InterACT New York (c)
Fall  2017
Teen Mental Health Issues On the Rise


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InterACT and Teen Engagement
InterACT and Teen Engagement

I nterACT brings programs on Tolerance and Inclusiveness to Middle and High Schools in an attempt to combat the rise in hate incidents in our communities. 

Alicia B., Hannah S., Syndi B., and Hannah K.
 teach 800 Sacred Heart Academy students about the importance of treating classmates with kindness and respect.

So How Does This Work?
  •  School/Agency Administrator Contacts InterACT NY
  •  Topics and Scenarios are Chosen by School
  •  Scenarios are Performed by Trained InterACT Actors
  •  Interactive Discussions Lead by Mental Health Expert  following each Scenario
  •  Audience Members are Coached to Interact with Actors as  they Remain in Character
Why Interactive Drama-Based Education?
Drama has the power to transform the actors as well as the audience.  We shouldn't underestimate this powerful teaching tool to reach our students. It teaches cooperation, empathy, develops decision making skills, promotes the exchange of knowledge, builds confidence and self-esteem...       
                                              ~Chris Boudreault  


What is InterACT New York?             
InterACT New York is a unique education and training program founded by Fran Mendelowitz, LCSW. It utilizes dramatic enactments to raise awareness about challenging issues facing teens, and adults...  
About The Founder...
With master's degrees from Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary, Fran Mendelowitz has been facilitating groups, conducting workshops and sharing parenting and psychotherapy expertise for over 30 years. She is well-known by close to 1000 audiences for her engaging style and intelligent insights.  

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Fran Mendelowitz, LCSW | InterACT NY (c)  | 516-721-8436 ||