March 30 2024

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Spring is a time of renewal and new beginnings.

Thanks to you, so far this year, 43 pets have been given a new chance for life, and 43 families have had their hope renewed.

You truly have been a blessing to these wonderful cats and dogs and the people who love them.

We look forward to warmer days ahead when we can connect at some area events. Sign up as a Volunteer to help share our love.

Join us so we can thank you in person.

Protect Your Pets from these Spring Beauties

Easter Lilies are beautiful, and the smell can be intoxicating.

You may have heard that they can be poisonous to cats. But did you know they don't have to eat it to be harmed? And it's not just Easter Lilies. All lilies can kill your cat.

The FDA tells us, "The entire lily plant is toxic: the stem, leaves, flowers, pollen, and even the water in a vase. Eating just a small amount of a leaf or flower petal, licking a few pollen grains off its fur while grooming, or drinking the water from the vase can cause your cat to develop fatal kidney failure in less than 3 days."

Poisoning is less common in dogs. Many will get an upset stomach if they ingest the plant. But it can cause kidney problems in some.

Since cats are curious and amazing climbers, keeping lilies out of your home and even your yard is best.

Spring is a beautiful time of the year, and your pets want to celebrate with you. But admire these flowers from afar and do your best to "Lily Proof" your home. Celebrate spring by choosing daffodils or tulips for your Easter Centerpiece instead.


Watch Some of Chloe's Remarkable Journey of Hope

We have all heard the expression, "It takes a village." Well, in Chloe's case, it is the truth. You see, Chloe was born with legs that didn't work right. She couldn't walk normally, and even standing was painful.

This adorable pup was discarded by humans when they discovered she wasn't perfect. She was left unwanted. Unloved. Left to suffer.

Until an angel finds her and knows Chloe is worthy of the love she deserves. She deserved to be given a chance. She deserved to run and to play. She deserved to be out of pain and suffering.

Chloe was given this new life thanks to her adopted mom, skilled veterinarians, talented rehab specialists, and by YOU.

You have changed not only Chloe's life but also that of her remarkable care team. Read her Love Story to discover how your compassion has transformed lives.

Read Chloe's Love Story

Be Part of Someone's Village


Solar Eclipse of the Heart

Protect your eyes and the love shared by a family and their pet. To get these commemorative glasses go to Veterinary Alternatives! 

21 E. Ridgeway Dr, Centerville Text Link

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