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Aug 11-17, 2024

Pray & Go Sign Up

Bible Reading Week 33

Mark 16//Psalm 37 

1 Thes. 1/Psalm 38 

1 Thes. 2/Psalm 39-40 

1 Thes. 3/Psalm 41 

1 Thes. 4/Psalm 42 

We are praying for 258 people

Because we believe Jesus is the Hope of the World, we unapologetically invite everyone to Courageously Follow Christ, Consistently Grow in Christ, Radically Love others in Christ, and Fearlessly Go on Mission for Christ.

50 | 30 | 4

Promotion Sunday is this week!

The Children's Ministry and Student Ministry will be welcoming new faces in preparation for another great school year. We are grateful for everyone who participates in shaping the hearts of young people!

Grief Share Information:

Fellowship - Aug 11 @ 5 -8 pm in the FLC

August 14 @ 4 pm or 6 pm

Glenna Applewhite's group begins in Rm 210

September 4 @ 6 pm

Bev Allen's group begins - Rm 215

"Hope for the Hurt Heart" - turning hurt into hope after losing a child.

This friendly group of loving people will walk beside you during a difficult time as you learn to manage your grief and restore your life after loss.

Register here

On the Horizon

Wednesday night activities begin September 4th

4 pm - Grief Share

5:30 - Family Meal

6 pm Grief Share

6:30 pm - adult classes & Bible study; adult choir

6:30 - youth, children and preschool activities

Ladies AM Bible study begins September 11 @ 9:30 am

The study the book of James. Find more details here

Prayer for the Nations - Mon Aug 12 @ 2 pm in Room 109

Ladies Game Night - Mon Aug 12 @ 6 pm in the FLC - all ages welcome!

Please enter thru the kitchen

Sonshiner Choir -Tues Aug 13 @ 1:30 pm to Primrose

Game Day - Thurs. Aug 15 @ 9 am in the FLC

Discover Your place in the Children's ministry. Swing by the display in the Commons to learn how you can shape children's hearts for Christ! Join us on the journey of guiding the next generation toward a deeper connection with their faith.

30 day emphasis on prayer and outward focus. Order the book at the Welcome Center, in your small group, or in the church office. $15 will be due when the books arrive. Study begins Sept 8.

Small Group Option at 9:15 am

A small group for Singles (20s-30s) meets in Room 108. The group is led by Gib Weaver. Spread the word!

Visit our giving page to enroll in online giving; tap the Abundant icon to give right away, or text baconheights to 73256 to receive a mobile link. Place checks or envelopes in the container by the Commons clock, or in the black drop boxes located near the Church Office.

Happy Birthday!

Don Savage 12

Jacob Kerr 13

Camilla Wideman 13

Payton Brown 15

Marcus Flores 15

Misty Ford 16

Kyle Johnston 16

Edith Callaway 17

Joyce Hewett 17

Sherry King 17

Becky Sanders-Beadles 17

Alice Smith 17 

Financial Information

July 30-Aug 5, 2024

Budget $26,088

Building $6,695

 Fiscal YTD Totals

(Begins April 1, 2024)

Budget $371,521

Building $79187


Loan Balance as of 7-22-2024


Bacon Heights extends sympathy to the Trent Gary and family in the loss of his father.


Reserve Altar flowers for 2024 in the church office with your $70 payment.

New Members: Aug 7 - Janet Fry

Text us your prayers - Scan the code to send us your prayer request via Gloo

Visit our website to view the LIVE sermon on Sunday -OR- on YouTube

Sermon notes are available on the You Version Bible app. Search "events" for Bacon Heights.

Text Opt In to 866-903-8841 for Gloo messages

Subscribe here to receive our Newsletter

Text baconheights to 73256 to Give

Ministry Links

806.795.5261  5110 54th St., Lubbock, TX 79414
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