Digest #344
I'm writing this on Thursday, August 20, waiting for a possible notification to evacuate my home because of the nearby CZU Lightening Complex fires. Yikes! Who knows what the next few days will bring? We'll know more by the time you read this. I do know that preparing this digest is one way to feel "normal," so here it is.

We have news this week about (or from) Paystand, Scoot Science, Steve Blum, Bud Colligan, Poly, and Looker, but the topic that stands out for the current moment isn't about tech. Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County has just launched a Fire Response Fund. The funds will aid residents displaced by the CZU August Lightening Complex Fires. Learn more below.

Scroll down and start reading!
Sara Isenberg
Founder, Publisher, Editor-in-Chief
Santa Cruz Tech Beat

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