Digest #312

You know how things generally go quiet over the holidays and then January wakes us up again. Here we go. It's 2020.

On Joby + Uber = Flying Taxi Service:
Uber said it would "join forces with Joby Aviation, a California-based aerospace company that has been working on electric aviation for over a decade. Joby is the first company to commit to Uber’s aggressive timetable to launch its flying taxi service by 2023."

On Fullpower + OPOS = Opioid Compliance Solution:
“Leveraging AI-innovation and Fullpower’s Sleep technology leadership, OPOS and Fullpower are delivering life-changing experiences that help manage one of the most challenging epidemics of the 2020 decade," says Fullpower CEO, Philippe Kahn.

There's more, so scroll down and see what's up.
Sara Isenberg
Founder, Publisher, Editor-in-Chief
Santa Cruz Tech Beat

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