TCNA General Fall Meeting

November 16, 7pm

Broadview Apartments

105 W 39th Street

Lower Level (Meeting and Game Room)


  • Update about the Hopkins Market and liquor license hours. The Hopkins Market has been invited to discuss their plans and answer questions from neighbors.
  • 39th Street REVISED calming plans
  • Calvert School updates about the Woods and the two story addition to the lower school
  • Crime updates

Reception after the meeting at Cypriana Restaurant

  • Light snacks will be provided by TCNA
  • Cash bar available
  • Great opportunity to catch up with neighbors and meet new neighbors.

Hopkins Market Updates

TCNA met with the owners of the Hopkins Market. We are currently working on a MOU with them that will address issues that have been raised by the neighborhood. One concern is the hours of liquor sales. The requested liquor license would allow sales from 6am to 2am and the delivery of liquor during those hours.

Johns Hopkins University, Senator Mary Washington, Delegate Maggie McIntosh, Councilwoman Odette Ramos have agreed to support TCNA in the effort to secure an MOU.

There is currently no scheduled date for a Liquor Board hearing. More will be discussed at the TCNA general meeting on November 16.

To contact Lu and Andy Parsley (Co-chairs of the Hopkins Market Committee) CLICK HERE.

Calvert's Cooling Tower Update #7

Weather permitting, the fence around the cooling tower will be completed by week’s end or by early next week at the latest. The additional trees around the fence and the replacement trees for the ones that died in the summer will be planted sometime soon.

Armed Robbery by Suspects in Stolen Vehicle

On October 24 at 11:30pm, JHU affiliate was walking in the 100 block of West University Parkway, within the Homewood campus area, when three assailants armed with handguns forced the affiliate into their vehicle. The subjects then drove the victim to multiple ATMs, and forced the victim to make cash withdrawals before releasing the victim. There have been several other similar robberies in near-by neighborhoods.

Tuscany-Canterbury is working with Johns Hopkins and Northern District police to provide additional support. In response to these crimes, Johns Hopkins immediately altered its public safety deployment to provide an increased presence and focus on the areas that have been most impacted by these incidents. Community members should know about and expect to see an increased visible presence of Johns Hopkins Public Safety, Baltimore City Police, and Allied Universal officers on and around our Homewood campus. These officers will be patrolling both in vehicles and on foot 24-7.


More information and a map of these recent incidents CLICK HERE

This Weekend

Trash Makeup Day for Tuscany-Canterbury

Saturday, November 12

Trash was not picked-up on Tuesday due to the Election Day holiday.

Shred Event Rescheduled!

November 12

The last Shred Events in our district had to be canceled because of severe weather. It is rescheduled for November 12th! If you still have your bags of shredding, bring them to old Eastern High School (now JHU at Eastern) for DPW to shred them! 

The Book Thing

Browsing Day

November 12

The Book Thing is hosting its monthly browsing day Saturday, November 12 starting at 9am. Donations are accepted up till 2pm and last entrance for browsing is 4pm. See all the details here.

Saturday, November 12

1:00 pm

Roland Park Library

Storyteller: Mama Edie

In November 2023, the National Association of Black Storytellers hosts their annual conference in Baltimore. Through their Adopt-a-Teller program, the Pratt Library will host storytellers from around the nation to share a wealth of stories that celebrate African-centered traditions from around the world. These programs are sponsored by the National Endowment of the Arts and the Nora Roberts Foundation.

The TCNA full newsletter for November and December will be emailed on December 2.

Click here to contact TCNA