The thought of a New Year sparks hope in people. Here at Cypress, we hope this year brings you something you want, something you need, and something positive that you didn't expect.

But whatever the new year has in store, we’re here to support you. Whether you need assistance for yourself or a loved one, resources to continue providing care to someone or just answers to your questions,
we're here, 24/7.
New Years Resolution for Healthy Weight
If one of your New Year’s resolutions involves dieting or weight loss, you’re part of the vast majority of Americans who start each year with that goal in mind. Instead, we’d like to encourage you to think about participating in Healthy Weight Week, January 16th - 20th. Any mindset that promotes hunger, deprivation, and low self-esteem does more harm than good. For real benefits, focus on healthy eating and reasonable exercise goals. READ MORE
National Glaucoma Awareness Month
Most people assume glaucoma only affects older adults, but the truth is it can strike any age group. According to the Glaucoma Research Foundation, over 3 million Americans have glaucoma but only half know they have it. Aside from irreversible loss of vision, there are no symptoms, so annual eye exams are imperative! LEARN MORE
We Now Offer Affordable Healthcare Benefits For Caregivers!
January is a very exciting month for Cypress! For the first time we are able to offer affordable healthcare benefits to our caregivers!

We know how hard they work to provide the very best care for our clients and their families and so want to ensure that they have the resources to take care of themselves and their families too!
Keep Up With The Latest on Healthcare
Tune in to Health Futures - Taking Stock in YOU, every Friday at noon.
Managing Partner, Bob Roth, focuses the show on providing information and resources to assist older adults in living a happier, healthier life.
Cypress is dedicated to providing quality care through our caregivers but also to providing helpful and reliable information to the community at large.

Guest blogs and Bob Roth's monthly columns are great sources of information to help you keep up with what's going on in the community
and with some of the latest trends in healthcare.
A Fresh Start For New Beginnings
January is a perfect time to start thinking about the year ahead and consider making positive changes to improve your daily life and health. Whether you are looking for a support group, want to learn more about dementia or want to learn how to enhance your memory chances are Cypress has something for you. Check out our UPCOMING EVENTS for the month of January.
Holly Stearns
On Call Scheduler
“To me, my biggest accomplishment is when a client calls me after hours asking for help and when I am able to help them, this is very satisfying to me. At the end of the day this is what working for Cypress is all about.”
As the On Call Scheduler, Holly Stearns makes herself available every evening and weekend to personally handle any issues or staffing concerns that may come up after office hours. She has over 17 years of combined experience in healthcare and homecare which has well prepared her to work with our clients and caregivers. Holly enjoys helping people and solving problems to make a difference in their lives, which fits perfectly with her role at Cypress. When she isn’t working, Holly loves spending time with her family, both immediate and extended.
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