Friends & members:

Join us for a Garden Happy Hour as we share new and exciting updates!

We will enjoy hors d'ouevres, beverages, and most importantly, time together. You won't want to miss this very special event.

RSVP by October 7th
Recap: September Art Walk

The Art Walk at Davidson College in September took us to a number of the sculptures that are scattered around the campus. A special thank you goes to Julie Memrick, one of our newer members, who planned and guided the walk and provided participants with informative cell phone explanations and supplementary materials. 

Breakfast Club: Friday, October 8th at 9am
Join us for breakfast at The Egg in Davidson. Connect with new and old friends over coffee and conversation. We will plan to sit outside and wear a mask when moving around. Need a ride?

Medicare: "The Bad Decision Avoidance Program"
A Roundtable (Zoom) Discussion
Wednesday, October 20th from 1-2:30pm
Whether you are already on Medicare, joining soon, preparing for annual open enrollment (Oct 15 – Dec 7) or just have questions, DVN is pleased to announce this insightful educational program to help community members, spouses and volunteers “get it right.” This is a Zoom event presented by our partner firm, “KnowHow,” and our very own David Critchlow.

We realize that many of you are already on Medicare, but you may be struggling with or at least wondering about --

  • When to do what
  • Key differences between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage plans
  • Changing from Original Medicare or Medicare Advantage
  • Changing Medigap or Drug plans
  • Co-pays, deductibles, caps
  • Pre-existing conditions
  • Evaluating your options and myriad other issues

Walking Group: Friday, October 22nd at 9am
We are planning on going on a walkabout on/around the Greenway and/or town. Please let us know if you'd like to join and we will share meeting details. We will plan to stay on paved surfaces. All levels are welcome. Email Natalie at

Chair and Standing Yoga for Older Adults:
Tuesdays through November 16th at 9am on Zoom

Special for DVN Members*
DVN Members, join Laurie Walker, DVN volunteer, and Yoga for Seniors Instructor on Zoom for a Chair and Standing Stretch class. Enjoy gentle movements that relax and renew your body and spirit. All you need is a chair. No experience is required.
*Classes are free for DVN members.
MEMBERS: send an email to Laurie Walker at Let her know that you are a DVN member and she will send a Zoom link to her class.

FRIENDS of DVN: The first class is free! Send an email to Laurie and let her know you are a friend of DVN to get your code, if you'd like to give it a try! :)
Meet Thomas Fischer!
Tom has lived in Davidson for 19 years. He moved here from Savannah Georgia with his late wife. He is retired from working in hospital information technology. 
Tom is a widower, who is looking forward to the social aspects and meeting people through DVN. He is an avid golfer. If you see him at a social event, you might ask him where he enjoys hiking and riding his bike! Welcome, Tom!


To all members: We know you are talking about DVN to your friends because they tell us the nice things you say about us. Often, new members come to us because an existing member has shared their positive experiences. We feel you are our best recruiters and we would like to show you how much we appreciate it...
Beginning in September 2021, if a new member joins DVN because you referred them to us, YOU will receive a discount on your next year's renewal cost.
*$25 off a social membership or $50 off a full membership* 

Please just ask your referral to let us know you sent them to us OR you can call us to tell us that we may be hearing from them. Either way, if they join DVN, WE think THEY WIN AND we think YOU should WIN! The way we see it, DOUBLE WINS are the best. Thanks in advance for sharing your DVN experiences with others.

You may be surprised to know about all the services our DVN Members receive. Here’s just a few we offer for our members . . .

Transportation, gardening, light housekeeping, grocery shopping, meal prep, organization of documents, light handiwork, community events, healthy living seminars, lifting, hanging pictures, help with Medicare, Social Security, end of life planning issues, financial matters and bills review, patient savvy and other personal advocacy matters, help with technology (smart phones, remotes, computers), Coffee Chats, Lunches, Happy Hours, movies, games, Davidson College Events, friendly visits, moving heavy objects, changing light bulbs, learning activities, creative activities, company for taking walks and more! 

We are seeking passionate individuals to serve our members, behind the scenes and on our leadership team! Find out more information by emailing Ellen at

Have a recipe to share with DVN readers? Perhaps a family recipe or something you whip up as a yearly tradition? We would love to hear your recipes and stories behind why they are special to you. If you have something to share- appetizers, side dishes, mains, or desserts, we would love to hear from you! Email your submission to 

Protecting Yourself From Scams, Fraud, and Identity Theft
Here are just a few tips to keep your personal information safe and secure.
  • Avoid certain types of personal info in online profiles, like your exact birth date.

  • Remember that legitimate businesses will not ask for personal information through an unsecure source, such as via email. You can be confident that you are never required to give out any financial or personal information that is solicited over the phone, email, or any other channels you aren't completely familiar with (such as your real doctor's office, your actual insurance provider, and the like).

  • Keep close tabs on important documents, such as benefits and bank statements.

  • Be wary of links sent via social media or email or cell phone, particularly if they are threatening to cancel an account, stating your account has expired, or claiming you have won a large prize. Links and attachments can spread viruses and pave the way for scammers to access your personal information.

  • Beware of "dead air." A common sign of a phone scam are the moments of silence on the other end of the line when you answer the phone. Hang up before they can even connect.

  • If something seems confusing or not quite right, check with a trusted relative or friend who can help you navigate the specific situation.  
"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers." 
- L.M. Montgomery

When shopping on Amazon, go to the page before you shop and select "Davidson Village Network". A small donation will be made to DVN from Amazon for each purchase you make at no cost to you. Click here to shop on Amazon!