For Immediate Release

Clean Water Indiana will receive $6 million for Protection of Indiana’s Natural Resources

Indianapolis, IN (April 28, 2023) - Today, the Indiana General Assembly approved an investment of $6 million dollars in the protection of Indiana’s natural resources through the Clean Water Indiana (CWI) program. The Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts applauds this historic increase in conservation funding for Indiana.

These funds will provide financial assistance to landowners and conservation groups throughout the state to help address local resource concerns. Clean Water Indiana is administered by the State Soil Conservation Board in conjunction with the Indiana State Department of Agriculture’s Division of Soil Conservation.

“We are thrilled that the efforts of our 92 Soil and Water Conservation Districts, together with the support of the State of Indiana Cooperative Invasives Management Initiative (SICIM), have resulted in more funding that will grant them opportunities to improve the quality of Indiana’s water resources, promote soil health, protect the health of forests, and leverage additional federal funding for our state,” says IASWCD Board President Jeff Baker. “These funds will enable Soil and Water Conservation Districts to provide more education and technical assistance in their communities.” 

IASWCD Legislative Committee Chair, Les Zimmerman states, “A big thank you to our Indiana State Legislature for providing a significant boost to funding for Clean Water Indiana. This investment in Indiana’s future will help ensure the productivity of our fields and forests over the long term. This funding enables everyone in the Indiana Conservation Partnership to use this historic opportunity to recommit to pursuing the goals of healthy soils, clean streams and lakes, healthy forests and abundant habitat for every living thing. Let the work begin.”

Each county in Indiana has a Soil and Water Conservation District. This $6 million dollar investment will be appropriated for Clean Water Indiana in each of the next two fiscal years (2023-24 and 2024-25). Through CWI’s competitive grant program, Indiana’s 92 Soil and Water Conservation Districts will be able to apply for these funds and provide more resources for conservation programs and practices at the local level, benefitting the Hoosier state at large.

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The Indiana Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts (IASWCD) works at a state level to promote, enhance and enable the conservation of Indiana's natural resources through legislative advocacy, public outreach, and support of Indiana’s 92-member Soil & Water Conservation Districts (SWCDs) in their locally-led efforts.

Press Contact:

Amy Work

Communications & Member Programs Manager



225 S. East St., Suite 142

Indianapolis, IN 46202
