Your Weekly Dose of #5ThoughtsFriday: A description of what we think is important at BIAMD
#5ThoughtsFriday is Powered By:
2022 BIAMD Annual Conference
"Moving Forward Together"
March 24-25th
Doubletree Pikesville

#5Thoughts Friday
Photo by Solen Feyissa from Pexels
Philip O’Keefe, a 62-year-old man from Australia who suffers from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), has made the first “direct-thought tweet,” having composed and posted it using only his thoughts due to a brain computer interface developed by neurotech startup Synchron.

“No need for keystrokes or voices. I created this tweet just by thinking it,” stated the tweet, which was posted to the account of Synchron CEO Thomas Oxley. 

no need for keystrokes or voices. I created this tweet just by thinking it. #helloworldbci

— Thomas Oxley (@tomoxl) December 23, 2021

O’Keefe then posted seven tweets replying to questions from Twitter users. “My hope is that I’m paving the way for people to tweet through thoughts,” the final one stated.

The Stentrode device was first implanted in April 2020 after O’Keefe’s condition worsened, leaving him unable to engage in work-related or other independent activities. 

The device was inserted through the jugular vein to avoid invasive brain surgery. It has since allowed him to reconnect with friends, family and colleagues via email. He can also play simple computer-based games, such as Solitaire.
CLICK HERE to read more on this exciting story.
January is National Winter Sports Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Awareness Month

2016 Health.Gov article stated that “about 30% of concussions in extreme sports occurred in snowboarding. Snow skiing was associated with about 25% of concussions.”

January is National Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month.
Winter sports like ice skating, ice hockey, sledding, skiing, snowboarding, and snowmobiling are a great way to have fun in the colder weather and get some fresh air and exerciseWhile remaining active during the winter is important, it can also be coupled with risks.

National Winter Sports TBI Awareness Month reminds us to protect our most important asset – the brain – no matter the weather. 

For More Information CLICK HERE.

At any given moment, your brain notes millions of observations: the music in your headphones, the temperature of your water as you sip it, the proximity of the stranger next to you on the subway. If you noticed every single thing the brain picks up on, you’d be overwhelmed in seconds. So, why aren’t you? What’s filtering the “good” information from the “unnecessary” information?

The brain, of course. Yet how the brain manages to filter sensory stimuli to let only the most important pass into conscious noticing is a long-standing mystery in neuroscience — but a discovery made earlier this year could unravel the enigma once and for all.

CLICK HERE for more on this emerging research.
Thanks to 'neuroplasticity', your brain can dramatically reprogramme itself after major damage.
Memory can be tricky. We assume that we’ll remember much more than we actually do. Then we run up against a moment of struggle, failing to pinpoint specific details of an event we’ve experienced, and we wonder how much of our lives we are fully taking in.

You might make a mistake because something you know doesn’t surface in the moment you need it; you have a frustrating, fuzzy sense of I should know that. Why does our ability to “record” sometimes fail us, and what can we do about it? 

Training your brain to remember better requires focus
What we think is a memory problem is often actually an attention problem.

As a neuroscientist and professor of psychology who studies attention, I’ve found that there are three critical things you must do to successfully remember something:
CLICK HERE to find out Dr. Jha's 3 things.
Webinar — What Families Need to Know About Planning for a Loved One with Special Needs

January 7, 2022
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Webinar attendees will come to understand what is involved in the planning process for a special needs family and the importance of preserving your loved one’s financial security and quality of life.

Presented by Elville and Associates’ Managing Principal and Lead Attorney Stephen R. Elville, this webinar is a broad reaching discussion about planning for their loved one with special needs.

To receive your personal link to attend ahead of time, please click here. Should you have questions ahead of time, please contact Community Relations Director Jeff Stauffer at 443.216.9626 x 117.
2) What We are Reading This Week
Amanda's Fall, with charming illustrations by Bijan Samaddar, depicts an event common in schools today. Young Amanda gets a concussion after falling and hitting her head during recess. While she can hear people talking, she cannot respond. Amanda is taken to a doctor for evaluation. Wisely, her parents ask for a prognosis, which in Amanda's case, is a good one. Author Kelly Darmofal offers readers her third book on TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury), encouraging parents and caretakers to alert schools and, hopefully, doctors when any child is concussed; side effects can then be ameliorated.

Studies show that Traumatic Brain Injuries represent the leading cause of death and disability in young adults in industrialized countries. According to the CDC, at least 564,000 children are seen each year for brain injury in hospital emergency departments and released.

CLICK HERE to see more.
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1) Quote We are Contemplating
“I think we build resilience to prepare for whatever adversity we’ll face. And we all face some adversity – we’re all living some form of Option B.”

Looking for Something fun to do in Maryland this weekend?

 Click the picture below and discover a world of possibilities!
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels



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 Thanks for reading! Have a wonderful weekend.