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JUNE 2024


Will You Stand With a Nation of Grassroots Conservatives to Save Our Country in November?

We can and MUST do a better job of exercising our right and duty to protect our nation from those who are working to destroy it.

There are strong forces within the Republican Party working to completely eliminate the Grassroots Movement in Texas and the country. We, you and me, the very foundation upon which our system of government is built, are the Grassroots. Yet, less than 20% of Montgomery County voters selected our candidates in the Primary and fewer than 6% chose our Sheriff in the Runoff Election.

We need more Conservative Republicans to get to the polls if we’re going to take back our country. We have the single most important election in modern history coming up in November. This election will decide the course of our nation: the return to greatness or the surrender to utter destruction. Texas voters will lead the way, making your individual vote one of the most important votes you will ever cast.

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Swamp the Vote! Help Register Voters & Pledge to Vote

Republicans must win – and we must use EVERY appropriate tool available to beat the Democrats in November. We need to register every Republican in Montgomery County before the November election to offset Democrat votes in Harris County and ensure a huge win for President Donald Trump, Senator Ted Cruz, and Republicans down the ballot.

November 5th will be here before you know it! We encourage you to share the links below with your Republican family members, friends, and members of your church.

Register to Vote
Swamp the Vote
Party Platform Comparison
Comparación de Plataformas Partidarias
Help Ted Cruz Keep Texas Red
Join Trump Force 47
Local MAGA Rallies

Protect the Vote! Become a Poll Watcher

According to a March 13 poll from Rasmussen Reports, 75% of Americans, including 69% of Black voters and 60% of Democrats, support Voter ID requirements and efforts to prevent voter fraud. The Republican National Committee (RNC) is recruiting thousands of poll watchers and filing lawsuits in key states across the country, including Texas, ahead of the November Presidential Election. Join the fight to protect the vote in November!

Protect the Vote

Montgomery County

Covered in Prayer and Ready for the Fight

The June 18th Ceremonial Swearing-in and 2nd Annual Armor of God Prayer Event was a momentous occasion as many gathered for an evening of prayer and celebration.

Senator Brandon Creighton served as the keynote speaker and performed the swearing-in of new County Chairman Gwen Withrow, along with the incoming Precinct Chairs who will be serving for the next two years. Covered in prayer and ready for the fight, we thank all who attended and look forward to working together to defend Texas and save this great nation!

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Welcome New Precinct Chairs!

Newly sworn-in Precinct Chairs are hitting the ground running to prepare for the November Election to elect Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and Republicans all the way down the ballot! They held their Organizational Meeting, the first meeting of the 2024-2026 biennium, on June 22. Bylaws were adopted and Party Officers, Steering Committee members, and several committee chairs were elected. Contact your Precinct Chair for information about how you can help get out the vote in your neighborhood!

Read more about the Organizational Meeting

2024-2026 Bylaws

Party Leadership

Find Your Precinct Chair

Let's Roll, We Have a Country to Save!

Inaugural message from Montgomery County Republican Party Chair Gwen Withrow

Saving our nation depends on getting out the vote in November. We absolutely must deliver the largest turnout for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and all of our Republican candidates this county has ever experienced. Our future as a freedom-loving Republic demands no less from each of us. There is important work to do. We are standing together and making this nation Great Again. In the words of Todd Beamer—LET’S ROLL. We have a country to save!

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Conroe Runoff Victors Chosen by 10% of Voters

In the June 15 Runoff Election, Conroe voters elected Duke Coon for mayor, David Hairel for City Council Place 1, and Shana Arthur for City Council Place 2. Of 62,259 eligible Conroe voters, only 6,676 made it to the polls for this important Runoff Election to determine the future of Conroe!

The Montgomery County Republican Party is focused on getting Republican voters to the polls and providing education on the importance of participating in local elections. Please forward this email to your family and friends, and encourage them to share it with others and subscribe!

View Election Results


Making Texas Great Again

Texas House Representatives Nate Schatzline (HD 39), Brian Harrison (HD 10), Steve Toth (HD 15), and Tony Tinderholt (HD 94) were censured by the Texas House Republican Caucus on June 10 for campaigning for Conservative Republicans against left-leaning incumbents who make up the Austin Uniparty.

The complaint was filed on the way out the door by Representative Glenn Rogers (HD 60), who was defeated in the Primary, but the censure has had the opposite effect of what Rogers intended.

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Republican Party of Texas Releases Rules and Legislative Priorities Voting Results

The Republican Party of Texas has released the updated Rules and Legislative Priorities voting results from the 2024 Convention in San Antonio. Previously released were the Party Platform and Legislative Priorities.

Unlike Texas Democrats, Republicans in Texas maintained a strong quorum throughout their convention with a 97% voting strength, 75% of Senate Districts present, and 65% of seated delegates voting. Close to 10,000 delegates attended the convention.

Rules Committee Shakes Things Up at the Texas GOP Convention

Notable changes were made to the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Rules at this year's State Convention in San Antonio. First, the Rules Committee voted to close the Primary, which will make it much harder for Democrats to cross over and help elect the most moderate Republicans on the ballot. They also tightened up the censure process to ensure that Republican elected officials' actions line up with our Party Platform. But will the rules be enforced?

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Take Action! Austin Uniparty Seeking to Water Down GOP Legislative Priorities

A message from Republican Party of Texas Chairman Abraham George

The Austin Uniparty is trying to advance alternative policies in lieu of the Texas GOP Legislative Priorities chosen by close to 10,000 Republican delegates to the State Convention. Members of Speaker Dade Phelan’s leadership team are trying to protect Democrat chairs, while Grassroots Republican voters are eager to unite and work to defeat the Democrats in November. I strongly encourage you to ask your Texas House Representative to stop this practice.

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Mark Your Calendar!

Watch for the Republican Party Float in the South County Fourth of July Parade

Put on your red, white, and blue, and get a prime viewing spot for the South County Fourth of July Parade, 9-11am, July 4th in The Woodlands. The parade features marching bands, fire engines, and floats, including the Montgomery County Republican Party float! This will be a great opportunity to reach more Republican voters as we work to storm the polls in November. There's lots to do! Click below if you'd like to help.


Mark Your Calendar!

  • June 29: Ted Cruz for Senate Door Launch
  • July 4: South County Fourth of July Parade & Republican Party Float
  • July 11: Tentative Steering Committee Meeting
  • July 23: Tentative Montgomery County Republican Party CEC Meeting

Visit our calendar for details about events listed above.

View Calendar


Welcome to the Montgomery County Republican Party

We are a diverse group of volunteers dedicated to preserving the freedoms given to us by God, implemented by our Founding Fathers, and embodied in the Constitution. Republicans continue to be the party of hope and opportunity because we stand for freedom and liberty for all Americans. We support Conservative Republicans to allow Montgomery County to be a safeguard for the Constitutional principles and values upon which our great country and state were founded.

Our Team




Donate to Safeguard Our Freedoms

Every donation makes an impact. With your financial support,

we can continue to defend Conservative values in Montgomery County.

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Paid for by the Montgomery County Republican Party of Texas. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.