Chaptops Tactic: It Works!


The Chaptops Tactic Cyber Café in Tactic, Guatemala collected enough rental fees in June -- the third month of operation -- to cover local expenses: rent, wages, office supplies, utilities. And it's not necessary to rent a computer to benefit. Students who come to the café in person can use a computer for free and enjoy affordable printing.

We've proved that the business model works, and we're already talking to another group about setting up a rental program in a nearby town.

Congratulations to Guatemala Director Byron Cap, Facility Manager Oscar Buc, and many committed volunteers in Tactic! Thank you to Syngenta for donating the computers, and to many individual financial supporters!

Can you help us serve more students?

Financial Situation

We currently have about $4300 on hand. Since we haven't had any computer donations for a while, we will spend $660 to buy 20 scratch-and-dent laptops from the Kramden Institute. The clean-up and software installation will be done in Guatemala. Although a free computer is better than a $33 computer, it's a very good deal just the same. Thank you, Kramden friends, for helping out your baby sister! We look to you to see what's possible in our own work.

We estimate it would cost around $2500 to start up a new facility from scratch with donated computers. Setting an additional $500 aside for the first three months of operation, and subtracting $900 to buy and ship the Kramden computers leaves a barrel of red ink! And we have other projects in mind.

Please give a gift to help us spin up another Cyber Café in Alta Verapaz >>

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