May 2022
Dear Friends,

Over the past month, The Aslan Project has continued to make progress on the Rising Nurse Project and our in-country partnerships, including a new MOU recently signed with Ethiopia’s St. Paul Hospital Millennium Medical College.

From its opening in Addis Ababa in 1969, St. Paul has been closely affiliated with Ethiopia’s Ministry of Health and has long been regarded as a model for change within the country. Its new pediatric oncology unit is led by two expert pediatric hematologist-oncologists: Dr. Tadele Hailu, who completed his pediatric hematology-oncology (PHO) fellowship in Bangalore, India, and established the pediatric cancer program in Mekelle before moving to Addis, and Dr. Ali Mamude Dinkiye, who graduated from Aslan’s PHO fellowship program at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital in 2021. 
St. Paul is currently undertaking the largest health infrastructure project in Ethiopia – the building of what will become the country’s primary cancer center, with a capacity exceeding 250 beds, more than 50 of which will be dedicated to pediatrics.

Aslan’s partnership will be key to the hospital’s capacity to serve this tremendous anticipated patient load, as we prepare to launch our fourth fellowship program in Ethiopia to train additional PHO staff to join the St. Paul unit. As St. Paul's Chief of Pediatrics and Child Health, Dr. Tadele, shared when we executed the MOU:

"Sometimes words are weak to express gratitude and heartfelt appreciations. This agreement will cement our future collaboration in the developmental milestones of pediatric oncologic care across the country. . . . Aslan will be kept in the history books as far as pediatric cancer care is concerned."
Support Our Work
We look forward to our continued partnership with St. Paul Hospital, and we hope to share more good news in the coming weeks about our initiatives, including the Rising Nurse Project and a new retinoblastoma partnership. If you’d like to help us continue to change the story of childhood cancer care and survival in Ethiopia, please sign up to become a Legacy or monthly donor or make a one-time contribution by clicking the button below.
The Aslan Project 
1140 3rd Street NE - Suite 200 - Washington, DC 20002
The Aslan Project (EIN 45­5303190) is a tax ­exempt charity registered under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Financial reports are available upon request.