National Updates

Speakers Bureau Nominate yourself or someone else to be part of the inaugural AAJA Speakers Bureau, the first-ever AAPI focused listing of subject matter experts.


Board Election Results AAJA is proud to welcome the new slate of officers for the 2021-2022 term: Michelle Ye Hee Lee has been re-elected as President, Jin Ding is the VP-elect of Finance, and Julia B. Chan is the VP-elect of Civic Engagement. Learn more about the officers-elect here.

AAJA-Atlanta Election: Mallika Kallingal has been elected AAJA-Atlanta chapter president. She succeeds Willoughby Mariano, who has moved to Boston for her Nieman fellowship.


AAJA Visibility Fest (#AAJA20) Recordings Watch #AAJA20 featured sessions available to the public, including our opening and closing programs, covering the presidential campaign, BLM solidarity, press freedom in the Philippines, covering the disability community, and more.

AAJA-Asia New.Now.Next Media Conference (N3Con) 2020 Daily Recaps Congratulations to AAJA Asia on their virtual N3Con! Catch the highlights of N3Con here, featuring sustainable journalism business models, innovation in media career paths, press freedom in Asia, getting comfortable with data, and more.


"We demand better from the Philadelphia Inquirer" This is a joint statement issued by the Philadelphia chapters of the Asian American Journalists Association & National Association of Hispanic Journalists with the Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists to the boards of the Lenfest Institute and the Philadelphia Inquirer, to the publisher and executive leadership of the Inquirer and to the leadership at the Lenfest Institute. Read in full here.

Sen. Kamala Harris Coverage Guidance The Asian American Journalists Association (AAJA) and the South Asian Journalists Association (SAJA) urge contextualized and comprehensive news coverage around the racial identity of Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris. Read the guidance here.

AAJA-Asia Condems Arrest of Apple Daily Founder, Media Executives & Apple Daily Raid Read statement here.