and stronger for it.

I wanted to share that I've started to record a "war diary" of the Israel-Hamas war that is taking place these days around us, tracking how things evolve from our perspective. The point is to give people - especially those who are not Israeli, but want to gain a sense of how things are here, "on the ground" - a sense of what it feels like, as well as what are the personal, political and strategic forces at work. I'm not a reporter or an expert in anything related to this war. Just an informed citizen of the State of Israel, who has lived in this tiny country in the Middle East most of his life and so has (hopefully) a broad context within which to help place these events. So far I've done two episodes. I'll be trying to do these in a semi-daily manner." Click here for Elisha's updates, and save the link.

Feel free to not only watch but also share with those you think would find this meaningful. 

Hope to see you soon, in quieter times, Elisha Rosenzweig and Family

In Pursuit of Information -

There is a massive amount of information filling our inboxes multiple times daily with updates from Washington, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The Times of Israel is a source you might want to consider. Click Here.

Memorial Candle

Upcoming Yahrzeits

Sylvia Wise Bland, Mother-in-law of William Glater, Grandmother of Amy Mondschein

Charlotte Rosenwald, Friend of Laurie Feldman

Boris Podolsky, Loved One of Masha Stambler

Freyda Barenholtz, Mother of Barbara Ungar

May their memories be bound in the Heavenly bond of life eternal.


Would you like to support Beth David

by donating to one (or more) of our charitable funds?

Click Here

to visit our Donations Page

for charitable opportunities.

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Office Administrator     office@bethdavidwh.org

Lior Krinsky, Director director@bethdavidwh.org

Rabbi Yitzchok Adler    rabbi@bethdavidwh.org

Beth David Synagogue 860-236-1241
