UCSF Advanced Practice Providers May 2024

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APPs And The Chow Imagine Fund Pitch Event

UCSF Leadership Institute, in partnership with UCSF Health and UCSF School of Nursing held its Chow Imagine Fund Pitch Event on May 7, 2024. Throughout the event participants worked in small groups to

  • learn how to appropriately frame a problem and explore tools for innovative solution development
  • better understand the UCSF Health priorities, ongoing interventions and how to innovative projects can support these efforts
  • develop proposals for innovative approaches to address some of the most pressing priorities for UCSF Health where resources are already deployed and outcomes measured.

APPs who participated or project proposed

Karin Clifton, Keith Jabonillo, Emily Kelly, Brandon Sessler, Erika Wilson

  • Proposal: Simulation Mastery (and) Innovative Learning Education (SMILE) for APPs

Bethany Geleris, Rosalind De Lisser

  • Proposal: PRIDE for all voices: use existing communication and CREW-follower-ship tools to address the systemic issues causing burnout in a hierarchical workplace environment.

Gabriel Schwartz, Patricia Zendejas

  • Proposal: The Cancer Diagnostics Service: Improving cancer care access

Emily Tatel, Alisa Yee

  • Proposal: Lipstick Angels at Berkeley Outpatient Center

Receiving an award of $17,500 from the Chow Fund is the APP leadership team of Tara Valcarcel, Meg Schoettler, Hani Guttierez, Emilie Menard and Sarah Kabatt

Proposal: P.I.T.C.H Deck: Pediatric Interprofessional Teamwork for Communication in Healthcare: Addressing Burnout for APPs at Benioff Children's Hospital

Marilyn P. Chow received her BSN, MS and PhD at UCSF School of Nursing. She served many years on the UCSF Faculty in Department of Community Health Systems, but also as vice president of National Patient Care Services and Innovation at Kaiser Permanente, Director of the Robert Wood Johnson Nurse Executive Fellows Program and named as a "Living Legend" by the American Academy of Nursing, its highest honor, for her contributions to nursing workforce issues including nursing education, quality and credentialing. She is nationally recognized for dedicating her life to advancing nursing and patient care.

To learn more about this event and other Leadership Institute programs, email leadershipinstitute@ucsf.edu

Neonatal APP Presents at California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Conference

submitted by Erna Josiah-Davis, NNP

California Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics annual conference celebrated it 100 years as an organization. Michele Evan, NNP along with Maria Hetherton, RD's presented at the conference: “Evidenced-based Care to Optimize Growth of the VLBW Infant: A Team Approach”. It was a reflection on the evolution of how nutrition care for the tiniest patients continues to evolve. Thirty years ago, intravenous dextrose was the sole source of nutrition for days until TPN was initiated and lavage milk feeds started even later. Human milk fortifier was first introduced in 1984 and timing for initiation, type and use continue to be debated today. Preterm infant growth failure was common and its impact on neurodevelopment became a concern. The very low birthweight infant (VLBW) infant will have a 1.5 to 5-fold weight increase with the transition from total parenteral nutrition (TPN) to enteral nutrition (EN) to oral feeds before going home with their family. Standardized practice guidelines and evidenced based, updated care is proven to optimize the growth and developmental outcomes of these fragile infants. Michele and Maria's extensive and collaborative work focus on key concepts and how the RD and the medical team work together to make sure each infant’s individual needs are met throughout their NICU stay to discharge.

Psycho-Oncology Team Recognizes APP Emily Kantoff

submitted by Neha Goyal, PhD

Emily Kantoff is a psychiatric nurse practitioner who cares for patients with cancer using cognitive behavioral and existential psychotherapy and personalized medication management. She joined our Psycho-oncology team of psychologists as the first nurse practitioner and has been an incredible asset to our team and patients. She hit the ground running and has not looked back since.

UCSF School of Nursing Preceptor of the Month: Beverly Shoemaker

Beverly Shoemaker, NNP was selected to receive the UCSF SON preceptor award the month of May. Beverly has been a dedicated NNP and the backbone of the neonatal transport program for ages. She has trained 25 generations of NPs and developed the training curriculum for NNPs in their role on transport. We are grateful for her hard work, expert clinical care and mentorship, which will leave its mark on the NNP/APP group at Mission Bay for years to come. "Precepting students has been an important part of my clinical career" says Beverly.

BCH Oakland Helen Lau, CPNP Travels to Denver, Colorado with Poster

submitted by Tara Valcarcel, PNP

BCH Oakland PNP Helen Lau, Craniofacial Pediatric Nurse Practitioner presented a poster at the Annual Meeting for American Cleft Palate Craniofacial Association in Denver, Colorado. "The Role of Volunteers in Increasing Patient Satisfaction on Cleft and Craniofacial Teams" was a collaborative poster involving Helen Lau, CPNP, Carole Reilly, RN Coordinator, Jackie Kukoff, SLP, Prachi Shinglot BA and Alexander Lin, MD.

Beyond The Continental United States Mary Lesh, PNP

submitted by Megan Schoettler, PNP

Mary Lesh, PNP submitted a poster that was accepted by the World Federation of Hemophilia Congress in Madrid, Spain. "Practicing nursing is a great privilege. It is my honor to care for families and be a member of the UCSF community." Her poster highlighted Western States Regional Hemophilia Network Nursing Tele-Mentoring Program.

UCSF Leadership Institute Awards The Academy Certificate to 2 APP Leaders

UCSF Leadership Institute offers many Leadership programs and the The Academy for Healthcare Leadership is just one of them. The Academy is a six-month program for experienced health care managers, directors, or project or initiative managers who aspire to serve as a senior leader within a health care organi­zation. Both APP leaders Rossana Segovia, Admin Nurse Manager and Alisa Yee, Director of Operations, Adult Services successfully completed the Academy. Skills learned will prepare them to not only navigate an ever-changing, complex health care landscape, but also to lead, innovate, and improve the delivery of health care and patient care. Learn more about this and other Leadership Institute programs.


The APP Education Survey

The APP Education Committee created a survey to understand your educational purposes for future educational offerings. Completion of the survey takes less than 10 minutes. Click here so your voice can be heard by the Committee. Less than 75 responses from APPs have been received to date.

APP Education Stipends are Available for West and East Bay

If your abstract has been accepted or you've been asked to speak or panel at a conference, submit an application for reimbursement.

Pediatric Grand Rounds (West Bay)

Every Thursday 12-1PM

Zoom link. full schedule and archive videos.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

"Implications of molecular mimicry in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)" Presented Aaron Bodansky, MD

Thursday, May 23, 2024 "Brain Health in Newborns: All the way home" Presented by Steven Miller FRCPC, MDCM

Pediatric Grand Rounds (East Bay)

Every Tuesday 8-9AM

For Zoom login information, contact: Cristina Fernandez crfernandez@ucsf.edu, 510-428-3885 ext 4343. Full schedule and archived videos (Password: CHRCO).

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 TODAY

"Sounds of Success: Pediatric Audiology and Speech/Language pathology Perspectives" Presented by Molly Walker, MS, CCC-SLP, LSLS, Breanna Reed, Nicole Denny and Michelle Wong

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

"The Medical Evaluation of Possible Physical Abuse" Presented by James Crawford-Jakublak, MD, FAAP

APP Grand Rounds

May 14, 2024 12-1pm Zoom link TODAY

"Hemodynamics in Cardiac ICU"

Presenter: Cristina Sykes, AGNP-BC, AACC, CCRN-CSC

2 steps to Register in Advance

  1. Point your camera to QR code
  2. To claim 1-hour CEU for RN/NP/CRNA/CNM. Preregister at Nursing Connect.
  3. Search by title "Hemodynamic" or "Cardiac ICU" Category 2CME for PA does not require additional registration.

UC-Wide 3rd Annual Virtual Gerontology Nursing Symposium hosted by UCSF Friday May 17

In partnership between Clinical Nurse Specialists from UCSF, UC Davis, UCI and UCLA, this free education event for all UC nursing staff/students will take place on Friday May 17th, 2024 830-1pm. 4 BRN CEUs available if attend entire event.


Focus: Promoting older adult patient function and safety using the age-friendly health system 4M model

Register here. Registration instructions here. Contact Sasha Binford, Geriatrics CNS (Sasha.Binford@ucsf.edu) and/or Charlie Dharmasukrit, NPD Specialist (Charlie.Dharmasukrit@ucsf.edu), for more information.

Take A Step Towards Learning About Evidenced Based Practice (EBP)

The UCSF Leadership Institute has multiple learning opportunities for you to learn about evidence-based practice (EBP). Regardless of where you are in your EBP journey, we have something for you with these four different learning options. Review and register for your preferred course today! 


EBP Workshop Series - Micro-Learning Sessions (virtual) 

These workshops separate each of the EBP steps into digestible sessions. You can hand-pick which session you want or register for them all. This type of learning experience is great for those who need a refresher or just want to concentrate on honing specific EBP skills. This learning experience includes practice time with an EBP mentor Register here for one of the following sessions or search for “EBP Workshop Series - Micro-Learning Sessions” in Nursing Connect. 

  • 07/25/24 – PICOT
  • 08/21/24 – Searching
  • 09/05/24 – Critical Appraisal, Part 1
  • 10/24/24 – Critical Appraisal, Part 2
  • 11/21/24 – Implementation Strategies
  • 12/12/24 – Evaluating Outcomes/Dissemination 

Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice (virtual) 

This workshop provides the foundational concepts of the EBP process to answer a clinical question. Topics include clinical inquiry, PICOT, searching principles and strategies, critical appraisal, implementing and sustaining change, evaluating outcomes, and disseminating results. Register here for one of the following workshops or search for “Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice” in Nursing Connect. 

  • 07/24/24 – 9:00am-12:15pm (virtual)
  • 11/19/24 – 9:00am-12:15pm (virtual)

Email leadershipinstitute@ucsf.edu with any questions.


.APPNOTE go live May 14

There are improvements to the .APPNOTE smartform that will be going live on May 14, 2024 for the ED, inpatient and ambulatory settings. The new workflow aims to resolve compliance and efficiency challenges.

  • Time Spent and medical decision making statements are now built into the smartform. You no longer need to add this to your note separately.
  • Attestation of student documentation is now possible. When editing a note authored by an APP student or medical student, an attestation statement will automatically populate in the smartform.
  • By policy, UCSF APPs must document all clinical encounters in which they take part, even in a limited fashion. APPs are required to use .APPNOTE and indicate either independent or shared anytime they contribute to documentation (even for minor documentation).
  • Shared visits are defined as both the APP and physician making a significant contribution to patient care, both providers are from the same group, and provide care on the same day and the physician meets that bar for substantive portion
  • Either >50% of the total patient care time OR performed a substantive portion of the medical decision making, which is defined as making or approving the management plan for the number and complexity of problems addressed AND taking responsibility for the risks of complications and/or morbidity or mortality of patient management
  • Independent visits 100% of wRVU are attributed to the APP for shared visits 40% of wRVU are attributed to the APP and 0% to the physician.

Click here for tips sheets and Town Hall video recording.

Email APPAttendingShared@ucsf.edu with any questions about the new workflow or slides.

Other Inpatient APEX Changes--West Bay, East Bay and Marin

  • Patient-Facing Features

Notes in MyChart Bedside include Procedure, Consult, and Diagnosis Details

  • A patient will be noted as medically ready for discharge

When a patient has an active discharge order, the Ready Now button will be

automatically selected.

Click here for a full list of additional Inpatient APEX changes.

New Complexity Code G2211

G2211: Add-on code for visit complexity inherent to outpatient E&M visits associated with medical care services that service as the continuing focal point for all health care services and/or with medical care services that are part of ongoing care related to a patient's single, serious, or complex condition.

Applies to APPs and physicians who are

  • primary care providers
  • specialty providers providing ongoing care managing or monitoring a long-term disease/chronic condition.
  • can be reported with video visits
  • can be reported with telephone services

Cannot use G2211 when modifier 25 is used with an E&M code by the same provider. For more information click here.

Action Needed: 103NPs Please Read

NPs whose license has changed with the California Board of Registered Nursing to 103 or 104 must notify Office of Medical Affairs and Governance. For UCSF Health FAQ about AB890.

Renew your BLS, ACLS, and PALS

Don't wait to the last minute to renew your BLS, ACLS or PALS. Sign up for a course at any of the 45 locations throughout the bay area with Safety Training Seminars (STS). UCSF will cover the cost of the course (if required on your job description). Use NEW promo code: UCSFAP

Upon completion of the course, it is your responsibility to inform Office of Medical Staff Affairs and Governance by submitting the new certificate information using this link.


Service Animals for Patient and Their Companions at UCSF Health

Service Animals for patients and their companions are permitted in most public spaces at UCSF Medical Centers. If it is unclear whether someone’s dog is a service dog, you may ask for certain information using only two questions.

You may ask:

  • Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
  • What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?

You are not allowed to:

  • Request any documentation that the dog is registered, licensed, or certified as a service animal
  • Require that the dog demonstrate its task, or inquire about the nature of the person’s disability

Because service animals are not required to wear vests, a dog that is wearing a vest is not necessarily a service animal. The dog still needs to be trained to perform a task for a person with a disability to be a service animal.

Asking Someone to Remove Their Service Animal:

UCSF Health can ask someone to remove their service animal if:

  • The dog is not housebroken.
  • The dog is out of control, and the person cannot get the dog under control.

Sign up to receive the Disability Allies Newsletter


Inaugural Chief Medical Officer Newsletter

Team Connect is the first edition of the Adult Services Newsletter by Nerys Benfield (in photo, left), Interim Adult Services CMO and Women's Health CMO. Jenny Ta (in photo, right) is an executive assistant who will help ensure to keep Adult Services in the loop about all the latest developments unfolding within the organization. Click here to read the first edition.

New Masking Guidelines for West and East Bay

Effective May 1, 2024 for East Bay and May 6, 2024 for West Bay, face masks are required only in areas where direct patient care is delivered during the following time periods: During the annual respiratory viral season, from November 1 to April 30 and

During sustained periods of high community transmission of respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and influenza.

For full announcement and explanation of these guidelines click here. FAQs Masking guidelines are here. Whether you work in a clinical setting or not – is welcome to wear a mask at any time.

8th Annual UCSF Health Improvement Poster Symposium Friday, May 31

The opportunities to learn from each other, share best practices and innovations, and build a community for improvement work are critically important for our patients and the success of UCSF Health. An annual poster symposium provides a vehicle to recognize great work and foster our culture for continuous improvement. Attend the Improvement Poster Symposium on Friday, May 31, 2024, 3-5pm, at the Mission Bay Conference Center. Email ucsfhealthimprove@ucsf.edu with any questions.

Annual Policy Notification

UCSF provides an annual notification of important policies and guidelines to the UCSF community. This notification occurred on May 1, 2024 via email. These policies include UCSF PRIDE values, Violence and Bullying, Abusive conduct in the workplace and Ethical Values and standards of Ethical Conduct. Click here to read the policies and learn about the resources to support all employees.

BCH Oakland NPIII Applications Now Available

New to BCH Oakland NPs is the NPIII application. Click here to access the Oakland application. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.

85 APP Job Openings (West Bay and East Bay)

Click here for a full listing of West Bay job openings as of May 2024

Click here for a full listing of East Bay job openings as of May 2024


Press Ganey Comments About APPs

Neurosurgery: Dr. Jacques (Line) and NP Kim (Ly) were excellent.

ED: I received great care all around - NP Dinah (Elmesewdy) in the ER was extremely helpful and kept me informed only my ongoing treatment

Osher Center: (NP) Diana Rego and Dr Zhao gave me the best experience today. I'm so grateful for them.

Endocrine (Parnassus): Elizabeth Anderson (NP) is a phenomenal healthcare provider. She listens, explains things clearly, takes time to go over test results and discuss options. If I could, I'd recommend her for NP of the year (if such a thing existed). She's fantastic at her job.

OBGYN MZ: First time with Robin (Litt). I was comforted by her experience as a women's health NP

GU Med Onc: NP (Linda) McMullen has excellent knowledge and interpersonal skills.

General Surgery: NP Lien (Tran) was very thoughtful and kind as well as well informed.

APP Informatics Committee Outreach

Frustrated with APeX functionality? Wishing there was a quicker, more efficient way to do things? The APP Informatics Committee is here to help! The Informatics committee is made up of a dedicated group of advanced practice providers who can educate and assist with optimization of APeX. If you have an idea on how to improve APeX in your practice area, please email AdvancedPractice@ucsf.edu and you will be put in touch with an Informatics Committee member. 


UCSF Schwartz Rounds--Caring for the Caregiver

May 14, 2024 12-1pm Today

Parnassus N217 and Zoom (registration not required)

Lunch will be provided at Parnassus while supplies last.

Making it Happen: Honoring Patient & Family Wishes

Schwarz Rounds facilitate a discussion with a multidiscplinary panel of care team members to reflect on a selected case or theme. These Rounds offer healthcare providers a regularly scheduled time during your fast-paced work lives to openly and honestly discuss the social and emotional issues you face in caring for patients and families. The focus is on the human dimension of patient care. Read more here.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Since its inception in 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been a cornerstone of addressing the challenges faced by millions of Americans living with mental health and addiction. There are at least 7 UCSF sponsored events this month, for full schedule and resources by Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) click here.

Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network (BCAN) Walk May 18, 2024

Join team captain for the UCSF Just Go With The Flow, Krisztina Emodi, NP urology oncology, to raise funds and awareness about bladder cancer. 

The funds goes directly to the national organization BCAN to support young investigators, clinical trials, patient and caregivers, patient summits. Help UCSF's team with a donation or walk the event wearing BCAN's orange color. Saturday, May 18th from 9am -1pm (tentative schedule below). Breakfast: 9-10am, Walk: 10-1130ish (1-2 miles total on flat), Lunch to follow (optional). Location: Crane Cove Park 701-787 Illinois St. SF. Register in advance with this link.

Join the APP Wellness Committee

Share your ideas and thoughts about APP wellness with the APP committee. Contact Committee Chair Won Kim, NP (won.kim2@ucsf.edu) for more information.


Employee Apparel Program Stipend

New hires will receive and initial allotment of $250 and then annual stipend allotment of $140 thereafter (stipend amounts vary based on appointment percentage). Stipends do not roll over to the following fiscal year as they will expire prior to receive the following year's annual stipend. Uniforms are optional and you are not required to order or wear them, however you must continue to follow the general employee dress standards. For additional questions about the employee apparel program, email UCSFMedical@missionlinen.com

2024 AANP National Conference

UCSF APP Annika Ehrlich is planning an informal gathering for UCSF NPs at the AANP National Conference in Nashville, TN June 25-30, 2024. If you will attending, then contact her for further details: annika.ehrlich@ucsf.edu

 Conference registration information

Office Hours: Office of Advanced Practice Providers

Every 2nd Tuesday at noon and every 4th Wednesday at 8:00 AM

Meeting ID: 912 4155 9875 Password: 503138

Tuesday, May 14, 2024 12-1 PM TODAY

Host: Ivette Becerra-Ortiz, Chief of Advanced Practice

Wednesday, May 29, 2024 8-9 AM

Host: Kurstan del Rosario and Tara Valcarcel ,Director of Operations, Pediatric

The Office of Advanced Practice Providers is here to support you

Email us at advancedpractice@ucsf.edu

Read archived APP newsletters

Visit the UCSF APP website

Submit content to this newsletter

Christian Sendaydiego Administrative Assistant

Kurstan Del Rosario Senior Operations Analyst

Tara Valcarcel, MSN, RN, CPNP-PC Director, Pediatric Operations Advanced Practice Providers 

Roseanne "Rosie" Krauter, FNP-BC, CORLN Director of Clinical Systems

Brandon Sessler MMS,PA-C

Director of Professional Practice Fellowship Coordinator

Alisa Yee, MSN, ACNP-BC

Director, Adult Operations Advanced Practice Providers

Ivette Becerra-Ortiz, DNP, MPH, NP, RN, NEA-BC, C-PNP Chief of Advanced Practice Providers

UCSF Health PRIDE Values Professionalism • Respect • Integrity • Diversity • Excellence

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