Digest #338

It didn't occur to me until this week that we've just completed a 3-part SBDC-related series of interviews. First, a few weeks ago, we introduced you to Brandon Napoli, Director of the local Small Business Development Development Center (SBDC). Then, we introduced you to Gerry Barañano, Program Director of SBDC's Tech Futures Group (TFG). This week, meet IP attorney Patrick Reilly (although I'm guessing many of you already know Patrick). Patrick is the founder of IP Society and is also an IP expert with TFG. Voila: SBDC interview series.

Feel good father-daughter story alert! Michael David Winery named their new wine "Going Viral" Merlot before the pandemic hit. But the timing of that name presented a huge problem. Find out why they went to market anyway, and how the winery is helping raise funds for a UCSC COVID-19 research lab.

Thank you so much to these renewing parters! We appreciate your support!
  • Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County
  • Bay Federal Credit Union
  • Baskin School of Engineering
Sara Isenberg
Founder, Publisher, Editor-in-Chief
Santa Cruz Tech Beat

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