Welcome to November 2023!
It means so much that you've chosen to spend a few moments with me today. Go grab a cuppa your favorite beverage and let's sit, chat and dream for a little while.
Today we have the Top 20 Best Sellers lists for you to enjoy. There are a few new and pleasant surprises, I think. So, if you're not into reading my "rambling thoughts" I will certainly understand if you skip it and scroll on down to check out the "Tops".
As the trees and fall foliage put on their final show and prepare for their winter rest, I am reminded once again to slow down, to observe, to breathe in the natural, glorious splendor of this life. It was all here before me and it will continue after I am long gone. What a gift I have been given to behold this beauty in this moment. My sincere wish for you today and this coming week is that you give yourself this gift as well. Slow down. Breathe in the natural, glorious splendor of this life in in a new or old favorite outdoor place. Allow your heart to hold those precious, beautiful, peaceful moments as you prepare for the coming winter season. It's a precious, priceless gift and it's out there just waiting for you to accept it, breathe it in and treasure it--but don't wait too long. Time waits for no one--speaking of which, I hope you remembered to change your clock and "Fall back" today. I also hope you will claim your priceless gift of presence in this sensationally beautiful season: AMAZING AUTUMN. You are so worthy, so loved and so needed in this life.
Until next time...there's sew much to be thankful for,
Tracy & Jeff Chapman
We've been SewThankful for you since 2000!