Where coming to shul is like coming home

Do you know someone looking for a welcoming, diverse community?

Invite them to Beth David for our

Prospective Member Shabbaton!

Featuring Scholar-in-Residence Jordan Gorfinkel

May 31-June 2

Hospitality available for out-of-towners!


Schedue of Services

Friday, May 10 (Erev Shabbat)

7:00am - Shacharit

6:30pm - Minchah/Kabbalat Shabbat/ Maariv

  • Kabbalat Shabbat - Rabbi Chatinover
  • Dvar Torah - Kelly Hamann

7:42pm - (latest) Candle Lighting

Shabbat, May 11 (Parshat Kedoshim)

9:30am - Beit Medrash

10:00am - Shabbat Tefilot

  • Shacharit - Jonathan Greenberg
  • Torah Reading - Matan Doron
  • Haftorah - Matan Doron
  • Musaf - Ben Gitman

Kiddush Sponsor

Kirsten and Simon Levy

in honor of Hannah and Max Lopez's new baby, Isabel

Kiddush Fund Contributors

Ben & Rachel Abrams

in honor of Ruth Yancovich's birthday

Karina and Matt Gitman

in honor of Hanni Gitman's birthday

Krinsky Family

in honor of Lior's birthday

Ruth Yancovich

in honor of her birthday

7:10pm - Pirkei Avot

7:40pm - Minchah / Seudah Shelishit / Maariv

8:43pm - Havdallah 8:28pm

Sunday, May 12

Shacharit 8:30am

Minchah/Maariv - 7:45pm


Monday - Thursday

7:00am - Shachartit

7:45pm - Minchah Maariv

Friday, May 17 (Erev Shabbat)

7:00am - Shacharit

6:30pm - Minchah/Kabbalat Shabbat/ Maariv

7:49pm - (latest) Candle Lighting

Click This Box For A Dvar Torah on This Week's Parsha.

From The Ritual Committee -

The changing of the seasons and the coming warmer temperatures present an opportunity to review protocols for maintaining sanctity in our sanctuary -

  • We request that water bottles for adults not be brought into the sanctuary. Our staff has been instructed to maintain a water station, cold water and cups, in the social hall accessible to worshippers as needed.
  • Modesty in attire is always encouraged. Men participating in any manner of leadership (baal tefilah, baal keriyah, aliyah) should tuck in shirt tails.
  • Timely arrival at services enhances the tefilah experience for everyone, including men and women wishing to recite Kaddish. Minimizing private conversations maximizes the shul prayer experience for everyone.

The Ritual Committee is ever ready to assist members in learning how to lead, how to chant, or simply how to keep up with the services. Please let Rabbi Adler know if you would like to study any aspect of prayer with a member of our Committee.

Hannah Levy-Lopez, Max Lopez and big sister Ivy on the birth and naming of their daughter!

Abby & Davy Goldstein on the birth of their son!

Shira Bortniker, Josh Vorensky, big sister Naya and big brother Naftali on the birth of baby Efrat!

Schechter Shabbat is May 11!

Welcome Rabbi Jonathan Berger, Head of School at Solomon Schechter Jewish Day School of Greater Hartford!

Rabbi Jonathan (Yoni) Berger serves as the Head of School of the Solomon Schechter Day School of Greater Hartford. During his three years at Schechter, he has worked to further strengthen the school’s educational program, foster a love of Torah, and build a sense of community. Under his leadership, the school has revised its mission, augmented its core values, and added exciting new programs, including the Scott Shoham z”l Makerspace. Schechter’s enrollment has been growing steadily since 2019.

Before coming to West Hartford, Yoni served as the Associate Head of School for Judaic Studies at the Gross Schechter Day School in suburban Cleveland for 4 years, and as the Rav Beit Hasefer of Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit, for 11 years. He also served as a congregational rabbi in the Baltimore and Detroit areas. He and his wife Laura met as students at JTS, and they are the proud parents of Talya (age 19), Adina (age 16), and twins Rami and Benny (age 9). He enjoys cooking, running, singing and origami.

Yoni will share a d'var Torah during services, and he and his family will join us for kiddush!


Graduation Shabbat &

Summer Simcha Shabbat on June 1!

Is there a graduate in your family - Class of 2024?

  • Pre-school
  • Elementary School
  • Middle School
  • High School
  • College
  • Graduate Program

Please send an e-mail to Rabbi Adler (Click Here) so that your graduate(s) may be honored at Beth David on June 1.

Is someone in your family celebrating a simcha in June, July, or August?

Let us know! All summer birthdays and anniversaries will be celebrated on June 1!


Help Grow the

'Brew Crew!

The 'Brew Crew is Beth David's social group for those 21+ social group. We are looking for someone to help take the reins and run with social ideas and fun new events for this upcoming year! 

Previous events include: cider tasting, murder mystery, game night, backyard screening/movie night and more!

Interested in learning more? Contact Chanie Rosenfeld office@bethdavidwh.org

Join Beth David's 'Brew Crew at this great event on May 19!

Beth David Beit Midrash Monthly Night of Learning

Wednesday May 22


Session One: 7:00pm-7:45pm

Choose From:

Shavuot: The meaning and observance of the Chag in ancient times and today. (R. Adler)

Israeli Songs/Poems, Part 2: reflect upon the historical context, parse the Hebrew, and learn about the authors. (Galya Greenberg)

Refreshments & Schmooze: 7:45pm-8:00pm

Sesson Two: 8:00pm-8:45pm

Choose From:

Topic TBD: R. Chatinover

Israeli Folk Dancing- Learn the basics from hora to tcherkessia, from mayim to Yemenite. No experience necessary! (Marla Cohen)

Free and open to the public; advanced registration required by 5/22.


Click HERE to view itinerary!
Click here to see a video message to Beth David from some of the recipients of our care packages to soldiers in the IDF.

As the seasons are changing, the needs of the IDF are changing. Please log in below at the light blue box to support with a new list of needed supplies.

Please click this box to support this campaign.

The War

As Israel navigates the war against Hamas, and we celebrate the release of hostages, let us not forget those Israelis who paid the ultimate price. Please CLICK HERE for brief biographies of brothers and sister that have been lost.

From the Beth David Inbox -

From Elisha and Anat Rosenzweig

"As you can imagine, things here in Israel are challenging, but B"H we are doing fine, and Gd willing we will get out of this soon, and stronger for it.

I wanted to share that I've started to record a "war diary" of the Israel-Hamas war that is taking place these days around us, tracking how things evolve from our perspective. The point is to give people - especially those who are not Israeli, but want to gain a sense of how things are here, "on the ground" - a sense of what it feels like, as well as what are the personal, political and strategic forces at work. I'm not a reporter or an expert in anything related to this war. Just an informed citizen of the State of Israel, who has lived in this tiny country in the Middle East most of his life and so has (hopefully) a broad context within which to help place these events. So far I've done two episodes. I'll be trying to do these in a semi-daily manner." Click here for Elisha's updates, and save the link.

Feel free to not only watch but also share with those you think would find this meaningful. 

Hope to see you soon, in quieter times, Elisha Rosenzweig and Family

In Pursuit of Information -

There is a massive amount of information filling our inboxes multiple times daily with updates from Washington, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The Times of Israel is a source you might want to consider. Click Here.

Weinstein Community Genizah

We all have occasion to need of a "genizah". A "genizah" is in essence a sacred burial of holy books, sacred items and any texts containing the name of God. Sometimes we inherit old books from family members, sometimes we generate them ourselves. Weinstein Mortuary reminds us that they provide a community service of receiving these items for proper burial. If have have any such items and need a "genizah", call Weinstein Mortuary at 860-233-2675.

Memorial Candle

Upcoming Yahrzeits

Jacob Lapidus, Grandfather of Jay Lapidus

Sarah Swartzman, Sister of Grigory Malakh

Morris Yaffa, Grandfather of Glenn Yaffa

Fred Lowenstein, Step Father of Gary Lowenstein

Orna Neumann, Sister-in-Law of Helen Neumann

Helen Smith, Grandmother of Rachel Abrams

Henry Herman Hirschel, Father of Fred Singer

May their memories be bound in the Heavenly bond of life eternal.


Would you like to support Beth David

by donating to one (or more) of our charitable funds?

Click Here

to visit our Donations Page

for charitable opportunities.

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Office Administrator     office@bethdavidwh.org

Lior Krinsky, Director director@bethdavidwh.org

Rabbi Yitzchok Adler    rabbi@bethdavidwh.org

Beth David Synagogue 860-236-1241
