The Community Outreach committee is collecting funds to provide lunch Friday, June 9 for Summer Lunch Program at the Boys & Girls Club of Tipton County! 

Donate collectively as an office or individually!

Boys & Girls Club of Tipton County

'Summer Lunch Program' Fundraiser

Lunch Friday, June 9, 2023 - donate, or serve, or both!

Donating & available to help serve on Friday, June 9? Enter your name in 'Recognition Name' when making your donation! Just available to help serve? Send Britni Merrell an email!

DONATE TO THE CAMPAIGN - $300 initial goal!

The Community Outreach Committee - Tipton will be providing and helping service lunch during REALTOR® Volunteer Days on Friday June 9 for the Boys and Girls Club of Tipton County's Summer Lunch Program.

A minimum of $300 and 3 volunteers are needed for Friday, June 9. 

Able to serve lunch Friday, June 9? Email Brit:

Donations to Boys & Club of Tipton County will be used for the first Summer Lunch Program Friday on Friday, June 9 with additional funds supporting future Fridays or other programs - dependent on amount raised.

Want to support more Fridays? Additional Fridays can be sponsored for each $300 raised.

Thank You <3

Community Outreach

Britni Merrell, chair & Abby Miller, vice chair

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