Where coming to shul is like coming home

The Guides for Passover published by the OU and cRc

are in the office and available for pick up.

Schedule of Services

Friday, March 29

7:00am - Shacharit

6:30pm - Minchah / Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv

6:56pm - Candle lighting

  • Kabbalat Shabbat - David Gibeley

Shabbat, March 30 (Shabbat Parshat Tzav / Parah)

9:30am - Chevra Mishnayot - CANCELLED THIS WEEK

10:00am - Shabbat Morning Tefilot

  • Shacharit - Rabbi Steven Chatinover
  • Torah Reader - Matan Doron, Harry Weller
  • Haftorah - Rabbi Steven Chatinover
  • Musaf - Daniel Klau

12:30pm - Post-Kiddush Program: Tamarah Touvian, Israeli Poet (Chapel)

6:55pm - Minchah/Seudah Shelish/Maariv

7:57pm - Havdallah

Kiddush Sponsor

Ed and Shari Freeman

In celebration of fundraising efforts for Beth David, Shari being 30 years cancer free after her first bout, and Shari being 20 years cancer free after her second bout

Sunday, March 31

8:30am - Morning Tefilot

7:00pm - Minchah/Maariv

Monday - Thursday

7:00am - Shacharit

7:00pm - Minchah/Maariv

Friday, April 5

7:00am - Shacharit

6:30pm - Minchah / Kabbalat Shabbat / Maariv

7:04pm - Candle lighting

Rabbi Chatinover will lead us in new Shacharit melodies this Shabbat; please click on the link below to listen in advance!

Click for Shacharit Melodies

Todah Rabah and Thank You to our Purim Volunteers!

Your time and energy made our Purim celebration a success!

Ben Adler, Karen & Jerry Benjamin, Rut Ben-Porat, Leah & Larry Berson, Erica Bloch, Lisa Book, Gary Bykoff, Elana Doron, Laurie Feldman, Allison & Adam Gamzon, Susan Gibeley, Galya Greenberg, Lisa Halpern, Renana Kadden, Zach Langlois, Noah Langlois, Simon Lichter, Lesley Meisler, Shai Meshal, Aviad Reis, Deborah Savage, Hilary Silver

...and a very special thank you to Rachel Rosenfeld for reading Megillah AND helping to organize an incredibly successful community Unity Purim Party!!

Coat Room Clean Up!

The weather is getting warmer and it's almost time to put away coats and boots! In advance of Passover, we will have a synagogue "Coat Room Clean Up!"

Please remove all personal belongings by Monday, April 8.

Left items will be displayed on a lost and found table in the social hall from Tuesday, April 9 - Wednesday, April 17.

Any items left in lost-and-found after April 17 will be donated!

**Tallitot and Tefillin will be organized into baskets.**

Beth David Welcomes Israeli Poet

Tamarah Touvian

Shabbat, March 30, 12:30pm

Beth David Chapel

Join Tamarah as she shares poems in Hebrew and English, along with a discussion of her creative process and themes. (Hebrew language not required to participate!)

Tama­rah Tou­vian was born in the US and raised in Israel. She holds degrees in Education and Bible Studies from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and an MA in Education from Haifa University. An educator, Tamarah has taught Bible, Jew­ish stud­ies, Hebrew Lan­guage and Lit­er­a­ture, and Israeli Cul­ture and Soci­ety since 1995. Tamarah returned to the US in 2005 and cur­rent­ly resides in Con­necti­cut with her fam­i­ly. Her first book of poet­ry, Path­ways, was pub­lished in Hebrew in Israel in 2022. 

Please join us for

An Evening with ZAKA, featuring Simcha Greiniman

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


Free and open to all; advanced registration required.

Free childcare available from 7:00pm-9:00pm!

Simcha is the brother of our wonderful Youth Educator, Estee Axelrad. Simcha has spoken on behalf of Israel at the United Nations and around the world; we are honored to partner with many community organizations to welcome him to West Hartford.

Register Here!
Register for Webinar Here!

Beth David Annual Community Seder

Tuesday, April 23, 8:00pm

Early Bird: $36/adult, $18/child (ends April 9)

Late Registration: $45/adult, $20/child (ends April 16)

Register Here!

Youth Education and Programming--We want to know the needs of YOUR family.

The Youth Education and Programming Task Group is ready to start working. As we have learned from the strategic planning process--our decisions and recommendations should be based on data collected from the congregation.

We have heard from only 9 of the roughly 30 Beth David families with children ages 0-18! Let your voices and your ideas be heard! We really need your input in order to make valid recommendations to the congregation.

Please fill out this survey (https://forms.gle/Hepc7bcZbZZwqSrh8) so that there will be accurate and up-to-date data for the task group to analyze.

If you would like to be on the Task Group that analyzes the results of the surveys, you can indicate that in one of the survey answers. For questions or concerns, please contact Galya Greenberg at <planning@bethdavidwh.org>

Click HERE to view itinerary!

Mazel Tov to -

Barbara Ungar on the forthcoming wedding of a granddaughter.

Join our Beth David WhatsApp Community!

Need a plumber recommendation? Looking for guest housing in the eruv? Want a babysitter? Join the Beth David Schmooze and ask away!

The Beth David Schmooze is a new WhatsApp community for members to connect with each other, chat, ask for recommendations, and share updates.

Scan the QR code below to join, or CLICK HERE.

Please NO political statements, off-color jokes, lashon hara (gossip), etc.

Click here to see a video message to Beth David from some of the recipients of our care packages to soldiers in the IDF.

As the seasons are changing, the needs of the IDF are changing. Please log in below at the light blue box to support with a new list of needed supplies.

Please click this box to support this campaign.

We have been ending our Shabbat tefilot with HaTikvah since October 7. Some members have asked for a copy of the words. If you need, please clip this box and bring it with you to shul.

Click here for a Dvar Torah by Rabbi Marc Angel on this week's parsha.

The War

As Israel navigates the war against Hamas, and we celebrate the release of hostages, let us not forget those Israelis who paid the ultimate price. Please CLICK HERE for brief biographies of brothers and sister that have been lost.

From the Beth David Inbox -

From Elisha and Anat Rosenzweig

"As you can imagine, things here in Israel are challenging, but B"H we are doing fine, and Gd willing we will get out of this soon, and stronger for it.

anted to share that I've started to record a "war diary" of the Israel-Hamas war that is taking place these days around us, tracking how things evolve from our perspective. The point is to give people - especially those who are not Israeli, but want to gain a sense of how things are here, "on the ground" - a sense of what it feels like, as well as what are the personal, political and strategic forces at work. I'm not a reporter or an expert in anything related to this war. Just an informed citizen of the State of Israel, who has lived in this tiny country in the Middle East most of his life and so has (hopefully) a broad context within which to help place these events. So far I've done two episodes. I'll be trying to do these in a semi-daily manner."  Click here for Elisha's updates, and save the link.

Feel free to not only watch but also share with those you think would find this meaningful. 

Hope to see you soon, in quieter times, Elisha Rosenzweig and Family

In Pursuit of Information -

There is a massive amount of information filling our inboxes multiple times daily with updates from Washington, Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The Times of Israel is a source you might want to consider. Click Here.

Memorial Candle

Upcoming Yahrzeits

Martin Bland, Grandfather of Amy Mondschein

Herman Cohn, Father of Bonnie Wolfe

Claire Yaffa, Mother of Glenn Yaffa

Mark Gordon, Husband of Barbara Gordon

Alina Bacall, Mother of George Bacall

May their memories be bound in the Heavenly bond of life eternal.


Would you like to support Beth David

by donating to one (or more) of our charitable funds?

Click Here

to visit our Donations Page

for charitable opportunities.

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Office Administrator     office@bethdavidwh.org

Lior Krinsky, Director director@bethdavidwh.org

Rabbi Yitzchok Adler    rabbi@bethdavidwh.org

Beth David Synagogue 860-236-1241
