Issue 110 May 2024

Featured Stories

In This Issue

A Woman's Guide For

Living Better Longer

In her national best selling novel "Ageless Aging," author Maddy Dychtwald provides helpful information on how women can live better longer.

Chillin' Out In London

Having visited all the major attractions in London, travel writer Don Mankin "chills out" exploring hidden gems around London.

Do We Need Travel Insurance?

Depending on where you go but travel insurance may be something

to consider. Money Lady Evelyn Preston provides some pointers.

Ask Larry: "Will I Live a Long, Healthy Life?"

Sorry, but just because your parents or grandparents lived a long life doesn't guarantee that you will. What's really important?

Life After Retiring?

Check out story "Listless In The Morning" by Cathy Fiorello. Her grandiose plans for retirement went up in smoke after her husband also retired. Selfish is not a bad word.

Be Kind To Each Other

Let me know what kind of stories you like to read in the Scoop, the leading digital publication and website for boomers and seniors in the San Francisco Bay Area. Feel free to share the Scoop with your family and friends. It's FREE.

For more stories and news about boomers and seniors, visit

National Best Seller

"Ageless Aging: A Woman's Guide On How To Live Better Longer"

By Maddy Dychtwald, author "Ageless Aging"

An Interview with Maddy Dychtwald by Larry Hayes

LH: What sparked your interest in longevity and aging?

As the co-founder of Age Wave, long considered North America’s leading think tank and consultancy on aging, longevity and retirement issues, I've spent much of my adult life researching these issues and interacting with some of the leading scientists, medical practitioners and academicians to discover their insider tips on how to live better longer.


While women have won the longevity lottery, living an average of six years longer than men, for most, the last decades of life can be plagued with a cascade of health challenges from the aches and pains of arthritis to heart disease and stroke to dementia. 

They may also feel socially isolated or a lack of purpose. In other words, women’s healthspans and lifespans are out of sync. What if there was a way for women to extend not only their longevity but their quality of life? I wanted to explore this territory and bring the answer to the tens of millions of women in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond so that they can live better longer.



"Long Term Care Insurance:

Dealing With The Claims Process

& Rate Increases"

By Hans Hug


Long Term Care Insurance is a unique product with a claims process unlike any other Insurance. In addition to that, due to often extreme premium volatility, keeping what you bought can certainly be a problem as double-digit rate increases have been the norm for quite some time.


To help consumers effectively understand and navigate both of these topics, I have committed my 26 years of LTC Insurance experience to paper and have written comprehensive guides both available through my website for one price--$48 for 7 documents.

Filing & Managing a Long Term Care Insurance Claim”

 You will receive 4 additional documents to help launch and manage

your claim.

"Dealing with Premium Rate Increases”

Solid advice on what to do and not to do when evaluating a rate increase notice.

Please visit my website where you will see details about all you will receive that will be of great help with both Claims and Rate Increases. Email:

"Chillin’ Out In London"

By Don Mankin, Travel Writer

I lie on my back on the cool grass, the sound of quacking ducks and raucous frisbee players wafting my way on the soft breeze drifting across the meadow. Sheer bliss! A welcome respite from the crowds cramming Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey and St Paul’s Cathedral.


Worn out from several days of tourist attractions and museums,

I was taking advantage of the unseasonably warm fall weather in London to do what I do best--exploring interesting, unfamiliar places on foot, quaffing the occasional ale, and reclining at every opportunity.

We had already visited the most popular tourist destinations in London and were looking for something different, something calming that would refresh my lagging spirits.


"Do We Really Need Travel Insurance?"

By Evelyn Preston, Money Lady


After Army and job stints around the world, my Aussie husband had no yen for travel. Nor did he have a passport, a long story of dual citizenship. When we married, he rooted in CA, U.S.A.

Our whole family decamped for the U.S. Virgin Islands for several months in the ‘60s and enjoyed vacationing in Hawaii in the ‘70s. I alone accompanied my kids offshore in the ‘80s. Our only setbacks were hilarious adventures. Ah, youth!

Fast forward to the now world of cruise ships and river boats, solo driving and cycling tours, Rhodes Scholars, safaris and adventure travel—seniors welcome! Even the aged and infirm cheerfully pack

up and go, go, go.



By Larry Hayes, A050 Publisher

"Will I Live a Long, Healthy Life?"

"My mother and grandparents both lived in

their 90s. I have their genes so, I will too, right?"

--Liz, San Francisco

When I ask people how important “genetics” is for living a long, healthy life, most believe it accounts for 50% or more.


However, latest research from Google’s Calico Labs contend

that 90% of our health and longevity is due to our lifestyle and environment. And only 10% by our genetics.


Sorry, Cathy but just because your parents or grandparents

lived a long life doesn’t necessarily mean that you will.


You probably have heard this many times before but it’s still

true: A healthy lifestyle is more important than your genes.

What you “eat and do” counts. Keep moving and doing!


Got a question or comment? Ask me anything. If I don't know the answer, I'll ask someone who does. Ask Larry is written by Larry Hayes, A050 publisher. Email: Visit:

Discover Resort-Style Living For The 55+ In San Jose, CA

Luxury properties, professionally landscaped, golf course views, city views, openness of the community, trees and waterfalls.

We have many properties for sale at The Villages Golf & Country Club in San Jose, CA. Resort-style senior living for the active adult 55+ years. Mid $400,000s to $1,000,000+.

To receive an exclusive tour of the community and preview selected properties, call Carla Griffin today. 408.274.8766.


Discover Chateau-Cupertino

Senior Independent Living Community With a Flair

Senior living doesn't get any better than living at 

Chateau-Cupertino whether you're in retirement or just ready for the next great phase of your life. Enjoy a home-life environment in your own senior apartment with three fresh served home-style meals daily. 

Housekeeping and laundry services, all basic utilities, great activity programs, game rooms and transportation--all included starting at $3,400 per month.

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, Cupertino is one of the best places to live in Northern CA--home to world famous Apple, Inc.

Come and see for yourself.  Chateau-Cupertino.

Call 408.446.4300. Or email:

I could've danced all night...

"Listless In The Morning"

By Cathy Fiorello


All of my adult life, I have started my day with a list of tasks, usually written, sometimes mental. I'm a goal-driven person and I measure my day’s success by how many of those morning listings I have accomplished by the end of the day.

But that was yesterday, a day that ended with a rousing sendoff from my final job. My retirement party was a smashing success. Management heaped words of praise upon me; colleagues wondered how they would carry on without me.

Then, citing “work tomorrow,” they drifted toward the door. But I could have danced all night. I had no place to go tomorrow; there was nothing I had to do. I would be listless in the morning.


How To Treat And Prevent

Headaches And Migraines

June is National Migraine And Headache Awareness Month


The goal of this month is to build awareness about migraines and headaches. Migraines are the second most common cause of disability in the world. Both headaches and migraines can cause a lot of pain and negatively impact your life. They can cause interruptions to your day and result in you having to rearrange your entire plans. Luckily, you can take several steps to treat and prevent headaches and migraines.


Symptoms of Headaches and Migraines

Headache symptoms include a slow onset of head pain, typically on both sides of the head. The pain is usually dull, mild to moderate, and may include pain in the neck and back of the head. Migraines are a type of headache. The main symptom of a migraine is severe pain on one side of the head. This pain is typically accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and increased sensitivity to light, noise, and odors. While the symptoms are similar, there is a difference between a headache and a migraine.


Treatment of Headaches and Migraines

Both headaches and migraines can be treated with rest. Other treatments depend on the cause of the headache or migraine. There are a variety of pain medicines that are targeted to treat headaches and migraines. Finally, trying to stay hydrated and eat healthily when you have a headache or migraine is essential.  


Prevention of Headaches and Migraines 

There are several steps you can take to try and prevent migraines or headaches. One way is to avoid dehydration which can cause headaches. Not getting enough sleep can also trigger headaches or migraines. Other environmental and dietary triggers vary from person to person and can cause migraines or headaches.


Overall, headaches and migraines can cause many problems in your day-to-day life. However, you can take steps to try and prevent them before they start. Work with you doctor to try and figure out a plan tailored for you.  


Physicians Medical Group of San Jose is the largest independent physician’s association in Santa Clara County. We have been part of the community for 40 years with more than 1,000 doctors in 460 offices plus we speak 30+ languages. Call 888-988-8682 or visit for more information.

Current Events

Senior Day At San Mateo County Fair

Fiesto Hall

1346 Saratoga Drive

San Mateo, CA

Thursday, June 6, 2024


40 senior related booths and information.

FREE admission

Enter gate 1(off South Delaware St) or gate 5 (off Saratoga Drive)

To Brighten Your Day, Check Out

John Donaghue's Latest Comics.

Go To:

Under Cardiac Arrest is a comic series starring a quirky couple loosely based on John Donaghue's parents. Besides thousands of followers online, UCA has been translated into greeting cards, shirts, mugs and a book.

Get The "Inside Scoop" On

Living a Longer Healthier Life

Published by A050, the Scoop is a free, online publication for boomers and seniors in the San Francisco Bay Area reaching over 100,000 across multiple platforms including the A050 website and social media. For editorial and advertising opportunities, email: Visit:

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