The Vines Community Association Newsletter

The Vines Community Association
VCA Rules and Regulations

Issue #149 - September 3, 2024

Board Meeting

The next Board meeting will be held on September 30 at the Estero Country Club and via Zoom. The Zoom link will be emailed to you by Pegasus 48 hours prior to the meeting.



Due to the lower percentage of residents who read last month's newsletter, much of the content in this month's edition will be reiterated. All updates are in bold print.

If you do not wish to receive the newsletter or are receiving duplicate copies at different e-mails, please e-mail Kathy Collins at with your request.

Rick Knox has resigned. Per a By-Law change in March 2021, there will be an election to select a VCA representative for Vintage Trace to serve the remainder of Rick's 2 year term (through March 2026).

Chip Strapp, VCA Vice President, is acting President.

Updated VCA Hurricane Preparation Guidelines can be found on the VCA website and with a direct link in this newsletter under Hurricane Preparations.

To access the VCA website, hit on the gold bar showing The Vines Community Association>About the Vines>Documents>Hurricane Preparation.

Under the Safety/Security news: Changes to the VCA Rules and Regulations Section 2, Barcodes and Section 7, Gate Access have been approved. Hit on the gold bar VCA Rules and Regulations. The area that has changes is in BOLD, the specific change is underlined.

Tax free hurricane supply week is NOW through September 6. View the ENGAGE ESTERO website (see link at bottom of newletter) for a complete list of items you can purchase tax free.

LABOR DAY TRASH PICKUP will be on Wednesday, September 4.

Volunteers needed (see more below).

All newsletter updates are in bold print.


Telephone number 239-454-8568

Pegasus's quest to improve their customer service is continuing with the addition of new employees and training.

Pegasus should be the first call you make if you have any issue regarding The Vines Community. Pegasus will, in turn, notifiy the appropriate VCA Board Member to discuss what has been done or what needs to be done to resolve any issue.

Pegasus has the contacts and expertise to handle all community issues. PLEASE BE RESPECTFUL OF OUR VOLUNTEER BOARD MEMBERS and refrain from contacting them prior to contacting Pegasus.

Please be aware that there are multiple websites and logins. One for the VCA and one for your specific community. Please contact Pegasus to get the information you need to access the VCA/your community website.

The VCA Newsletter

This newsletter is a short summary of what was presented by each Board Member at the most recent VCA Board meeting. When you see the "gold bar", throughout the newsletter, it is a direct link to "The Vines Community Association" website, or "VCA Rules and Regulations", "Hurricane Preparation Guidelines", "Financials" or "Rails to Trails" etc. Hit on the gold bar if you want to view the website/financials/related information.

There is a great deal of information on the VCA website as well as the Pegasus website which has links to VCA and your neighborhood documents/meeting minutes/financials/forms, etc. Please take time to look at the websites and review the information. Contact Pegasus at 239-454-8568 to confirm the username and password needed to access their portal.

A Friendly Reminder

Whether you live on Vintage Trace or in one of The Vines communities, there are rules and regulations which must be followed to provide the quality of community lifestyle and safety which are expected. Consequences for not following the VCA Rules and Regulations can include fines, suspension of bar codes and/or internet service.

Please take some time to familiarize yourself with the VCA Rules and Regulations. Specifically, Section 6 re: Flags and Section 19 re: Signs

As the national election approaches, it's important to remember that only real estate sales signs and legally required signs are permitted on resident property. Political signs or flags are not allowed.

VCA Rules and Regulations

Financial Statements

Chair - John Towey

To see the August financial report hit on the gold bar below.

The financing for the perimeter fencing option approved by the Board is explained in the link below (Perimeter Fencing - Opton 3 Financing)

Monthly Financial Report
Perimeter Fencing - Option 3 Financing

Volunteers Needed

The Board is seeking assistance. We require a long-range planning committee to gather information on potential future enhancements and improvements for our community. How do we envision our community in 5, 10, or 15 years? What changes should we anticipate? If you possess planning or financial expertise and are interested in shaping the future of The Vines Community, please contact Kathy Collins via email at

Also, please think about getting involved in your community. If you would like to represent your community as a Board Member, please reach out to your VCA or neighborhood Board Members. VCA and Community Board nominations and elections are in March.

Architectural Review Committee

Chair - Art Bowen

PLEASE NOTE: ARC Forms on the VCA website are for Vintage Trace homeowners only. Each of the neighborhoods have their own rules and regulations re: ARC and the forms can be found on your neighbhorhood website. If you need a Vintage Trace ARC form, hit on the gold bar below, go to About the VCA, go to Documents. If you need a neighborhood ARC, hit on the gold bar below and hit on your neighborhood or go to the Pegasus website for your neighborhood and go to forms.

All ARC requests for Vintage Trace and any of the neigborhoods should be e-mailed to

The Vines Community Association

Lake Bank Restoration

Chair - Bobby Dumont

Bobby Dumont and Cross Creek will be meeting with Silver Oaks President, Gail McCracken, to discuss the bank restoration project for that area. The lake bank restoration project will continue in late 2024 and 2025.


If you notice anything unusual, please report it to Pegasus. It's important to alert them about any occurrences that could affect our community. For instance, the 'floating island' depicted here was obstructing the water flow at the weir necessitating arrangements for its removal.


Chair - Art Bowen

Art Bowen and Bobby Dumont are organizing a meeting with COMCAST to allow residents to participate and determine how services can be improved.

We have a contract with Comcast for a bulk service. If you have problems with your internet/media contact Comcast at 888-266-2278.

Community Lighting

Chair - Bobby Dumont


The exteriors of the bollard lights will be cleaned. The expenses for replacing the island and front entrance lights will be incorporated into the 2025 budget.

Please be vigilant:

The heavy rains are leading to floods on the roads within our community. It's crucial for landscapers, homeowners, and the ECC to remain alert and ensure that storm drains are kept clear.

Landscaping and Irrigation

Chair - Linda Chain

To address the concerns of VCA residents: The Vines is supplied with irrigation water by ECC's water pumps and irrigation system. ECC has encountered multiple issues with their system leading to a substantial decrease in the water supply for VCA irrigation. ECC informed the VCA that a reduction in the water supply to The Vines was necessary due to these persistent issues. The problem has now been resolved and cooperation appreciated.

The hedges have been neatly trimmed (refer to Perimeter Fencing for more details), and the yearly pruning of the palms along Vintage Trace has been finished.

PLEASE ensure that neither you nor your landscaper dispose of yard waste at the weir. If your landscaper does not remove yard waste, Waste Management conducts horticultural pickups on Tuesdays. Yard waste should be neatly bundled and placed at the curb for collections.

Routine irrigation maintenance continues.

Community Relations

Chair - Mike Johnson

Certified letters will be sent to Walmart and Mister Carwash re: the condition of Nuthatch Lane road/landscaping and the pavers at The Vines Community main entrance and exit.

Pegasus will be contacting Mr. Carwash to request that they trim trees that are obstructing the view of our entrance sign on U.S. 41.

Hurricane Preparation

Chair - Mike Johnson

Now is the time to prepare. The VCA website, Hurricane Preparation Guidelines, have been updated and contain important information. Throughout the updated guidelines there are links to various other websites that will help you make a plan. Do it now while there is still time to review your options.

Hurricane Preparation Guidelines

Lake Water Quality

Chair - Bobby Dumont

Water quality has been an issue due to the formation of algae resulting from nutrient runoff and rain. Spraying of the algae and banks will be done more frequently.

Aerators continue to be monitored.

Perimeter Fencing

The perimeter repairs have begun. The first step, trimming the hedges 4-5 feet is complete. The next step is the tree service will remove any trees and limbs that are not in good shape or hinder the fence installlation or repair. They will also remove the end section of awabuki hedge at the cul de sac near the maintenance building. 160 calusas will be planted. The chain link fence will be repaired and then the plants needed to fill the spots that FPL made will be installed. The solid wall will not be removed until the new fencing and pillars are ready to be installed. This will shorten the amount of time we are totally exposed. Hopefully, when the new fencing is ready, the permits will have been received and we can complete this portion of the perimeter fencing project.

Estero Country Club is responsible for the repair of the fence at the northeast cul de sac of Vintage Trace (near the #2 green). The fence is scheduled to be repaired within the next two weeks. Hopefully, this will curb the trespassing issue from that location.

The chain link fence at Nuthatch Lane entrance/exit was damaged by Ian. After replacing the fence, the hedges were trimmed to ensure a safer entry and exit experience. When trimming was complete, the chain link fence was visible and the "look" was unacceptable. Upon review of the situation, it was determined that the fence didn't actually provide any additional security benefit. That fencing has been removed and is being stored to be used at another area.

July 29 Special Assessment Meeting: At the July 29 Special Assessment meeting, called 14 days in advance as required for a vote on an assessment, it was determined a revote was needed on the proposed options for perimeter fencing requiring all VCA Board Members to vote. As it was at the July 2nd meeting, Option 3 was approved. It was then determined that because of an additional quote and revisions to the original estimates by the vendors, no assessment would be required to complete the work. The Special Assessment meeting was then adjourned.

July 29 Monthly Board Meeting: The monthly VCA meeting was called to order and the agenda, according to the mandated 48 hour notice, was followed.

Approved Perimeter Fencing Option 3: The existing walls on either side of the guard house and small hedges in front of it will be removed. A new 8' tall black aluminum fence with pointy finials will replace those walls. Calusia hedge will be planted in front of that fencing. The new fence will have 24" charcoal color Simtek columns and 12" columns interspersed in the fence panels for a solid modern look. Where there is damaged chain link fence, it will be repaired or replaced. New plants will be placed in open areas and the Awabuki at the end of the hedge where the cul de sac is (toward Maintenance area) will be removed. There will be a new 6' tall Simtek fence around the lift station at Lost Creek Drive. The existing wooden barrier will be removed. If financially feasible, the same will be done at the Grand Palm Drive lift station. The Guard house will be painted white to match the clubhouse with charcoal trim. This plan minimizes the need for extensive landscaping, sod and possible irrigation repair which reduces the project cost.

A recap of Perimeter Wall/Fencing issue
Gate Access Information


Chair - Chip Strapp

Pegasus has recently issued a communication urging all residents to update their Gate Access profiles and information. There have been instances of guests and vendors entering the community with outdated access approvals. Residents are requested to review their profiles online or consult Dawn Foye at the Front Gate for assistance. (Hit on Gate Access Information above to find the form or go to the Pegasus website at to fill out the form on line)

Some changes to the VCA Rules and Regulations were approved. Section 2 Barcodes and Section 7 Gate Access have changes. The changed areas are in BOLD and the specific changes are underlined. Hit the gold bar at the bottom of this section. VCA Rules and Regulations.

Art Bowen/Art Camiolo have formed a committee to review signage and VCA Rules and Regulations in an effort to stop trespassing. This committee will also be investigating changes to the Gate Access app in order to provide a more effective process to welcome our guests. Please contact Art at if you have comments.

Plans are underway to refurbish community stop signs and neighborhood street signs along with the cleaning of Vintage Trace street gutters.

Be aware that some "trespassers" might be relatives or guests of residents/members. If guests are fishing, it must be on the resident side of the ponds and within sight of the residence where they are a guest.

For VCA residents, if you want to go on record with LCSO to report trespassers on your property, call the non-emegency LCSO number (239-477-1200) and request that the officer see you personally. Such reports are not a priority and it may take time for an officer to respond. Once an officer responds, they must see the trespassers on your property in order to process as a trespassing incident.

However, if you feel threatened or see damage being done, call 911. Do not confront trespassers, take pictures if possible.

VCA Rules and Regulations

Rails to Trails

VCA/ECC Coordinator - Bruce Ackerman

Latest Information on RTT 

The Rails to Trails information has been refreshed. For the most recent updates from August 4, 2024, please click the gold bar above.

Please continue to follow Facebook and Instagram pages and click the "like button" on RTT posts.

Your on-going support is important, please stay informed and involved.

Follow our Facebook and Instagram pages and click the “like” button on our posts.


Safe Trails Facebook Page
Safe Trails on Instagram

Another summer sunset

Another afternoon shower

Another day of Saharan dust in the clouds

Photos by Lisa Smith taken at The Vines

Help make your newsletter more interesting, please send photos to

Estero News

Visit our Website

Village of Estero Meetings - for monthly meeting dates and agendas please go to Village of Estero Website (link above)

Council Meetings - open to public. Meetings start at 9:30.

Planning, Zoning and Design Board meetings - open to public. Meetings start at 4:30.

  • Special Village Council Meetings, visit website for information
Visit our Website
  • UPCOMING EVENTS (for time and place please visit website listed above)
  • Lee Health Center at Coconut Point seminars

Important Contacts


Village of Estero

Your Councilmember is

Jon McClain


phone icon.JPG

Non-emergency police:


Hurricane hotline:



The Vines Community Association is managed by:

Pegasus Property Mgt.,

8840 Terrene Ct.

Bonita Springs, FL 34135


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