Our goal is to build and sustain free housing that will support patients and their families in North Central Montana.
For many years, there has been a great need in our community for patient housing while receiving outpatient treatment. A patient housing facility has become our top priority.
Read inspiring highlights below!
Capital Campaign Address
As you may know, COVID-19 has been affecting the community in many ways.

In March, we announced that we would pause our capital campaign efforts and postpone our Spring 2020 ground breaking. We have paused our efforts but I want to assure you we are still working diligently behind the scenes to move this important project forward.

At this time, we have also made the difficult decision to cancel our Leaving a Legacy Gala annual event scheduled for October 23, 2020. Unfortunately, due to the limitations on social gatherings and concern for our attendees safety in these unknown times, we are unable to host our event this year. We are hopeful to reschedule in October 2021 when it is safe to do so and will reach out when we have additional details.

To-date, we have successfully raised over $2.3 million of the $3.4 million we need to build a new 12-unit Harold & Carmen Poulsen Legacy Housing facility to help meet the needs of our out-of-town patients. Your continued support directly helps cancer patients, children, family and fellow Montana rural neighbors, by reducing the financial burden and stress during their medical treatment, ultimately increasing the level of care and promoting overall health and wellness.

I want to take a moment to thank you for your support and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 406-771-3107.
Samantha Shinaberger                                               
Executive Director                              
Successful Matching Grant
A special thank you to Dr. Mark Seal and our generous donors for helping us reach our matching grant and raising over $20,000 for the Christine Ludlum Memorial/Nursing Excellence fund established by Dr. Mark Seal.

Donations received in Memory of Christine Ludlum/Honoring Nursing Excellence by:
  • Anderson Zurmuehlen
  • Barb Lankford
  • Brad Livingston
  • Charley and Jackie Frey
  • Cheryll Alt
  • Clayton Jones
  • Daniel and Madeline Carson
  • David and Betty Melby
  • David Richards
  • Donald Engellant
  • Donna White Winters
  • Douglas Allison
  • Dr. Bob and Dr. Nancy Maynard
  • Dr. Dave Engbrecht
  • Dr. Susan Avery
  • Earl and Karen Lee
  • Gary Willits
  • George McCabe
  • Great Falls Clinic
  • Gregory and Amber Pinski
  • Ian and Nancy Davidson
  • Jeffrey and Evelyn Sabo
  • Jennifer Buck
  • Jim Cory
  • John and Janet Ulias
  • Lanier Law Firm
  • Laurie Richards
  • Lisa Hossack
  • Marilyn Paradis
  • Michael and Deborah Mueller
  • Mildred, Laurie and David Richards
  • Milo Stubbs
  • Milton and Shirney Gray
  • Nancy Walter
  • Patti Jasinski
  • Randall and Sheryl Knowles
  • Reed Bassett
  • Robert and Terry Carney
  • Robert Lemoine
  • Ronald and Vicki Newmiller
  • Ryan and Elodie Rauscher
  • Samantha Shinaberger
  • Sara Walsh
  • Scott and Joni Rodger
  • Steve and Sharman Akre
  • Terrie Mazliah
  • Terrie Mazliah
  • Terry and Norene Nett
  • Terry Keel
  • Thomas and Cheryl Morris
  • Thomas and Patsy Worsley
  • Wyman and Dee Taylor
Read real-life stories about patients and families living in our Montana communities and how we can make a difference!
Share your story with us!
We could use your help! Due to COVID-19, we were unable to obtain a testimonial for the month.

Do you have a story to tell? Do you know someone who has had an experience they would like to share? Please submit your testimonial to Samantha at samantha.shinaberger@gfclinic.com. We would love to share your story and hear from you!
Check out upcoming events below!

Perkins grew up in Scranton, North Dakota and she quickly gained the attention of the local Twin Cities music scene by taking stages in several projects and bands she formed over the years. The most successful being her rock band, Scarlet Haze, which opened for Bon Jovi, amongst working with some of the music industry's most well-known acts. After a hiatus from performing, she made a musical comeback in 2014 by auditioning and appearing on season 6 of NBC's The Voice. Kat sailed to the finals with her coach Adam Levine and charted in the top 5 on iTunes several times with her stand-out performances on the show. She continues to go on military tours to perform for the troops overseas and continues to have sold out venues across America.

If you or someone you know is interested in purchasing a table or sponsorship opportunities for this event, please have them contact the Foundation. We are currently accepting live and silent auction items for this important event. We will announce more details as they become available.

If you are interested in donating or volunteering for the annual fundraiser, please call 406-771-3107 or email samantha.shinaberger@gfclinic.com.
Review updates on our current capital campaign efforts to build our patient housing facility here!
Current Campaign Status Update - 68% Completion!
Due to an unexpected escalation of the design and construction budget, our new campaign goal is now $3.4 million.

The Great Falls Clinic Legacy Foundation "Building Hope" Campaign surpassed the $2.3M mark and we are moving right along. Our capital campaign goal is $3.4M and with current funds, we are at 68% of our goal and we hope to break ground in the coming months on the proposed facility.

If you are interested in donating or volunteering for the Foundation, please call 406-771-3107, email samantha.shinaberger@gfclinic.com or click the button below.
How can you help?

Ask 5 of your friends to subscribe to this newsletter. Or share this newsletter on your social media!

To find out more information on how you can help, please call 406-771-3107 or email samantha.shinaberger@gfclinic.com.
April, May, June, July 2020 Donors
Here we recognize our donors for each month in the following month's newsletter. Below is a list of donor names that donated to our Foundation last month(s):
  • Alice Schultz
  • Allan and Tina Rabbitt
  • Amanda and Sean Murray
  • Anderson Zurmuehlen
  • ArmaCost Inc.
  • Ashleigh Heichelbech
  • Bob Ross
  • Bonnie Bryant
  • Brian Allison
  • Brittany Oenes
  • Camile Duffy
  • Cathy Christianson
  • Charley and Jackie Frey
  • Cheryl Klette
  • Claude and Doris Isaacs
  • Clayton Jones
  • Coldwell Realtors
  • Comfort Inn of Great Falls
  • Contract Flooring
  • Daniel and Madeline Carson
  • Danielle Kimmett
  • Danielle Mahn
  • David Richards
  • Dick Anderson Construction, Inc.
  • Donna White Winters
  • Douglas Wilson & Company
  • Dr. Thomas and Dena Warr
  • Ed and Karen Venetz
  • Edward and Merrilee Gomoll
  • Fabiola Hanser
  • Gary Willits
  • Gayle Mauler
  • Great Falls Clinic, LLP
  • Great Falls Tribune
  • Greg and Amber Pinski
  • Gregg and Malinda Pike
  • Heather Mullins
  • Heidi LePard
  • Jacob Wurz
  • James and Jill Tanner
  • Jennifer Buck
  • Jennifer Severyn
  • Jim Cory
  • JoAnn Dors
  • Joann Johnson
  • Justin and Jill Donaldson
  • Kathy Jenkins
  • Kendra and Dom Puckett
  • Kensie Butts
  • Kimberly Schwartz
  • Kit Robinson
  • Leisa Hotaling
  • Leo and Shirley Kindsvatter
  • Lindsey Kadner-DeBolt
  • Lisa Hossack
  • Lisa Railton
  • Madeline Stewart
  • Marci and Scott Lorio
  • Margaret Dailey
  • Mark and Martha Stolen
  • Dr. Mark Seal
  • Marshall & Mary Brondum Special Assistance Foundation Inc
  • Mary Lynch-Fanning
  • Mary McGivern
  • Meghan Ratliff
  • Melissa Kingsland
  • Michael and Deborah Mueller
  • Mildred and Laurie Richards
  • Milton and Shirney Gray
  • Miriam Walters
  • MRTE, Inc.
  • Pamela Chigbrow
  • Patsy Kirkhart
  • Patti Jasinski
  • Patty Bowman
  • Paula Walter
  • Reed Bassett
  • Rhetta Brandt
  • Robert Lemoine
  • Russell Davis
  • Ryan and Elodie Rauscher
  • Samantha Jean Shinaberger
  • Sara Murphy
  • Scott and Joni Rodger
  • Sheila Yuhas
  • Sun River Valley Homemakers Club
  • Dr. Susan Effertz & Charles Kuether
  • Sydney Norby
  • Teresa Stenlund
  • Terrie Mazliah
  • Terry and Norene Nett
  • Terry Keel
  • The Lanier Law Firm, P.C.
  • Thomas and Cheryl Morris
  • US Bank
  • Vicki Newmiller
  • WMK & Co. Inc.
  • Wyman and Dee Taylor
Copyright © 2019 Great Falls Clinic Legacy Foundation, All rights reserved.
501(c)3 non-profit organization | 47-4110464
406-771-3107 | www.gfclegacy.org