March 11, 2023


This past week I was offered renewal of my yearly contract with Monadnock Radio Broadcasting Group. I found the terms unacceptable.


Wondrous Roots - Your Health from the Ground UP radio broadcast

Will Continue!

Moving forward I will be using an Internet talk radio platform that will enable me to do all of this myself.

I will still be able to:

Have Guests

Receive Calls

You will still be able to:


Call In to Talk

My only regret is that my many local listeners who listen only on the radio and do not use the Internet will be left out. I will miss their calls, talking with them, and regret that they will be cut off from the information I share that interests them. For that, I am sad.


I should be able to have the new Wondrous Roots "Studio" up and running for next week. I'll let you know in the newsletter next Saturday.

Otherwise, on my mind today...

Black Seed Oil & Colon Cancer

Bounteously Beneficial Black Seed Oil

I know I've talked about this many times, but just recently a client alerted me to science demonstrating its use for Hashimoto's thyroiditis. I was thrilled and will be recommending this for my clients with that health condition.

Black Seed Oil & the Thyroid
16 More Reasons Black Seed is the "Remedy for Everything but Death"
Anticancer Activities of Nigella sativa (Black Cumin)

Fermented Pickles Benefit the Gut, Skin, Brain & More

Pickles are easy to make using just a few ingredients, but the way you make them indicates the type of pickle you will get. Fermented pickles in particular can be a great fermented food choice.

Learn More
Learn More

4 Artificial Sweeteners Linked to 'Nightmare Bacteria'

Synthetic sweeteners have been linked to a wide range of health problems, with over 80 documented on the GreenMedInfo database, alone. The various mechanisms of their toxicity, however, have not yet been fully elucidated. A new study raises a disturbing possibility that these widely consumed chemicals are driving otherwise 'good bacteria' into developing potentially lethal antibiotic resistance through a gut-mediated process. 

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Shepherd's Pie Potato Bowls

These look absolutely yummy. We will be doing this sometime this week!

Get the Recipe
Click Here for a Delightful Moment!

"You have more power than you know..."

Power Up! at Wondrous Roots

Open store hours 9:30-5 M-F

Consultation by appointment
